最大整数,其最大位数和在 1 到 n 的范围内

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/maximum-integer-maximum-digits-sum-range-1-n/

给定一个数 n,找到一个范围从 1 到 n 的数,使其和最大。如果有几个这样的整数,确定其中最大的


Input:  n = 100
Output: 99  
99 is the largest number in range from
1 to 100 with maximum sum of digits.

Input: n = 48
Output: 48
There are two numbers with maximum
digit sum. The numbers are 48 and 39
Since 48 > 39, it is our answer.

一种天真的方法是对从 1 到 n 的所有数字进行迭代,找出哪个数字的数字和最大。这个解的时间复杂度是 O(n)。

一种有效的方法是从 n 迭代到 1。对当前数字的每个数字执行以下操作,如果该数字不为零,将其减少 1,并将所有其他数字更改为其右侧的 9。如果结果整数的位数总和严格大于当前答案的位数总和,则使用结果整数更新答案。如果结果整数之和与当前答案相同,则如果结果整数大于当前答案,则用结果整数更新当前答案。

*如何减少一个数字,把它右边的其他所有数字都改成 9? 让 x 成为我们当前的数字。我们可以用下面的公式找到当前数字的下一个数字。在下面的公式中,b 是 10 的幂,表示当前数字的位置。每次迭代后,我们把 x 减少到 x/10,把 b 变成 b * 10。 我们使用(x–1) b+(b–1);

这一行可以进一步解释为,如果数字是 x = 521,b = 1,那么

  • (521–1)* 1+(1-1)给你 520,这是我们需要做的事情,将位置号减少 1,将右边所有其他数字替换为 9。
  • 在 x /= 10 给你 x 为 52,b=10 给你 b 为 10 之后,再次执行为(52-1)(10) + 9 给你 519,这就是我们要做的,将当前索引减少 1,所有其他权限增加 9。


// CPP program to find the
// number with maximum digit
// sum.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// function to calculate the 
// sum of digits of a number.
int sumOfDigits(int a)
    int sum = 0;
    while (a)
        sum += a % 10;
        a /= 10;
    return sum;

// Returns the maximum number
// with maximum sum of digits.
int findMax(int x)
    // initializing b as 1 and
    // initial max sum to be of n
    int b = 1, ans = x;

    // iterates from right to
    // left in a digit
    while (x)

        // while iterating this
        // is the number from
        // from right to left
        int cur = (x - 1) * b + (b - 1);

        // calls the function to
        // check if sum of cur is
        // more then of ans
        if (sumOfDigits(cur) > sumOfDigits(ans) ||
           (sumOfDigits(cur) == sumOfDigits(ans) &&
            cur > ans))
            ans = cur;

        // reduces the number to one unit less
        x /= 10;
        b *= 10;

    return ans;

// driver program
int main()
    int n = 521;
    cout << findMax(n);
    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to find the
// number with maximum digit
// sum.
import java.io.*;

class GFG {

    // function to calculate the 
    // sum of digits of a number.  
    static int sumOfDigits(int a)
        int sum = 0;
        while (a!=0)
            sum += a % 10;
            a /= 10;
        return sum;

    // Returns the maximum number
    // with maximum sum of digits.
    static int findMax(int x)
        // initializing b as 1 and
        // initial max sum to be of n
        int b = 1, ans = x;

        // iterates from right to
        // left in a digit
        while (x!=0)

            // while iterating this
            // is the number from
            // from right to left
            int cur = (x - 1) * b + (b - 1);

            // calls the function to
            // check if sum of cur is
            // more then of ans
            if (sumOfDigits(cur) > sumOfDigits(ans) ||
            (sumOfDigits(cur) == sumOfDigits(ans) &&
                cur > ans))
                ans = cur;

            // reduces the number to one unit less
            x /= 10;
            b *= 10;

        return ans;

    // driver program
    public static void main (String[] args)
        int n = 521;

