sciPy stats . description()函数| Python

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/scipy-stats-description-function-python/

**scipy.stats.describe(array, axis=0)**计算沿数组指定轴传递的数组元素的描述性统计。

参数: 数组:输入数组或有元素的对象进行统计计算。 轴:轴,统计数据将沿着该轴计算。默认情况下,轴= 0。



# FInding statistics of data

from scipy import stats

arr1 = [9, 3, 27] 

desc = stats.describe(arr1)

print("No. of observations is :\n", desc) 


观测数为: descripteresult(nobs = 3,minmax=(3,27),均值=13.0,方差=156.0,偏斜度=0.5280049792181878,峰度=-1.5)

代码#2: 有多维数据

# FInding statistics of data

from scipy import stats

arr1 = [[1, 3, 27], 
        [3, 4, 6], 
        [7, 6, 3], 
        [3, 6, 8]] 

desc = stats.describe(arr1, axis = 0)

print("No. of observations at axis = 0 :\n\n", desc)

print("\n\nNo. of observations at axis = 1 :\n\n", desc)


轴上的观察次数= 0:

descripteresult(nobs = 4,minmax=(array([1,3,3]),array([ 7,6,27])),mean=array([ 3.5,4.75,11。]),方差=数组([ 6.33333333,2.25,118。]),偏斜度=数组([ 0.65202366,-0.21383343,1.03055786]),峰度=数组([-0.90304709,-1.72016461,-0.75485971])

轴上的观察次数= 1:

descripteresult(nobs = 4,minmax=(array([1,3,3]),array([ 7,6,27])),mean=array([ 3.5,4.75,11。]),方差=数组([ 6.33333333,2.25,118。]),偏斜度=数组([ 0.65202366,-0.21383343,1.03055786]),峰度=数组([-0.90304709,-1.72016461,-0.75485971])