
添加英寸英尺系统中给定的 N 个距离

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/c-CPP-program-to-add-n-distance-给定英寸-英尺-系统使用结构/

给定一个包含英寸-英尺系统的 N 距离的数组 arr[] ,使得数组的每个元素以{英寸,英尺} 的形式表示一个距离。任务是使用结构添加所有 N 英寸英尺距离。


输入: arr[] = { { 10,3.7 },{ 10,5.5 },{ 6,8.0 } }; T3】输出:T5】尺和:27 寸和:5.20

输入: arr[] = { { 1,1.7 },{ 1,1.5 },{ 6,8 } }; T3】输出:T5】尺和:8 寸和:11.20


  1. 遍历结构数组 arr ,求给定的一组 N 距离的所有英寸的总和,如下所示:

    ``` feet_sum = feet_sum + arr[i].feet; inch_sum = inch_sum + arr[i].inch;


  2. If the sum of all the inches (say inch_sum) is greater than 12, then convert the inch_sum into feet because

    ``` 1 feet = 12 inches


    因此将英寸 _ 总和更新为英寸 _ 总和% 12 。然后求 N 距离的所有英尺(比如英尺 _ 总和)的总和,并将英寸 _ 总和/12 加到这个总和上。

  3. 分别打印英尺 _ 总和英寸 _ 总和



// C program for the above approach

#include "stdio.h"

// Struct defined for the inch-feet system
struct InchFeet {

    // Variable to store the inch-feet
    int feet;
    float inch;

// Function to find the sum of all N
// set of Inch Feet distances
void findSum(struct InchFeet arr[], int N)

    // Variable to store sum
    int feet_sum = 0;
    float inch_sum = 0.0;

    int x;

    // Traverse the InchFeet array
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {

        // Find the total sum of
        // feet and inch
        feet_sum += arr[i].feet;
        inch_sum += arr[i].inch;

    // If inch sum is greater than 11
    // convert it into feet
    // as 1 feet = 12 inch
    if (inch_sum >= 12) {

        // Find integral part of inch_sum
        x = (int)inch_sum;

        // Delete the integral part x
        inch_sum -= x;

        // Add x%12 to inch_sum
        inch_sum += x % 12;

        // Add x/12 to feet_sum
        feet_sum += x / 12;

    // Print the corresponding sum of
    // feet_sum and inch_sum
    printf("Feet Sum: %d\n", feet_sum);
    printf("Inch Sum: %.2f", inch_sum);

// Driver Code
int main()

    // Given set of inch-feet
    struct InchFeet arr[]
        = { { 10, 3.7 },
            { 10, 5.5 },
            { 6, 8.0 } };

    int N = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);

    // Function Call
    findSum(arr, N);

    return 0;


// C++ program for the above approach
#include "iostream"
using namespace std;

// Struct defined for the inch-feet system
struct InchFeet {

    // Variable to store the inch-feet
    int feet;
    float inch;

// Function to find the sum of all N
// set of Inch Feet distances
void findSum(InchFeet arr[], int N)

    // Variable to store sum
    int feet_sum = 0;
    float inch_sum = 0.0;

    int x;

    // Traverse the InchFeet array
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {

        // Find the total sum of
        // feet and inch
        feet_sum += arr[i].feet;
        inch_sum += arr[i].inch;

    // If inch sum is greater than 11
    if (inch_sum >= 12) {

        // Find integral part of inch_sum
        int x = (int)inch_sum;

        // Delete the integral part x
        inch_sum -= x;

        // Add x%12 to inch_sum
        inch_sum += x % 12;

        // Add x/12 to feet_sum
        feet_sum += x / 12;

    // Print the corresponding sum of
    // feet_sum and inch_sum
    cout << "Feet Sum: "
         << feet_sum << '\n'
         << "Inch Sum: "
         << inch_sum << endl;

// Driver Code
int main()

    // Given a set of inch-feet
    InchFeet arr[]
        = { { 10, 3.7 },
            { 10, 5.5 },
            { 6, 8.0 } };

    int N = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);

    // Function Call
    findSum(arr, N);

    return 0;


Feet Sum: 27
Inch Sum: 5.20

时间复杂度: O(N) ,其中 N 为英寸-英尺距离数。