
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/check-可分性-二进制-stream/

二进制数的流来了,任务是告诉到目前为止形成的数是否能被给定的数 n 整除。 在任何给定的时间,你都会得到 0 或 1,并告诉用这些位形成的数是否能被 n 整除。

一般来说,电子商务公司会问这类问题。是微软面试的时候问我的。其实那个问题有点简单,面试官把 n 固定为 3。

Method 1 (Simple but causes overflow):

Keep on calculating the number formed and just check divisibility by n.

/* Simple implementation of the logic,
   without error handling compiled with
   Microsoft visual studio 2015 */
void CheckDivisibility2(int n)
    int num = 0;
    std::cout << "press any key other than"
                " 0 and 1 to terminate \n";
    while (true)
        int incomingBit;

        // read next incoming bit via standard
        // input. 0, 00, 000.. are same as int 0
        // ans 1, 01, 001, 00..001 is same as 1.
        std::cin >> incomingBit;

        // Update value of num formed so far
        if (incomingBit == 1)
            num = (num * 2 + 1);
        else if (incomingBit == 0)
            num = (num * 2);

        if (num % n == 0)
            std::cout << "yes \n";
            std::cout << "no \n";

这个解决方案的问题:溢出怎么办。因为 0 和 1 将继续出现,形成的数字将超出整数范围。

Method 2 (Doesn’t cause overflow) :

In this solution, we just maintain the remainder if remainder is 0, the formed number is divisible by n otherwise not. This is the same technique that is used in Automata to remember the state. Here also we are remembering the state of divisibility of input number.

为了实现这种技术,我们需要观察二进制数的值在被 0 或 1 追加时是如何变化的。

举个例子吧。假设你有二进制数 1。 如果加上 0,它将变成 10(十进制中的 2)表示是前一个值的 2 倍。 如果加 1,将变成 11(小数 3),是之前值+1 的 2 倍。

如何帮助得到余数? 任何数(n)都可以写成 m = an + r 的形式,其中 a、n 和 r 是整数,r 是余数。所以当 m 乘以任何数,余数。假设 m 乘以 x,那么 m 将是 mx = xan + xr。so(MX)% n =(xan)% n+(xr)% n = 0+(xr)% n =(xr)% n;

我们只需要对余数进行上述计算(当数字被 0 或 1 追加时,计算数字的值)。

When a binary number is appended by 0 (means 
multiplied by 2), the new remainder can be 
calculated based on current remainder only.
r = 2*r % n;

And when a binary number is appended by 1.
r = (2*r + 1) % n; 
// C++ program to check divisibility in a stream
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

/*  A very simple implementation of the logic,
    without error handling. just to demonstrate
    the above theory. This simple version not
    restricting user from typing 000, 00 , 000.. ,
    because this all will be same as 0 for integer
    same is true for 1, 01, 001, 000...001 is same
    as 1, so ignore this type of error handling
    while reading just see the main logic is correct. */
void CheckDivisibility(int n)
    int remainder = 0;
    std::cout << "press any key other than 0"
                 " and 1 to terminate \n";
    while (true)
        // Read next incoming bit via standard
        // input. 0, 00, 000.. are same as int 0
        // ans 1, 01, 001, 00..001 is same as 1.
        int incomingBit;
        cin >> incomingBit;

        // Update remainder
        if (incomingBit == 1)
            remainder = (remainder * 2 + 1) % n;
        else if (incomingBit == 0)
            remainder = (remainder * 2) % n;

        // If remainder is 0.
        if (remainder % n == 0)
            cout << "yes \n";
            cout << "no \n";

// Driver code
int main()
    return 0;




Press any key other than 0 and 1 to terminate 

相关文章: 基于 DFA 的划分 检查一个流是否为 3 的倍数

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