将给定的 RGB 色码转换为十六进制色码

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/convert-the-given-RGB-color-code-to-hex-color-code/

给定三种颜色,如 RGB ,将这些 RGB 颜色转换为十六进制色码。如果无法转换,请打印-1。


输入: R = 0,G = 0,B = 0 T3】输出: #000000

输入: R = 255,G = 255,B = 256 输出: -1 解释: A 256 色码是不可能的,因为一种颜色只有 0-255 范围可用。


  1. 首先,检查每个给定的颜色是否在 0-255 的范围内。
  2. 如果没有,则打印-1 并退出程序,因为在这种情况下无法进行转换。
  3. 如果它们在范围内,那么对于每种颜色,将给定的颜色代码转换为其等效的十六进制数
  4. 如果十六进制值是 1 位数,则在左边加上 0 使其成为 2 位数。
  5. 然后,在最终答案中,在开头加上“#”,后面分别加上 R、G 和 B 的十六进制值。



// C++ code to convert the given RGB
// color code to Hex color code

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// function to convert decimal to hexadecimal
string decToHexa(int n)
    // char array to store hexadecimal number
    char hexaDeciNum[2];

    // counter for hexadecimal number array
    int i = 0;
    while (n != 0) {

        // temporary variable to store remainder
        int temp = 0;

        // storing remainder in temp variable.
        temp = n % 16;

        // check if temp < 10
        if (temp < 10) {
            hexaDeciNum[i] = temp + 48;
        else {
            hexaDeciNum[i] = temp + 55;

        n = n / 16;

    string hexCode = "";
    if (i == 2) {
    else if (i == 1) {
        hexCode = "0";
    else if (i == 0)
        hexCode = "00";

    // Return the equivalent
    // hexadecimal color code
    return hexCode;

// Function to convert the
// RGB code to Hex color code
string convertRGBtoHex(int R, int G, int B)
    if ((R >= 0 && R <= 255)
        && (G >= 0 && G <= 255)
        && (B >= 0 && B <= 255)) {

        string hexCode = "#";
        hexCode += decToHexa(R);
        hexCode += decToHexa(G);
        hexCode += decToHexa(B);

        return hexCode;

    // The hex color code doesn't exist
        return "-1";

// Driver program to test above function
int main()
    int R = 0, G = 0, B = 0;
    cout << convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B) << endl;

    R = 255, G = 255, B = 255;
    cout << convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B) << endl;

    R = 25, G = 56, B = 123;
    cout << convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B) << endl;

    R = 2, G = 3, B = 4;
    cout << convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B) << endl;

    R = 255, G = 255, B = 256;
    cout << convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B) << endl;

    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java code to convert the given RGB
// color code to Hex color code

import java.util.*;

class GFG{

// function to convert decimal to hexadecimal
static String decToHexa(int n)
    // char array to store hexadecimal number
    char []hexaDeciNum = new char[2];

    // counter for hexadecimal number array
    int i = 0;
    while (n != 0) {

        // temporary variable to store remainder
        int temp = 0;

        // storing remainder in temp variable.
        temp = n % 16;

        // check if temp < 10
        if (temp < 10) {
            hexaDeciNum[i] = (char) (temp + 48);
        else {
            hexaDeciNum[i] = (char) (temp + 55);

        n = n / 16;

    String hexCode = "";
    if (i == 2) {
    else if (i == 1) {
        hexCode = "0";
    else if (i == 0)
        hexCode = "00";

    // Return the equivalent
    // hexadecimal color code
    return hexCode;

// Function to convert the
// RGB code to Hex color code
static String convertRGBtoHex(int R, int G, int B)
    if ((R >= 0 && R <= 255)
        && (G >= 0 && G <= 255)
        && (B >= 0 && B <= 255)) {

        String hexCode = "#";
        hexCode += decToHexa(R);
        hexCode += decToHexa(G);
        hexCode += decToHexa(B);

        return hexCode;

    // The hex color code doesn't exist
        return "-1";

// Driver program to test above function
public static void main(String[] args)
    int R = 0, G = 0, B = 0;
    System.out.print(convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B) +"\n");

    R = 255; G = 255; B = 255;
    System.out.print(convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B) +"\n");

    R = 25; G = 56; B = 123;
    System.out.print(convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B) +"\n");

    R = 2; G = 3; B = 4;
    System.out.print(convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B) +"\n");

    R = 255; G = 255; B = 256;
    System.out.print(convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B) +"\n");


// This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar

Python 3

# Python3 program to convert the given
# RGB color code to Hex color code

# Function to convert decimal to hexadecimal
def decToHexa(n):

    # char array to store hexadecimal number
    hexaDeciNum = ['0'] * 100

    # Counter for hexadecimal number array
    i = 0

    while (n != 0):

