
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/组合-博弈论-集合-2-博弈-nim/





例如,考虑有两个玩家- AB ,最初有三堆硬币,每个硬币中最初有 3、4、5 硬币,如下所示。我们假设第一步由 A 进行。看下图可以清楚的了解整个游戏玩法。

Set2_Nim_Game_start_with_A A 赢了比赛(注:A 先动的)

那么 A 在这个游戏中有很强的专长吗?还是他/她先发制人比 T2 B 级 T3 有优势?

让我们现在再玩一次,堆的配置和上面一样,但是这次 B 先开始,而不是 A

gameofnim11 B 赢了这场比赛(注:B 先动的)

B 从上图来看,必须明确的是,比赛取决于一个重要因素——谁先开始比赛?

那么首发的玩家每次都会赢吗? 让我们再次玩游戏,从 A 开始,这次用不同的初始配置堆。这些硬币堆最初有 1、4、5 枚硬币。

A 会不会又赢了,因为他已经先开始了?让我们看看。 gameofnim4 A 做出了第一步棋,但输掉了比赛。

所以,结果很明显。 A 输了。但是怎么做呢?我们知道这个游戏很大程度上取决于哪个玩家先开始。因此,一定还有另一个因素支配着这个简单而有趣的游戏的结果。该因素是堆/堆的初始配置。这一次的初始配置与上一次不同。


  1. 先开始的玩家。
  2. 堆的初始配置。


尼姆-Sum : 游戏任意一点每堆/堆中硬币/石头数量的累计 XOR 值在该点称为尼姆-Sum。否则,如果尼姆-Sum 评估为零,那么玩家 A 肯定会输。”

上述定理的证明见-https://en . Wikipedia . org/wiki/Nim # of _ the _ winding _ formula


  • 如果“n”个数字的异或和已经为零,则不可能通过一个数字的单个减少使异或和为零。* If the XOR sum of ‘n’ numbers is non-zero then there is at least a single approach by which if you reduce a number, the XOR sum is zero.


    情况 1:初始尼姆和为零 众所周知,在这种情况下如果打得最优 B 获胜,这意味着 B 总是更希望轮到 A 时尼姆和为零。 因此,由于尼姆和最初为零,无论删除新尼姆和的项目数是多少 A 都将是非零的(如上所述)。此外,由于 B 更喜欢 A 的尼姆和为零,因此他会进行一次移动,以使尼姆和再次为零(如上所述,这总是可能的)。 只要任何一堆中有物品,并且在它们各自的回合中有物品,游戏就会继续进行 A 将使尼姆总和非零,而 B 将使其再次为零,最终将没有剩余的元素,而 B 将是最后一个选择的人赢得游戏。


    情况 2:初始尼姆和不为零 现在按照最优方法 A 将使尼姆和现在为零(这是可能的,因为初始尼姆和不为零,如上所述)。现在,轮到 B 了,因为 nim 和已经是零了,不管 B 选择什么数字,nim 和都将是非零的,并且 A 可以选择一个数字来使 nim 和再次为零。只要任何一堆都有可用的物品,这就行了。 和 A 将是选择最后一个项目的人。

    因此,正如在上面的例子中所讨论的,现在应该很明显,对于任何玩家来说,最佳策略是,如果 nim 和非零,那么 nim 和为零,如果 nim 和已经为零,那么无论玩家现在移动什么,它都可以被反击。

    让我们在上面的游戏中应用上面的定理。第一局 A 先开始,游戏开始的 Nim-Sum 为,3 XOR 4 XOR 5 = 2,为非零值,因此 A 获胜。而在第二场比赛中,当桩的初始配置为 1、4 和 5 并且 A 首先开始时,那么 A 注定会输,因为游戏开始时的尼姆-Sum 是 1 异或 4 异或 5 = 0。


    在下面的程序中,我们玩了电脑和人类(用户) 之间的 Nim-Game 下面的程序使用了两个功能 knownwnerbeforeplaying()::在玩之前告知结果。 playGame() : 打满全场,最后宣布胜者。playGame()函数不接受人类(用户)的输入,而是使用 rand()函数随机拾取一堆石头,并从拾取的石头堆中随机移除任意数量的石头。

    通过删除 rand()函数并插入 cin 或 scanf()函数,可以修改下面的程序以接受用户的输入。


    ``` / A C++ program to implement Game of Nim. The program assumes that both players are playing optimally /



    using namespace std;

    define COMPUTER 1

    define HUMAN 2

    /* A Structure to hold the two parameters of a move

    A move has two parameters- 1) pile_index = The index of pile from which stone is                     going to be removed 2) stones_removed = Number of stones removed from the                         pile indexed = pile_index */ struct move {     int pile_index;     int stones_removed; };

    /* piles[] -> Array having the initial count of stones/coins             in each piles before the game has started. n     -> Number of piles

    The piles[] are having 0-based indexing*/

    // A C function to output the current game state. void showPiles (int piles[], int n) {     int i;     cout <<"Current Game Status -> ";     for (i=0; i<n; i++)         cout << " " << piles[i];     cout <<"\n";     return; }

