从 2D 矩阵构造一个双链表


给定 2D 矩阵,任务是将其转换为双链表,并带有四个指针分别为下一个,上一个,上和下,该列表的每个节点应连接到其下一个,上一个,上和下节点。


Input: 2D matrix 
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9




// C++ programm to construct a Doubly
// linked linked list from 2D Matrix

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// define dimension of matrix
#define dim 3

// struct node of doubly linked
// list with four pointer
// next, prev, up, down
struct Node {
    int data;
    Node* next;
    Node* prev;
    Node* up;
    Node* down;

// function to create a new node
Node* createNode(int data)
    Node* temp = new Node();
    temp->data = data;
    temp->next = NULL;
    temp->prev = NULL;
    temp->up = NULL;
    temp->down = NULL;
    return temp;

// function to construct the
// doubly linked list
Node* constructDoublyListUtil(
    int mtrx[][dim],
    int i, int j,
    Node* curr)

    if (i >= dim || j >= dim) {
        return NULL;

    // Create Node with value contain
    // in matrix at index (i, j)
    Node* temp = createNode(mtrx[i][j]);

    // Assign address of curr into
    // the prev pointer of temp
    temp->prev = curr;

    // Assign address of curr into
    // the up pointer of temp
    temp->up = curr;

    // Recursive call for next pointer
        = constructDoublyListUtil(
            mtrx, i, j + 1, temp);

    // Recursive call for down pointer
        = constructDoublyListUtil(
            mtrx, i + 1, j, temp);

    // Return newly constructed node
    // whose all four node connected
    // at it's appropriate position
    return temp;

// Function to construct the doubly linked list
Node* constructDoublyList(int mtrx[][dim])
    // function call for construct
    // the doubly linked list
    return constructDoublyListUtil(
        mtrx, 0, 0, NULL);

// function for displaying
// doubly linked list data
void display(Node* head)
    // pointer to move right
    Node* rPtr;

    // pointer to move down
    Node* dPtr = head;

    // loop till node->down is not NULL
    while (dPtr) {

        rPtr = dPtr;

        // loop till node->right is not NULL
        while (rPtr) {
            cout << rPtr->data << " ";
            rPtr = rPtr->next;

        cout << "\n";
        dPtr = dPtr->down;

// driver code
int main()

    // initialise matrix
    int mtrx[dim][dim] = {
        { 1, 2, 3 },
        { 4, 5, 6 },
        { 7, 8, 9 }

    Node* list = constructDoublyList(mtrx);


    return 0;


// Java program to construct a Doubly
// linked linked list from 2D Matrix
import java.util.*;

class GFG{
    // define dimension of matrix
    static int dim= 3;

    // struct node of doubly linked
    // list with four pointer
    // next, prev, up, down
    static class Node {
        int data;
        Node next;
        Node prev;
        Node up;
        Node down;

    // function to create a new node
    static Node createNode(int data)
        Node temp = new Node();
        temp.data = data;
        temp.next = null;
        temp.prev = null;
        temp.up = null;
        temp.down = null;
        return temp;

    // function to construct the
    // doubly linked list
    static Node constructDoublyListUtil(int mtrx[][],int i, int j,Node curr)

        if (i >= dim || j >= dim) {
            return null;

        // Create Node with value contain
        // in matrix at index (i, j)
        Node temp = createNode(mtrx[i][j]);

        // Assign address of curr into
        // the prev pointer of temp
        temp.prev = curr;

        // Assign address of curr into
        // the up pointer of temp
        temp.up = curr;

        // Recursive call for next pointer
            = constructDoublyListUtil(mtrx, i, j + 1, temp);

        // Recursive call for down pointer
        temp.down= constructDoublyListUtil(mtrx, i + 1, j, temp);

        // Return newly constructed node
        // whose all four node connected
        // at it's appropriate position
        return temp;

    // Function to construct the doubly linked list
    static Node constructDoublyList(int mtrx[][])
        // function call for construct
        // the doubly linked list
        return constructDoublyListUtil(mtrx, 0, 0, null);

    // function for displaying
    // doubly linked list data
    static void display(Node head)
        // pointer to move right
        Node rPtr;

        // pointer to move down
        Node dPtr = head;

        // loop till node.down is not null
        while (dPtr != null) {

            rPtr = dPtr;

            // loop till node.right is not null
            while (rPtr!=null) {
                System.out.print(rPtr.data+" ");
                rPtr = rPtr.next;

            dPtr = dPtr.down;

    // driver code
    public static void main(String args[])

