
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/地图应用和熊猫应用方法的区别/

熊猫库被广泛用于数据处理和分析。map()applymap()apply() 的方法都是熊猫库的方法。

applymap() 方法只适用于熊猫数据帧,其中函数被单独应用于每个元素。

apply() 方法可以应用于序列和数据帧,其中函数可以基于所提供的函数类型应用于序列和单个元素。

map() 方法仅适用于熊猫系列,其中要应用的操作类型取决于作为函数、字典或列表传递的参数。


熊猫[apply()](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-pandas-apply/)方法: 这种方法既可以用在熊猫的数据框上,也可以用在系列上。作为参数传递的函数通常在行/列上工作。下面的代码说明了apply()方法如何在熊猫数据帧上工作。

# Importing pandas library with an alias pd
import pandas as pd

# Dataframe generation
gfg_string = 'geeksforgeeks'
gfg_list = 5 * [pd.Series(list(gfg_string))]

gfg_df = pd.DataFrame(data = gfg_list)
print("Original dataframe:\n" + \
      gfg_df.to_string(index = False,
      header = False), end = '\n\n')

# Using apply method for sorting 
# rows of characters present in 
# the original dataframe
new_gfg_df = gfg_df.apply(lambda x:x.sort_values(), axis = 1)

print("Transformed dataframe:\n" + \
       new_gfg_df.to_string(index = False,
            header = False), end = '\n\n')



# Importing pandas library with an alias pd
import pandas as pd

# Series generation
gfg_string = 'geeksforgeeks'
gfg_series = pd.Series(list(gfg_string))
print("Original series\n" + \
       gfg_series.to_string(index = False,
            header = False), end = '\n\n')

# Using apply method for converting characters
# present in the original series
new_gfg_series = gfg_series.apply(str.upper)
print("Transformed series:\n" + \
       new_gfg_series.to_string(index = False,
                header = False), end = '\n\n')


熊猫 applymap() 方法: 此方法可用于熊猫数据框。作为参数传递的函数通常对数据框的元素起作用applymap()通常用于元素操作。下面的代码说明了applymap方法如何在熊猫数据帧上工作:

# Importing pandas library with an alias pd
import pandas as pd

# DataFrame generation
gfg_string = 'geeksforgeeks'
gfg_list = 5 * [pd.Series(list(gfg_string))]
gfg_df = pd.DataFrame(data = gfg_list)

print("Original dataframe:\n" + \
       gfg_df.to_string(index = False,
        header = False), end = '\n\n')

# Using applymap method for transforming 
# characters into uppercase characters 
# present in the original dataframe
new_gfg_df = gfg_df.applymap(str.upper)
print("Transformed dataframe:\n" + \
       new_gfg_df.to_string(index = False,
            header = False), end = '\n\n')


熊猫[map()](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-pandas-map/)方法: 该方法用于串联函数,列表和字典作为参数传递。此方法通常用于映射同一列中两个系列的值。下面的代码说明了map方法如何在熊猫系列上工作:

# Importing pandas library with an alias pd
import pandas as pd

# Series generation
gfg_string = 'geeksforgeeks'
gfg_series = pd.Series(list(gfg_string))
print("Original series\n" + \
       gfg_series.to_string(index = False,
            header = False), end = '\n\n')

# Using apply method for converting characters
# present in the original series
new_gfg_series = gfg_series.map(str.upper)
print("Transformed series:\n" + \
       new_gfg_series.to_string(index = False,
                header = False), end = '\n\n')
