Python 中的 matplotlib . artist . artist . get _ children()

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/matplotlib-艺术家-艺术家-get_children-in-python/

【Matplotlib】是 Python 中的一个库,它是 NumPy 库的数字-数学扩展。 艺术家类 包含将渲染到图形画布中的对象的抽象基类。图形中所有可见的元素都是艺术家的子类。

matplotlib . artist . artist . get _ children()方法

matplotlib 库的艺术家模块中的 get_children ()方法用于返回该艺术家的子艺术家列表。

句法: 艺术家。get _ children(self)



下面的例子说明了 matplotlib . artist . artist .get _ children()函数在 matplotlib 中的作用:

例 1:

# Implementation of matplotlib function
from matplotlib.artist import Artist 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D 
import numpy as np 
from numpy.random import rand 

fig, ax2 = plt.subplots() 

art =, rand(10), picker = True) 

print("List of the child Artists of this Artist \n", 
      *list(art.get_children()), sep ="\n")

function Example""", fontweight="bold")


List of the child Artists of this Artist 

Rectangle(xy=(-0.4, 0), width=0.8, height=0.58236, angle=0)
Rectangle(xy=(0.6, 0), width=0.8, height=0.305497, angle=0)
Rectangle(xy=(1.6, 0), width=0.8, height=0.650615, angle=0)
Rectangle(xy=(2.6, 0), width=0.8, height=0.397435, angle=0)
Rectangle(xy=(3.6, 0), width=0.8, height=0.634406, angle=0)
Rectangle(xy=(4.6, 0), width=0.8, height=0.377936, angle=0)
Rectangle(xy=(5.6, 0), width=0.8, height=0.229145, angle=0)
Rectangle(xy=(6.6, 0), width=0.8, height=0.755452, angle=0)
Rectangle(xy=(7.6, 0), width=0.8, height=0.954083, angle=0)
Rectangle(xy=(8.6, 0), width=0.8, height=0.509706, angle=0)

例 2:

# Implementation of matplotlib function
from matplotlib.artist import Artist 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import numpy as np 
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse 

NUM = 20

ells = [Ellipse(xy = np.random.rand(2) * 10, 
                width = np.random.rand(), 
                height = np.random.rand(), 
                angle = np.random.rand() * 360) 
        for i in range(NUM)] 

fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw ={'aspect': 'equal'}) 

print("List of the child Artists of this Artist \n")
for e in ells: 

print(*list(ax.get_children()), sep = "\n")

ax.set_xlim(3, 7) 
ax.set_ylim(3, 7) 

function Example""", fontweight="bold")



椭圆(xy=(4.326855439698613,2.7591364805447203),宽度=0.3769330255888693,高度=0.09156791653641638,角度=214.69480533893034) 椭圆(xy =(6.39084444414 高度=0.3251963397808111,角度=131.180626549346) 椭圆(xy=(6.719146468170946,3.636051606867032),宽度= 0.75019420338975