Python | sympy.factorint()方法

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/python-sympy-factorint-method/

借助sympy . factory int()方法,可以求出给定整数的因子及其对应的重数。对于小于 2 的输入,factory int()的行为如下:

  • factorint(1)–返回空因式分解{}。
  • factorint(0)–返回{0:1}
  • factorint(-n)–将-1:1添加到因子中,然后是因子n

语法: 因子(n)

参数: n–表示整数。

返回: 返回一个字典,其中包含 n 的质因数作为关键字 以及它们各自的乘数作为值。


# import factorint() method from sympy
from sympy import factorint

n = 2**3 * 3**4 * 5**6

# Use factorint() method 
factor_dict = factorint(n) 

print("Dictionary containing factors of {} with respective multiplicities : {}".
      format(n, factor_dict))


Dictionary containing factors of 10125000 
with respective multiplicities : {2: 3, 3: 4, 5: 6}

例 2:

# import factorint() method from sympy
from sympy import factorint

n = 6**4 * 13

# Use factorint() method 
factor_dict = factorint(n) 

print("Dictionary containing factors of {} with respective multiplicities : {}".
      format(n, factor_dict))


Dictionary containing factors of 16848 
with respective multiplicities : {2: 4, 3: 4, 13: 1}