Python | sympy . smooth()方法

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/python-sympy-smooth-method/

借助sympy . smooth()方法,我们可以求出给定数的光滑度和幂光滑度。一个数的光滑度是它的最大质因数,幂光滑度是它的最大除数。

句法: 流畅度(n)

参数: n–表示计算平滑度和幂平滑度的数值。

返回: 返回给定数字的光滑度和幂光滑度的元组。


# import smoothness() method from sympy
from sympy.ntheory.factor_ import smoothness

n = 64

# Use smoothness() method 
smoothness_n, power_smoothness_n = smoothness(n) 

print("The smoothness and power-smoothness of {} is {} and {} respectively".
      format(n, smoothness_n, power_smoothness_n))


The smoothness and power-smoothness of 64 is 2 and 64 respectively

例 2:

from sympy.ntheory.factor_ import smoothness

n = 2**4 * 13

# Use smoothness() method 
smoothness_n, power_smoothness_n = smoothness(n) 

print("The smoothness and power-smoothness of {} is {} and {} respectively".
      format(n, smoothness_n, power_smoothness_n))


The smoothness and power-smoothness of 208 is 13 and 16 respectively