使用 Python 中的 OpenCV 使用接缝雕刻调整图像大小

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/image-调整大小-使用-接缝-雕刻-使用-python 中的 opencv/


Seam 雕刻与传统的尺寸调整方法有何不同?



Python 3

# import the necessary libraries
from skimage import transform
from skimage import filters
import cv2

# read the input image
img = cv2.imread('Seam.jpg')

# convert image from BGR
# to GRAY scale
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

# filter out the gradient representation 
# image to further process for 
# seam carving algorithm
# filters.sobel() is used to 
# find edges in an image
filtered = filters.sobel(gray.astype("float"))

for i in range(20, 180, 20):

    # apply seam carve to the image, 
    # iterating over the image for
    # multiple frames
    # transform.seam_carve() can transform 
    # the  seam of image vertically as
    # well as horizontally
    carved_image = transform.seam_carve(img,

# show the original image
cv2.imshow("original", img)

# show the carved image
cv2.imshow("carved", carved_image)

# print shape of both images
print("Shape of original image ",
print("Shape of Carved image ",

# wait 


Shape of original Image(667, 1000, 3)
Shape of Carved image (667, 840, 3)



注意:此代码使用 scikit-image 版本 0.15.0。