/*This article is contributed by Nikita Tiwari.*/

Python 3

# Python 3 program to
# find the number
# with maximum digit
# sum.

# function to calculate
# the sum of digits of
# a number.
def sumOfDigits(a) :
    sm = 0
    while (a!=0) :
        sm = sm + a % 10
        a = a // 10

    return sm

# Returns the maximum number
# with maximum sum of digits.
def findMax(x) :

    # initializing b as 1
    # and initial max sum
    # to be of n
    b = 1
    ans = x

    # iterates from right
    # to left in a digit
    while (x!=0) :
        # while iterating this
        # is the number from
        # right to left
        cur = (x - 1) * b + (b - 1)

        # calls the function to
        # check if sum of cur is
        # more then of ans
        if (sumOfDigits(cur) > sumOfDigits(ans) or
        (sumOfDigits(cur) == sumOfDigits(ans) and
            cur > ans)) :
                ans = cur

        # reduces the number
        # to one unit less
        x =x // 10
        b = b * 10

    return ans

# driver program to test the above function
n = 521

# This article is contributed by Nikita Tiwari.


// C# program to find the number
// with maximum digit sum.
using System;

class GFG {

    // function to calculate the 
    // sum of digits of a number.  
    static int sumOfDigits(int a)
        int sum = 0;
        while (a!=0)
            sum += a % 10;
            a /= 10;
        return sum;

    // Returns the maximum number
    // with maximum sum of digits.
    static int findMax(int x)
        // initializing b as 1 and
        // initial max sum to be of n
        int b = 1, ans = x;

        // iterates from right to
        // left in a digit
        while (x!=0)

            // while iterating this
            // is the number from
            // from right to left
            int cur = (x - 1) * b + (b - 1);

            // calls the function to
            // check if sum of cur is
            // more then of ans
            if (sumOfDigits(cur) > sumOfDigits(ans) ||
               (sumOfDigits(cur) == sumOfDigits(ans) &&
                                            cur > ans))
                ans = cur;

            // reduces the number to one unit less
            x /= 10;
            b *= 10;

        return ans;

    // driver program
    public static void Main()
        int n = 521;

// This article is contributed by Anant Agarwal.

服务器端编程语言(Professional Hypertext Preprocessor 的缩写)

// PHP program to find the
// number with maximum digit
// sum.

// function to calculate the
// sum of digits of a number.
function sumOfDigits($a)
    $sum = 0;
    while ($a)
        $sum += $a % 10;
        $a = (int)$a / 10;
    return $sum;

// Returns the maximum number
// with maximum sum of digits.
function findMax( $x)
    // initializing b as 1 and
    // initial max sum to be of n
    $b = 1; $ans = $x;

    // iterates from right to
    // left in a digit
    while ($x)

        // while iterating this
        // is the number from
        // from right to left
        $cur = ($x - 1) * $b +
                     ($b - 1);

        // calls the function to
        // check if sum of cur is
        // more then of ans
        if (sumOfDigits($cur) > sumOfDigits($ans) ||
           (sumOfDigits($cur) == sumOfDigits($ans) &&
                                        $cur > $ans))
            $ans = $cur;

        // reduces the number
        // to one unit less
        $x = (int)$x / 10;
        $b *= 10;

    return $ans;

// Driver Code
$n = 521;
echo findMax($n);

// This code is contributed by ajit

java 描述语言


// Javascript program to find the
// number with maximum digit
// sum.

// Function to calculate the
// sum of digits of a number.
function sumOfDigits(a)
    var sum = 0;
    while (a != 0)
        sum += a % 10;
        a = parseInt(a / 10);
    return sum;

// Returns the maximum number
// with maximum sum of digits.
function findMax(x)

    // Initializing b as 1 and
    // initial max sum to be of n
    var b = 1, ans = x;

    // Iterates from right to
    // left in a digit
    while (x != 0)

        // While iterating this
        // is the number from
        // from right to left
        var cur = (x - 1) * b + (b - 1);

        // Calls the function to
        // check if sum of cur is
        // more then of ans
        if (sumOfDigits(cur) >
            sumOfDigits(ans) ||
           (sumOfDigits(cur) ==
            sumOfDigits(ans) &&
            cur > ans))
            ans = cur;

        // Reduces the number to one unit less
        x = parseInt(x / 10);
        b *= 10;
    return ans;

// Driver Code
var n = 521;


// This code is contributed by todaysgaurav




*时间复杂度:* O(m),其中 m 为 n 中的位数。

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