
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/check-binary-表象-数字-回文/

给定一个整数“x”,写一个 C 函数,如果 x 的二进制表示是回文,则返回 true,否则返回 false。 例如二进制表示为 10 的数字..01 是回文和数字,二进制表示为 10..00 不是回文。 这个想法类似于检查一个字符串是不是回文。我们从最左边和最右边的位开始,逐个比较位。如果发现不匹配,则返回 false。

算法: ispalindome(x) 1)使用 sizeof()运算符查找 x 中的位数。 2)将左右位置分别初始化为 1 和 n。 3)当左“l”小于右“r”时,执行以下操作。 ..…..a)如果“l”位置的位与“r”位置的位不同,则返回 false。 ..…..b)递增‘l’和递减‘r’,即做 l++和 r –-。 4)如果我们到达这里,这意味着我们没有发现一个不匹配的位。 找到给定位置的位,可以用类似这个帖子的思路。表达式“x&(1<<(k-1))”在从右数第 k 个位置的位被置位时给出非零值,在第 k 个位未被置位时给出零值。



// C++ Program to Check if binary representation
// of a number is palindrome
using namespace std;

// This function returns true if k'th bit in x
// is set (or 1). For example if x (0010) is 2
// and k is 2, then it returns true
bool isKthBitSet(unsigned int x, unsigned int k)
    return (x & (1 << (k - 1))) ? true : false;

// This function returns true if binary
// representation of x is palindrome.
// For example (1000...001) is palindrome
bool isPalindrome(unsigned int x)
    int l = 1; // Initialize left position
    int r = sizeof(unsigned int) * 8; // initialize right position

    // One by one compare bits
    while (l < r)
        if (isKthBitSet(x, l) != isKthBitSet(x, r))
            return false;
        l++; r--;
    return true;

// Driver Code
int main()
    unsigned int x = 1 << 15 + 1 << 16;
    cout << isPalindrome(x) << endl;
    x = 1 << 31 + 1;
    cout << isPalindrome(x) << endl;
    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java Program to Check if binary representation
// of a number is palindrome
class GFG

    // This function returns true if k'th bit in x
    // is set (or 1). For example if x (0010) is 2
    // and k is 2, then it returns true
    static int isKthBitSet(long x, long k)
        int rslt = ((x & (1 << (k - 1))) != 0) ? 1 : 0;
        return rslt;

    // This function returns true if binary
    // representation of x is palindrome.
    // For example (1000...001) is palindrome
    static int isPalindrome( long x)
        long l = 1; // Initialize left position
        long r = (Integer.SIZE/8 )* 8; // initialize right position

        // One by one compare bits
        while (l < r)
            if (isKthBitSet(x, l) != isKthBitSet(x, r))
                return 0;
            l++; r--;
        return 1;

    // Driver Code
    public static void main (String[] args)
        long x = 1 << 15 + 1 << 16 ;

        x = (1 << 31) + 1 ;

// This code is contributed by AnkitRai01

Python 3

# python 3 Program to Check if binary representation
# of a number is palindrome
import sys
# This function returns true if k'th bit in x
# is set (or 1). For example if x (0010) is 2
# and k is 2, then it returns true
def isKthBitSet(x, k):
    if ((x & (1 << (k - 1))) !=0):
        return True
        return False

# This function returns true if binary
# representation of x is palindrome.
# For example (1000...001) is palindrome
def isPalindrome(x):
    l = 1 # Initialize left position
    r = 2 * 8 # initialize right position

    # One by one compare bits
    while (l < r):
        if (isKthBitSet(x, l) != isKthBitSet(x, r)):
            return False
        l += 1
        r -= 1

    return True

# Driver Code
if __name__ =='__main__':
    x = 1 << 15 + 1 << 16
    x = 1 << 31 + 1

# This code is contributed by
# Surendra_Gangwar


// C# Program to Check if binary representation
// of a number is palindrome
using System;

class GFG

    // This function returns true if k'th bit in x
    // is set (or 1). For example if x (0010) is 2
    // and k is 2, then it returns true
    static int isKthBitSet(long x, long k)
        int rslt = ((x & (1 << (int)(k - 1))) != 0) ? 1 : 0;
        return rslt;

    // This function returns true if binary
    // representation of x is palindrome.
    // For example (1000...001) is palindrome
    static int isPalindrome( long x)
        long l = 1; // Initialize left position
        long r = 4 * 8; // initialize right position

        // One by one compare bits
        while (l < r)
            if (isKthBitSet(x, l) != isKthBitSet(x, r))
                return 0;
            l++; r--;
        return 1;

    // Driver Code
    public static void Main ()
        long x = 1 << 15 + 1 << 16 ;

        x = (1 << 31) + 1 ;

// This code is contributed by AnkitRai01

服务器端编程语言(Professional Hypertext Preprocessor 的缩写)

// PHP Program to Check if binary representation
// of a number is palindrome

// This function returns true if k'th bit in x
// is set (or 1). For example if x (0010) is 2
// and k is 2, then it returns true
function isKthBitSet($x, $k)
    return ($x & (1 << ($k - 1))) ? true : false;

// This function returns true if binary
// representation of x is palindrome.
// For example (1000...001) is palindrome
function isPalindrome($x)
    $l = 1; // Initialize left position
    $r = sizeof(4) * 8; // initialize right position

    // One by one compare bits
    while ($l < $r)
        if (isKthBitSet($x, $l) != isKthBitSet($x, $r))
            return false;
    return true;

// Driver Code
$x = 1 << 15 + 1 << 16;
echo isPalindrome($x), "\n";
$x = 1 << 31 + 1;
echo isPalindrome($x), "\n";

// This code is contributed by ajit.

java 描述语言


// Javascript program to Check if binary
// representation of a number is palindrome

// This function returns true if k'th bit in x
// is set (or 1). For example if x (0010) is 2
// and k is 2, then it returns true
function isKthBitSet(x, k)
    let rslt = ((x & (1 << (k - 1))) != 0) ? 1 : 0;
    return rslt;

// This function returns true if binary
// representation of x is palindrome.
// For example (1000...001) is palindrome
function isPalindrome(x)

    // Initialize left position
    let l = 1;

    // initialize right position
    let r = 4 * 8;

    // One by one compare bits
    while (l < r)
        if (isKthBitSet(x, l) !=
            isKthBitSet(x, r))
            return 0;
        l++; r--;
    return 1;

// Driver code
let x = 1 << 15 + 1 << 16;
document.write(isPalindrome(x) + "</br>");

x = (1 << 31) + 1;

// This code is contributed by divyesh072019





