Python | Numpy np.lagpow()方法

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/python-numpy-NP-lag pow-method/

**np.lagpow()**方法用于将拉盖尔级数提升到给定的幂。它将拉盖尔系列 c提升为功率。

语法: np.lagpow(c, pow, maxpower=16) 参数: c:【array _ like】从低到高排序的拉盖尔级数系数一维数组。 功率:【整数】该系列将要提升到的功率。 最大功率:【整数,可选】最大允许功率。默认值为 16。


代码#1 :

# Python program explaining
# numpy.lagpow() method 

# importing numpy as np  
# and numpy.polynomial.laguerre module as geek 
import numpy as np 
import numpy.polynomial.laguerre as geek

# Input laguerre series coefficients

s = (2, 4, 8) 

# using np.lagpow() method 
res = geek.lagpow(s, pow = 3) 

# Resulting laguerre series coefficient
print (res) 


[   3176\.  -25680\.  100512\. -206592\.  246528\. -161280\.   46080.]

代码#2 :

# Python program explaining
# numpy.lagpow() method 

# importing numpy as np  
# and numpy.polynomial.laguerre module as geek 
import numpy as np 
import numpy.polynomial.laguerre as geek

# Laguerre series coefficients
s = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) 

# using np.lagpow() method 
res = geek.lagpow(s, pow = 4) 

# Resulting laguerre series
print (res) 


[  1.88268525e+08  -4.12583040e+09   4.24806624e+10  -2.72789533e+11
   1.22285197e+12  -4.05794076e+12   1.03122236e+13  -2.04726003e+13
   3.20914270e+13  -3.98546302e+13   3.90872742e+13  -2.99578594e+13
   1.75922875e+13  -7.65283919e+12   2.32607876e+12  -4.41441000e+11