        # Temporary variable to store remainder
        temp = 0

        # Storing remainder in temp variable.
        temp = n % 16

        # Check if temp < 10
        if (temp < 10):
            hexaDeciNum[i] = chr(temp + 48)
            i = i + 1

            hexaDeciNum[i] = chr(temp + 55)
            i = i + 1

        n = int(n / 16)

    hexCode = ""
    if (i == 2):
        hexCode = hexCode + hexaDeciNum[0]
        hexCode = hexCode + hexaDeciNum[1]

    elif (i == 1):
        hexCode = "0"
        hexCode = hexCode + hexaDeciNum[0]

    elif (i == 0):
        hexCode = "00"

    # Return the equivalent
    # hexadecimal color code
    return hexCode

# Function to convert the
# RGB code to Hex color code
def convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B):

    if ((R >= 0 and R <= 255) and
        (G >= 0 and G <= 255) and
        (B >= 0 and B <= 255)):

        hexCode = "#";
        hexCode = hexCode + decToHexa(R)
        hexCode = hexCode + decToHexa(G)
        hexCode = hexCode + decToHexa(B)
        return hexCode

    # The hex color code doesn't exist
        return "-1"

# Driver Code
R = 0
G = 0
B = 0
print (convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B))

R = 255
G = 255
B = 255
print (convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B))

R = 25
G = 56
B = 123
print (convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B))

R = 2
G = 3
B = 4
print (convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B))

R = 255
G = 255
B = 256
print (convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B))

# This code is contributed by Pratik Basu


// C# code to convert the given RGB
// color code to Hex color code
using System;

class GFG{

// Function to convert decimal
// to hexadecimal
static string decToHexa(int n)

    // char array to store
    // hexadecimal number
    char []hexaDeciNum = new char[2];

    // Counter for hexadecimal
    // number array
    int i = 0;
    while (n != 0)

        // Temporary variable to
        // store remainder
        int temp = 0;

        // Storing remainder in
        // temp variable.
        temp = n % 16;

        // Check if temp < 10
        if (temp < 10)
            hexaDeciNum[i] = (char) (temp + 48);
            hexaDeciNum[i] = (char) (temp + 55);
        n = n / 16;
    string hexCode = "";

    if (i == 2)
        hexCode += hexaDeciNum[0];
        hexCode += hexaDeciNum[1];
    else if (i == 1)
        hexCode = "0";
        hexCode += hexaDeciNum[0];
    else if (i == 0)
        hexCode = "00";

    // Return the equivalent
    // hexadecimal color code
    return hexCode;

// Function to convert the
// RGB code to Hex color code
static string convertRGBtoHex(int R, int G,
                                     int B)
    if ((R >= 0 && R <= 255) &&
        (G >= 0 && G <= 255) &&
        (B >= 0 && B <= 255))
        string hexCode = "#";
        hexCode += decToHexa(R);
        hexCode += decToHexa(G);
        hexCode += decToHexa(B);

        return hexCode;

    // The hex color code doesn't exist
        return "-1";

// Driver code
public static void Main(string[] args)
    int R = 0, G = 0, B = 0;
    Console.Write(convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B) + "\n");

    R = 255; G = 255; B = 255;
    Console.Write(convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B) + "\n");

    R = 25; G = 56; B = 123;
    Console.Write(convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B) + "\n");

    R = 2; G = 3; B = 4;
    Console.Write(convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B) + "\n");

    R = 255; G = 255; B = 256;
    Console.Write(convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B) + "\n");

// This code is contributed by rutvik_56

java 描述语言


// Javascript code to convert the given RGB
// color code to Hex color code

// function to convert decimal to hexadecimal
function decToHexa(n)
    // char array to store hexadecimal number
    let hexaDeciNum = Array.from({length: 2}, (_, i) => 0);

    // counter for hexadecimal number array
    let i = 0;
    while (n != 0) {

        // temporary variable to store remainder
        let temp = 0;

        // storing remainder in temp variable.
        temp = n % 16;

        // check if temp < 10
        if (temp < 10) {
            hexaDeciNum[i] = String.fromCharCode(temp + 48);
        else {
            hexaDeciNum[i] =  String.fromCharCode(temp + 55);

        n = Math.floor(n / 16);

    let hexCode = "";
    if (i == 2) {
    else if (i == 1) {
        hexCode = "0";
    else if (i == 0)
        hexCode = "00";

    // Return the equivalent
    // hexadecimal color code
    return hexCode;

// Function to convert the
// RGB code to Hex color code
function convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B)
    if ((R >= 0 && R <= 255)
        && (G >= 0 && G <= 255)
        && (B >= 0 && B <= 255)) {

        let hexCode = "#";
        hexCode += decToHexa(R);
        hexCode += decToHexa(G);
        hexCode += decToHexa(B);

        return hexCode;

    // The hex color code doesn't exist
        return "-1";

// Driver Code

    let R = 0, G = 0, B = 0;
    document.write(convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B) +"<br/>");

    R = 255; G = 255; B = 255;
    document.write(convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B) +"<br/>");

    R = 25; G = 56; B = 123;
    document.write(convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B) +"<br/>");

    R = 2; G = 3; B = 4;
    document.write(convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B) +"<br/>");

    R = 255; G = 255; B = 256;
    document.write(convertRGBtoHex(R, G, B) +"<br/>");




时间复杂度:O(对数 16 N)
