

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/compare-two-floating-point-numbers-in-scientific-entrepreneurs/

给定两根弦 NMa * 10bT7】的形式。任务是比较给定的两个浮点数,并打印出较小的数字,如果两个数字相等,则打印相等。



n 和 M 是由两部分组成的两个数字:

  1. a1 为 N 的尾数,a2 为 m 的尾数
  2. b1 是 N 的指数,b2 是 m 的指数

输入: N = 310^2,M = 29910^0 输出: M 解释: a1 = 3,b1 = 2 a2 = 299,B2 = 0 n = 310^2 = 300 m = 29910^0 = 299。 我们知道 299 比 300 小。

输入: N = -510^3,M = -5010^2 输出:相等 解释:t8】a1 =-5,b1 = 3 a2 = -50,B2 = 2 n = -510^3 =-5000 m = -5010^2 =-5000 因此,n 和 m 相等。

输入: N = -210^1,M = -310^1 输出: M 解释: a1 = -2,b1 = 1 a2 = -3,B2 = 1 n =-20 m =-30 -30 小于-20,因此 m 是较小的数字。

天真方法:我们将计算从字符串 N 和 M 中提取的数字的值,然后比较哪一个更好。大整数类将用于存储和计算 Java 中的 N 和 M 的值。对于较大的测试用例,这种方法会产生超过时间限制的错误。


  • 从字符串 N 和 m 中提取尾数和指数
  • 找到' * '的索引(假设穆林),那么穆林之前的子串就是尾数(a1)。
  • 找到'^'的指数,假设 powInd ,那么 powInd 之后的子串就是指数(b1)。
  • 同样,找出 a2 和 b2。
  • 如果(a1 > 0 & & a2 < 0) ,则打印 M ( M 始终较小)。
  • 同样的,如果(a2 > 0 & & a1 < 0) ,打印 N
  • 否则将需要使用日志进行比较。
  • 以下公式将用于计算日志,并得出一个比较结果,以确定哪个数字更大。

N = a1 * 10 ^ b1

从两侧取原木底座 10

对数 N =对数(a1)+B1 ——-(1)

同样,log(M)= log(a2)+B2 ——( 2)

从等式(2)中减去等式(1) ans =(2)–(1) ans = log(a1/a2)+B1–B2

因此:int ans = log(a1/a2)+B1–B2

  • 如果 a1 < 0 ,那么 ans = -ans 。这是因为 a1 和 a2 都是负的。
    • 如果年< 0 ,打印 N
    • else if年> 0 ,打印 M
  • 否则打印平等。

下面是实现上述方法的 Jave 程序:

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to implement
// the above approach
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.math.*;
import java.lang.*;

class GFG
  // Function to extract mantissa
  static int[] extract_mantissa(String N,
                                String M)
    int mantissa[] = new int [2];
    int mulInd1 = N.indexOf('*');
    int a1 = Integer.parseInt(
             N.substring(0, mulInd1));
    mantissa[0] = a1;

    int mulInd2 = M.indexOf('*');
    int a2 = Integer.parseInt(
             M.substring(0, mulInd2));
    mantissa[1] = a2;
    return mantissa;

  // Function to extract exponent
  static int[] extract_exponent(String N,
                                String M)
    int exponent[] = new int [2];
    int powInd1 = N.indexOf('^');
    int b1 = Integer.parseInt(
             N.substring(powInd1 + 1));
    exponent[0] = b1;

    int powInd2 = M.indexOf('^');        
    int b2 = Integer.parseInt(
             M.substring(powInd2 + 1));
    exponent[1] = b2;
    return exponent;

  // Function to find smaller number
  static void solution(int a1, int b1,
                       int a2, int b2)
    double x = ((double)(a1) /
    double ans = (b1 - b2 +

    // If both are negative
    if(a1 < 0)
      ans = -ans;
    if(ans < 0)
    else if(ans > 0)

  static void solve(String N, String M)
    // Extract mantissa(a1) and mantissa(a2)
    // from num1 and num2
    int mantissa[] = extract_mantissa(N, M);

    // Extract exponent(b1) and exponent(b2)
    // from num1 and num2
    int exponent[] = extract_exponent(N, M);

    if(mantissa[0] > 0 && mantissa[1] < 0)
    else if(mantissa[0] < 0 && mantissa[1] > 0)
      // if mantissa of both num1 and num2
      // are positive or both are negative
      solution(mantissa[0], exponent[0],
               mantissa[1], exponent[1]);

  // Driver code
  public static void main (String[] args)
    // Mantissa is negative and
    // exponenent is positive
    String N = "-5*10^3";
    String M = "-50*10^2";
    solve(N, M);

    // Mantissa is negative and
    // exponent is negative
    N = "-5*10^-3";
    M = "-50*10^-2";
    solve(N, M);

    // Mantissa is positive and
    // exponent is negative
    N = "5*10^-3";
    M = "50*10^-2";
    solve(N, M);

    // Mantissa is positive and
    // exponent is positive
    N = "5*10^3";
    M = "50*10^2";
    solve(N, M);

