
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/Moore-and-mealy-machines-to-product-a-b-c-on-inputs-end-with-10-or-with-11-else-other/

先决条件:米莱和摩尔机器米莱机器和摩尔机器的区别问题:以{0,1}上的一组所有字符串作为输入,如果输入以“10”结尾,则产生“A”作为输出的机器的构造,或者如果输入以“11”结尾,则产生“B”作为输出的机器的构造。 假设:

Ε = {0, 1} and 
Δ = {A, B, C}  


说明: 所需的摩尔机构造如下:



摩尔机到美利机的转换: 以上摩尔机以{0,1}上的一组所有字符串为输入,如果输入以‘10’结尾,则产生‘A’作为输出,如果输入以‘11’结尾,则产生‘B’作为输出,否则产生‘C’作为输出。 现在我们需要把上面摩尔机的过渡图转换成等效的 Mealy 机过渡图。


  • Step-1: Formation of State Transition Table of the above Moore machine- In the above transition table, States ‘W’, ‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ are kept in the first column which on getting ‘0’ as the input it transits to ‘W’, ‘Z’, ‘Z’ and ‘W’ states respectively, kept in the second column and on getting ‘1’ as the input it transits to ‘X’, ‘Y’, ‘Y’ and ‘X’ states respectively, kept in the third column and In the fourth column under Δ, there are corresponding outputs of the first column states. In the table, An arrow (→) indicates the initial state.
  • Step-2: Formation of Transition Table for Mealy machine from above Transition Table of Moore machine- Below transition table is going to be formed with the help of the above table and its entries just by using the corresponding output of the states of the first column and placing them in the second and third column accordingly. In the above table, the states in the first column like ‘W’ on getting ‘0’ as the input it goes to a state ‘W’ and gives ‘C’ as the output and on getting ‘1’ as the input it goes to the state ‘X’ and gives ‘C’ as the output and so on for the remaining states in the first column. In the table, An arrow (→) indicates the initial state.
  • 第三步:最后我们可以借助上面的转换表来形成 Mealy 机器的状态转换图。 如下图所示- 以上美利机器将{0,1}上的所有字符串集作为输入,如果输入以“10”结尾,则产生“A”作为输出,如果输入以“11”结尾,则产生“B”作为输出,否则产生“C”作为输出。