        // initialise matrix
        int mtrx[][] = {
            { 1, 2, 3 },
            { 4, 5, 6 },
            { 7, 8, 9 }

        Node list = constructDoublyList(mtrx);



// This code is contributed by AbhiThakur


# Python3 programm to construct 
# a Doubly linked linked list 
# from 2D Matrix

# define dimension of matrix
dim = 3

# struct node of doubly linked
# list with four pointer
# next, prev, up, down
class Node:

    def __init__(self, data):

        self.data = data
        self.prev = None
        self.up = None
        self.down = None
        self.next = None       

# function to create a 
# new node
def createNode(data):

    temp = Node(data);    
    return temp;

# function to construct the
# doubly linked list
def constructDoublyListUtil(mtrx, i, 
                            j, curr):

    if (i >= dim or
        j >= dim):
        return None;

    # Create Node with value 
    # contain in matrix at 
    # index (i, j)
    temp = createNode(mtrx[i][j]);

    # Assign address of curr into
    # the prev pointer of temp
    temp.prev = curr;

    # Assign address of curr into
    # the up pointer of temp
    temp.up = curr;

    # Recursive call for next 
    # pointer
    temp.next= constructDoublyListUtil(mtrx, i, 
                                       j + 1, 

    # Recursive call for down pointer
    temp.down= constructDoublyListUtil(mtrx, 
                                       i + 1, 
                                       j, temp);

    # Return newly constructed node
    # whose all four node connected
    # at it's appropriate position
    return temp;

# Function to construct the
# doubly linked list
def constructDoublyList(mtrx):

    # function call for construct
    # the doubly linked list
    return constructDoublyListUtil(mtrx,
                                   0, 0, 

# function for displaying
# doubly linked list data
def display(head):

    # pointer to move right
    rPtr = None

    # pointer to move down
    dPtr = head;

    # loop till node->down 
    # is not NULL
    while (dPtr != None):

        rPtr = dPtr;

        # loop till node->right 
        # is not NULL
        while (rPtr != None):
                  end = ' ')
            rPtr = rPtr.next;

        dPtr = dPtr.down;

# Driver code
if __name__=="__main__":

    # initialise matrix
    mtrx =[[1, 2, 3], 
           [4, 5, 6], 
           [7, 8, 9]]

    list = constructDoublyList(mtrx); 

# This code is contributed by Rutvik_56


// C# program to construct a Doubly
// linked linked list from 2D Matrix
using System;

class GFG{
    // define dimension of matrix
    static int dim= 3;

    // struct node of doubly linked
    // list with four pointer
    // next, prev, up, down
    public class Node {
        public int data;
        public Node next, prev, up, down;

    // function to create a new node
    static Node createNode(int data)
        Node temp = new Node();
        temp.data = data;
        temp.next = null;
        temp.prev = null;
        temp.up = null;
        temp.down = null;
        return temp;

    // function to construct the
    // doubly linked list
    static Node constructDoublyListUtil(int[,] mtrx,int i, int j,Node curr)

        if (i >= dim || j >= dim) {
            return null;

        // Create Node with value contain
        // in matrix at index (i, j)
        Node temp = createNode(mtrx[i,j]);

        // Assign address of curr into
        // the prev pointer of temp
        temp.prev = curr;

        // Assign address of curr into
        // the up pointer of temp
        temp.up = curr;

        // Recursive call for next pointer
            = constructDoublyListUtil(mtrx, i, j + 1, temp);

        // Recursive call for down pointer
        temp.down= constructDoublyListUtil(mtrx, i + 1, j, temp);

        // Return newly constructed node
        // whose all four node connected
        // at it's appropriate position
        return temp;

    // Function to construct the doubly linked list
    static Node constructDoublyList(int[,] mtrx)
        // function call for construct
        // the doubly linked list
        return constructDoublyListUtil(mtrx, 0, 0, null);

    // function for displaying
    // doubly linked list data
    static void display(Node head)
        // pointer to move right
        Node rPtr;

        // pointer to move down
        Node dPtr = head;

        // loop till node.down is not null
        while (dPtr != null) {

            rPtr = dPtr;

            // loop till node.right is not null
            while (rPtr!=null) {
                Console.Write(rPtr.data+" ");
                rPtr = rPtr.next;

            dPtr = dPtr.down;

    // driver code
    public static void Main()

        // initialise matrix
        int[,] mtrx = {
            { 1, 2, 3 },
            { 4, 5, 6 },
            { 7, 8, 9 }

        Node list = constructDoublyList(mtrx);



// This code is contributed by AbhiThakur


1 2 3 
4 5 6 
7 8 9

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