    // A C function that returns True if game has ended and // False if game is not yet over bool gameOver(int piles[], int n) {     int i;     for (i=0; i<n; i++)         if (piles[i]!=0)             return (false);

    return (true); }

    // A C function to declare the winner of the game void declareWinner(int whoseTurn) {     if (whoseTurn == COMPUTER)         cout <<"\nHUMAN won\n\n";     else         cout <<"\nCOMPUTER won\n\n";     return; }

    // A C function to calculate the Nim-Sum at any point // of the game. int calculateNimSum(int piles[], int n) {     int i, nimsum = piles[0];     for (i=1; i<n; i++)         nimsum = nimsum ^ piles[i];     return(nimsum); }

    // A C function to make moves of the Nim Game void makeMove(int piles[], int n, struct move * moves) {     int i, nim_sum = calculateNimSum(piles, n);

    // The player having the current turn is on a winning     // position. So he/she/it play optimally and tries to make     // Nim-Sum as 0     if (nim_sum != 0)     {         for (i=0; i<n; i++)         {             // If this is not an illegal move             // then make this move.             if ((piles[i] ^ nim_sum) < piles[i])             {                 (moves).pile_index = i;                 (moves).stones_removed =                                 piles[i]-(piles[i]^nim_sum);                 piles[i] = (piles[i] ^ nim_sum);                 break;             }         }     }

    // The player having the current turn is on losing     // position, so he/she/it can only wait for the opponent     // to make a mistake(which doesn't happen in this program     // as both players are playing optimally). He randomly     // choose a non-empty pile and randomly removes few stones     // from it. If the opponent doesn't make a mistake,then it     // doesn't matter which pile this player chooses, as he is     // destined to lose this game.

    // If you want to input yourself then remove the rand()     // functions and modify the code to take inputs.     // But remember, you still won't be able to change your     // fate/prediction.     else     {         // Create an array to hold indices of non-empty piles         int non_zero_indices[n], count;

    for (i=0, count=0; i 0)                 non_zero_indices [count++] = i;

    (moves).pile_index = (rand() % (count));         (moves).stones_removed =                 1 + (rand() % (piles[(moves).pile_index]));         piles[(moves).pile_index] =         piles[(moves).pile_index] - (moves).stones_removed;

    if (piles[(moves).pile_index] < 0)             piles[(moves).pile_index]=0;     }     return; }

    // A C function to play the Game of Nim void playGame(int piles[], int n, int whoseTurn) {     cout <<"\nGAME STARTS\n\n";     struct move moves;

    while (gameOver (piles, n) == false)     {         showPiles(piles, n);

    makeMove(piles, n, &moves);

    if (whoseTurn == COMPUTER)         {             cout <<"COMPUTER removes" << moves.stones_removed << "stones from pile at index "               << moves.pile_index << endl;             whoseTurn = HUMAN;         }         else         {             cout <<"HUMAN removes"<< moves.stones_removed << "stones from pile at index "              << moves.pile_index << endl;             whoseTurn = COMPUTER;         }     }

    showPiles(piles, n);     declareWinner(whoseTurn);     return; }

    void knowWinnerBeforePlaying(int piles[], int n,                             int whoseTurn) {     cout <<"Prediction before playing the game -> ";

    if (calculateNimSum(piles, n) !=0)     {         if (whoseTurn == COMPUTER)             cout <<"COMPUTER will win\n";         else             cout <<"HUMAN will win\n";     }     else     {         if (whoseTurn == COMPUTER)             cout <<"HUMAN will win\n";         else             cout <<"COMPUTER will win\n";     }

    return; }

    // Driver program to test above functions int main() {     // Test Case 1     int piles[] = {3, 4, 5};     int n = sizeof(piles)/sizeof(piles[0]);

    // We will predict the results before playing     // The COMPUTER starts first     knowWinnerBeforePlaying(piles, n, COMPUTER);

    // Let us play the game with COMPUTER starting first     // and check whether our prediction was right or not     playGame(piles, n, COMPUTER);

    /*     Test Case 2     int piles[] = {3, 4, 7};     int n = sizeof(piles)/sizeof(piles[0]);

    // We will predict the results before playing     // The HUMAN(You) starts first     knowWinnerBeforePlaying (piles, n, COMPUTER);

    // Let us play the game with COMPUTER starting first     // and check whether our prediction was right or not     playGame (piles, n, HUMAN); */

    return(0); }

    // This code is contributed by shivanisinghss2110 ```


    ``` / A C program to implement Game of Nim. The program    assumes that both players are playing optimally /




    define COMPUTER 1

    define HUMAN 2

    /* A Structure to hold the two parameters of a move

    A move has two parameters-   1) pile_index = The index of pile from which stone is                     going to be removed   2) stones_removed = Number of stones removed from the                         pile indexed = pile_index  */ struct move {     int pile_index;     int stones_removed; };

    /*  piles[] -> Array having the initial count of stones/coins             in each piles before the game has started.  n       -> Number of piles

    The piles[] are having 0-based indexing*/

    // A C function to output the current game state. void showPiles (int piles[], int n) {     int i;     printf ("Current Game Status -> ");     for (i=0; i<n; i++)         printf ("%d ", piles[i]);     printf("\n");     return; }