Python 3

# Python 3 program to implement
# the above approach
import math

# Function to extract mantissa
def extract_mantissa(N,  M):

    mantissa = [0]*2
    mulInd1 = list(N).index('*')
    a1 = N[0: mulInd1]
    mantissa[0] = a1

    mulInd2 = list(M).index('*')
    a2 = M[0: mulInd2]
    mantissa[1] = a2
    return mantissa

# Function to extract exponent
def extract_exponent(N,  M):

    exponent = [0]*2
    powInd1 = list(N).index('^')
    b1 = N[powInd1 + 1:]
    exponent[0] = b1

    powInd2 = list(M).index('^')
    b2 = M[powInd2 + 1:]
    exponent[1] = b2
    return exponent

# Function to find smaller number
def solution(a1,  b1,
             a2,  b2):

    x = int(a1) / int(a2)
    ans = (int(b1) - int(b2) + math.log10(x))

    # If both are negative
    if(int(a1) < 0):
        ans = -ans
    if(ans < 0):
    elif(ans > 0):

def solve(N,  M):

    # Extract mantissa(a1) and mantissa(a2)
    # from num1 and num2
    mantissa = extract_mantissa(N, M)

    # Extract exponent(b1) and exponent(b2)
    # from num1 and num2
    exponent = extract_exponent(N, M)

    if(int(mantissa[0]) > 0 and int(mantissa[1]) < 0):
    elif(int(mantissa[0]) < 0 and int(mantissa[1]) > 0):

        # if mantissa of both num1 and num2
        # are positive or both are negative
        solution(mantissa[0], exponent[0],
                 mantissa[1], exponent[1])

# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Mantissa is negative and
    # exponenent is positive
    N = "-5*10^3"
    M = "-50*10^2"
    solve(N, M)

    # Mantissa is negative and
    # exponent is negative
    N = "-5*10^-3"
    M = "-50*10^-2"
    solve(N, M)

    # Mantissa is positive and
    # exponent is negative
    N = "5*10^-3"
    M = "50*10^-2"
    solve(N, M)

    # Mantissa is positive and
    # exponent is positive
    N = "5*10^3"
    M = "50*10^2"
    solve(N, M)

    # This code is contributed by ukasp.


// C# program to implement
// the above approach
using System;

class GFG
  // Function to extract mantissa
  public static int[] extract_mantissa(String N, String M)
    int[] mantissa = new int [2];
    int mulInd1 = N.IndexOf('*');
    int a1 = int.Parse(N.Substring(0, mulInd1));
    mantissa[0] = a1;

    int mulInd2 = M.IndexOf('*');
    int a2 = int.Parse(M.Substring(0, mulInd2));
    mantissa[1] = a2;
    return mantissa;

  // Function to extract exponent
  public static int[] extract_exponent(String NString M)
    int[] exponent = new int [2];
    int powInd1 = N.IndexOf('^');
    int b1 = int.Parse(N.Substring(powInd1 + 1));
    exponent[0] = b1;

    int powInd2 = M.IndexOf('^');        
    int b2 = int.Parse(
             M.Substring(powInd2 + 1));
    exponent[1] = b2;
    return exponent;

  // Function to find smaller number
  static void solution(int a1, int b1,
                       int a2, int b2)
    double x = ((double)(a1) /
    double ans = (b1 - b2 +

    // If both are negative
    if(a1 < 0)
      ans = -ans;
    if(ans < 0)
    else if(ans > 0)

  static void solve(String N, String M)
    // Extract mantissa(a1) and mantissa(a2)
    // from num1 and num2
    int[] mantissa = extract_mantissa(N, M);

    // Extract exponent(b1) and exponent(b2)
    // from num1 and num2
    int[] exponent = extract_exponent(N, M);

    if(mantissa[0] > 0 && mantissa[1] < 0)
    else if(mantissa[0] < 0 && mantissa[1] > 0)
      // if mantissa of both num1 and num2
      // are positive or both are negative
      solution(mantissa[0], exponent[0],
               mantissa[1], exponent[1]);

  // Driver code
  public static void Main ()
    // Mantissa is negative and
    // exponenent is positive
    String N = "-5*10^3";
    String M = "-50*10^2";
    solve(N, M);

    // Mantissa is negative and
    // exponent is negative
    N = "-5*10^-3";
    M = "-50*10^-2";
    solve(N, M);

    // Mantissa is positive and
    // exponent is negative
    N = "5*10^-3";
    M = "50*10^-2";
    solve(N, M);

    // Mantissa is positive and
    // exponent is positive
    N = "5*10^3";
    M = "50*10^2";
    solve(N, M);

// This code is contributed by saurabh_jaiswal.


相等 M N 相等

时间复杂度: O ( 1 ) 根据给定的约束|a|最多可以是 10 个长度的字符串,如果是负数,那么它可以是 11 个长度,同样 b 也可以是 11 位数。字符串的最大长度可以是 25 (11 +3+11),所以我们可以考虑提取 a 和 b 的恒定时间操作。

辅助空间: O ( 1)