
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/自下而上遍历 a-trie/

Trie 是一种高效的信息检索数据结构。使用 Trie,搜索复杂性可以达到最佳极限(密钥长度)。 给个三分。任务是以自下而上的方式打印字符 自下而上遍历 :


类似于后序遍历一棵树 例:

Input :
                                         /    \    
                                         a     t     
                                         |     |     
                                         n     h     
                                         | \   |   
                                         s  y  e     
                                         |     |  \ 
                                         w     i   r
                                         |     |   |
                                         e     r   e
Output : r, e, w, s, y, n, a, r, i, e, r, e, h, t  

Input : 
                                          /     \    
                                         c       t     
                                         |       |     
                                         a       h     
                                         | \     |     
                                         l  t    e     
                                         |       |  \ 
                                         l       i   r
                                         | \     |   |
                                         e  i    r   e
                                         |  |
                                         r  n

Output : r, e, g, n, i, l, l, t, a, c, r, i, e, r, e, h, t

解释: 在第一个例子中,根有两部分。第一部分包含字符串:“答案”和“任何”。 第二部分用字符串“他们的”和“那里”。

  • 现在,我们首先得到包含字符串“答案”和“任何”的左子树,它们由字符“n”分隔。现在“n”分隔两部分字符“s”、“w”、“e”、“r”和“y”。因此,以相反的顺序打印“s”、“w”、“e”、“r”,然后打印“y”并向上打印“n”(分隔字符串),然后向上打印“a”。现在第一个左子树以自下而上的方式打印' r ',' e ',' w ',' s ',' y ',' n ',' a '。
  • 对根的另一个子树做同样的事情,这个子树包含由字符“e”分隔的字符串“他们”和“那里”。

方法: 这样做的想法是从 trie 的根节点开始遍历,每当我们找到一个 NON-NULL 子节点时,我们递归地向前移动,当我们得到“NULL”时,我们简单地返回并打印当前节点的值,并保持不变,直到我们找到一个叶子节点,它实际上标志着字符串的结束。 以下是上述办法的实施:


// CPP program to traverse in bottom up manner
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define CHILDREN 26
#define MAX 100

// Trie node
struct trie {
    trie* child[CHILDREN];
    // endOfWord is true if the node represents
    // end of a word
    bool endOfWord;

// Function will return the new node(initialized to NULLs)
trie* createNode()
    trie* temp = new trie();
    temp->endOfWord = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < CHILDREN; i++) {
        // Initialise all child to the null, initially
        temp->child[i] = NULL;

    // Return newly created node
    return temp;
// Function will insert the string in a trie recursively
void insertRecursively(trie* itr, string str, int i)
    if (i < str.length()) {
        int index = str[i] - 'a';
        if (itr->child[index] == NULL) {
            // Assigning a newly created node
            itr->child[index] = createNode();
        // Recursive call for insertion
        // of a string in a trie
        insertRecursively(itr->child[index], str, i + 1);
    else {
        // Make the endOfWord true which represents
        // the end of string
        itr->endOfWord = true;
// Function call to insert a string
void insert(trie* itr, string str)
    // Function call with necessary arguments
    insertRecursively(itr, str, 0);
// Function to print traverse
// the tree in bottom to top manner
void printPattern(trie* itr)
    // Base condition
    if (itr == NULL)

    // Loop for printing t a value of character
    for (int i = 0; i < CHILDREN; i++) {

        // Recursive call for print pattern
        if (itr->child[i] != NULL) {
            char ch = (i + 97);
            cout << ch << ", "; // Print character

// Driver code
int main()
    trie* root = createNode();

    // Function to insert a string
    insert(root, "their");
    insert(root, "there");
    insert(root, "answer");
    insert(root, "any");

    // Function call for printing a pattern

    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to traverse in bottom up manner
public class Main
    static int CHILDREN = 26;

    // Trie node
    static class trie {

        public boolean endOfWord;
        public trie[] child;

        public trie()
            endOfWord = false;

            // endOfWord is true if the node represents
            // end of a word
            child = new trie[CHILDREN];

    // Function will return the new node(initialized to NULLs)
    static trie createNode()
        trie temp = new trie();
        temp.endOfWord = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < CHILDREN; i++)

            // Initialise all child to the null, initially
            temp.child[i] = null;

        // Return newly created node
        return temp;

    // Function will insert the string in a trie recursively
    static void insertRecursively(trie itr, String str, int i)
        if (i < str.length()) {
            int index = str.charAt(i) - 'a';
            if (itr.child[index] == null)

                // Assigning a newly created node
                itr.child[index] = createNode();

            // Recursive call for insertion
            // of a string in a trie
            insertRecursively(itr.child[index], str, i + 1);

            // Make the endOfWord true which represents
            // the end of string
            itr.endOfWord = true;

    // Function call to insert a string
    static void insert(trie itr, String str)

        // Function call with necessary arguments
        insertRecursively(itr, str, 0);

    // Function to print traverse
    // the tree in bottom to top manner
    static void printPattern(trie itr)

        // Base condition
        if (itr == null)

        // Loop for printing t a value of character
        for (int i = 0; i < CHILDREN; i++) {

            // Recursive call for print pattern
            if (itr.child[i] != null) {
                char ch = (char)(i + 97);
                System.out.print(ch + ", "); // Print character

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        trie root = createNode();

        // Function to insert a string
        insert(root, "their");
        insert(root, "there");
        insert(root, "answer");
        insert(root, "any");

        // Function call for printing a pattern

// This code is contributed by divyesh072019.