    // A C function that returns True if game has ended and // False if game is not yet over bool gameOver(int piles[], int n) {     int i;     for (i=0; i<n; i++)         if (piles[i]!=0)             return (false);

    return (true); }

    // A C function to declare the winner of the game void declareWinner(int whoseTurn) {     if (whoseTurn == COMPUTER)         printf ("\nHUMAN won\n\n");     else         printf("\nCOMPUTER won\n\n");     return; }

    // A C function to calculate the Nim-Sum at any point // of the game. int calculateNimSum(int piles[], int n) {     int i, nimsum = piles[0];     for (i=1; i<n; i++)         nimsum = nimsum ^ piles[i];     return(nimsum); }

    // A C function to make moves of the Nim Game void makeMove(int piles[], int n, struct move * moves) {     int i, nim_sum = calculateNimSum(piles, n);

    // The player having the current turn is on a winning     // position. So he/she/it play optimally and tries to make     // Nim-Sum as 0     if (nim_sum != 0)     {         for (i=0; i<n; i++)         {             // If this is not an illegal move             // then make this move.             if ((piles[i] ^ nim_sum) < piles[i])             {                 (moves).pile_index = i;                 (moves).stones_removed =                                  piles[i]-(piles[i]^nim_sum);                 piles[i] = (piles[i] ^ nim_sum);                 break;             }         }     }

    // The player having the current turn is on losing     // position, so he/she/it can only wait for the opponent     // to make a mistake(which doesn't happen in this program     // as both players are playing optimally). He randomly     // choose a non-empty pile and randomly removes few stones     // from it. If the opponent doesn't make a mistake,then it     // doesn't matter which pile this player chooses, as he is     // destined to lose this game.

    // If you want to input yourself then remove the rand()     // functions and modify the code to take inputs.     // But remember, you still won't be able to change your     // fate/prediction.     else     {         // Create an array to hold indices of non-empty piles         int non_zero_indices[n], count;

    for (i=0, count=0; i 0)                 non_zero_indices [count++] = i;

    (moves).pile_index = (rand() % (count));         (moves).stones_removed =                  1 + (rand() % (piles[(moves).pile_index]));         piles[(moves).pile_index] =          piles[(moves).pile_index] - (moves).stones_removed;

    if (piles[(moves).pile_index] < 0)             piles[(moves).pile_index]=0;     }     return; }

    // A C function to play the Game of Nim void playGame(int piles[], int n, int whoseTurn) {     printf("\nGAME STARTS\n\n");     struct move moves;

    while (gameOver (piles, n) == false)     {         showPiles(piles, n);

    makeMove(piles, n, &moves);

    if (whoseTurn == COMPUTER)         {             printf("COMPUTER removes %d stones from pile "                    "at index %d\n", moves.stones_removed,                    moves.pile_index);             whoseTurn = HUMAN;         }         else         {             printf("HUMAN removes %d stones from pile at "                    "index %d\n", moves.stones_removed,                    moves.pile_index);             whoseTurn = COMPUTER;         }     }

    showPiles(piles, n);     declareWinner(whoseTurn);     return; }

    void knowWinnerBeforePlaying(int piles[], int n,                              int whoseTurn) {     printf("Prediction before playing the game -> ");

    if (calculateNimSum(piles, n) !=0)     {         if (whoseTurn == COMPUTER)             printf("COMPUTER will win\n");         else             printf("HUMAN will win\n");     }     else     {         if (whoseTurn == COMPUTER)             printf("HUMAN will win\n");         else             printf("COMPUTER will win\n");     }

    return; }

    // Driver program to test above functions int main() {     // Test Case 1     int piles[] = {3, 4, 5};     int n = sizeof(piles)/sizeof(piles[0]);

    // We will predict the results before playing     // The COMPUTER starts first     knowWinnerBeforePlaying(piles, n, COMPUTER);

    // Let us play the game with COMPUTER starting first     // and check whether our prediction was right or not     playGame(piles, n, COMPUTER);

    /*     Test Case 2     int piles[] = {3, 4, 7};     int n = sizeof(piles)/sizeof(piles[0]);

    // We will predict the results before playing     // The HUMAN(You) starts first     knowWinnerBeforePlaying (piles, n, COMPUTER);

    // Let us play the game with COMPUTER starting first     // and check whether our prediction was right or not     playGame (piles, n, HUMAN);    */

    return(0); } ```

    Output : May be different on different runs as random numbers are used to decide next move (for the loosing player).

    ``` Prediction before playing the game -> COMPUTER will win


    Current Game Status -> 3 4 5 COMPUTER removes 2 stones from pile at index 0 Current Game Status -> 1 4 5 HUMAN removes 3 stones from pile at index 1 Current Game Status -> 1 1 5 COMPUTER removes 5 stones from pile at index 2 Current Game Status -> 1 1 0 HUMAN removes 1 stones from pile at index 1 Current Game Status -> 1 0 0 COMPUTER removes 1 stones from pile at index 0 Current Game Status -> 0 0 0

    COMPUTER won


    参考资料: https://en . Wikipedia . org/wiki/nim

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