Python 3

# Python3 program to traverse in bottom up manner
MAX = 100

# Trie node
class trie:

    def __init__(self):
        self.child = [None for i in range(CHILDREN)]

        # endOfWord is true if the node represents
        # end of a word
        self.endOfWord = False

# Function will return the new node(initialized to NULLs)
def createNode():

    temp = trie()
    return temp

# Function will insert the string in a trie recursively
def insertRecursively(itr, str, i):

    if (i < len(str)):
        index = ord(str[i]) - ord('a')

        if (itr.child[index] == None):

            # Assigning a newly created node
            itr.child[index] = createNode()

        # Recursive call for insertion
        # of a string in a trie
        insertRecursively(itr.child[index], str, i + 1)

        # Make the endOfWord true which represents
        # the end of string
        itr.endOfWord = True

# Function call to insert a string
def insert(itr, str):

    # Function call with necessary arguments
    insertRecursively(itr, str, 0)

# Function to print traverse
# the tree in bottom to top manner
def printPattern(itr):

    # Base condition
    if(itr == None):

    # Loop for printing t a value of character
    for i in range(CHILDREN):

        # Recursive call for print pattern
        if (itr.child[i] != None):
            ch = chr(i + 97)

            # Print character
            print(ch,end=', ')

# Driver code
if __name__=='__main__':

    root = createNode()

    # Function to insert a string
    insert(root, "their")
    insert(root, "there")
    insert(root, "answer")
    insert(root, "any")

    # Function call for printing a pattern

    # This code is countributed by rutvik_56


// C# program to traverse in bottom up manner
using System;
class GFG {

    static int CHILDREN = 26;

    // Trie node
    class trie {

        public bool endOfWord;
        public trie[] child;

        public trie()
            endOfWord = false;

            // endOfWord is true if the node represents
            // end of a word
            child = new trie[CHILDREN];

    // Function will return the new node(initialized to NULLs)
    static trie createNode()
        trie temp = new trie();
        temp.endOfWord = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < CHILDREN; i++)

            // Initialise all child to the null, initially
            temp.child[i] = null;

        // Return newly created node
        return temp;

    // Function will insert the string in a trie recursively
    static void insertRecursively(trie itr, string str, int i)
        if (i < str.Length) {
            int index = str[i] - 'a';
            if (itr.child[index] == null)

                // Assigning a newly created node
                itr.child[index] = createNode();

            // Recursive call for insertion
            // of a string in a trie
            insertRecursively(itr.child[index], str, i + 1);

            // Make the endOfWord true which represents
            // the end of string
            itr.endOfWord = true;

    // Function call to insert a string
    static void insert(trie itr, string str)

        // Function call with necessary arguments
        insertRecursively(itr, str, 0);

    // Function to print traverse
    // the tree in bottom to top manner
    static void printPattern(trie itr)

        // Base condition
        if (itr == null)

        // Loop for printing t a value of character
        for (int i = 0; i < CHILDREN; i++) {

            // Recursive call for print pattern
            if (itr.child[i] != null) {
                char ch = (char)(i + 97);
                Console.Write(ch + ", "); // Print character

  static void Main() {
    trie root = createNode();

    // Function to insert a string
    insert(root, "their");
    insert(root, "there");
    insert(root, "answer");
    insert(root, "any");

    // Function call for printing a pattern

// This code is contributed by mukesh07.

java 描述语言

    // Javascript program to traverse in bottom up manner
    let CHILDREN = 26;

    // Trie node
    class trie

           // endOfWord is true if the node represents
           // end of a word
           this.child = new Array(CHILDREN);
           this.endOfWord = false;

    // Function will return the new node(initialized to NULLs)
    function createNode()
        let temp = new trie();
        temp.endOfWord = false;
        for (let i = 0; i < CHILDREN; i++)

            // Initialise all child to the null, initially
            temp.child[i] = null;

        // Return newly created node
        return temp;

    // Function will insert the string in a trie recursively
    function insertRecursively(itr, str, i)
        if (i < str.length) {
            let index = str[i].charCodeAt() - 'a'.charCodeAt();
            if (itr.child[index] == null)

                // Assigning a newly created node
                itr.child[index] = createNode();

            // Recursive call for insertion
            // of a string in a trie
            insertRecursively(itr.child[index], str, i + 1);

            // Make the endOfWord true which represents
            // the end of string
            itr.endOfWord = true;

    // Function call to insert a string
    function insert(itr, str)

        // Function call with necessary arguments
        insertRecursively(itr, str, 0);

    // Function to print traverse
    // the tree in bottom to top manner
    function printPattern(itr)

        // Base condition
        if (itr == null)

        // Loop for printing t a value of character
        for (let i = 0; i < CHILDREN; i++) {

            // Recursive call for print pattern
            if (itr.child[i] != null) {
                let ch = String.fromCharCode(i + 97);
                document.write(ch + ", "); // Print character

    let root = createNode();

    // Function to insert a string
    insert(root, "their");
    insert(root, "there");
    insert(root, "answer");
    insert(root, "any");

    // Function call for printing a pattern

    // This code is contributed by suresh07.


 r, e, w, s, y, n, a, e, r, e, r, e, i, h, t,