
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/calculate-volume-十二面体/

给定十二面体的边,计算它的体积。体积是形状占据的空间量。 A 十二面体 是一个由 12 个面或平边组成的三维图形。所有的面都是同样大小的五角星。“十二面体”一词来源于希腊语中的“十二面体”和“面”。 公式: 体积= (15 + 7√5)*e 3 /4 其中 e 为一条边的长度。 示例:

Input : side = 4
Output : 490.44

Input : side = 9
Output : 5586.41


// CPP program to calculate
// Volume of dodecahedron
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// utility Function
double vol_of_dodecahedron(int side)
    return (((15 + (7 * (sqrt(5)))) / 4)
                       * (pow(side, 3))) ;
// Driver Function
int main()
    int side = 4;

    cout << "Volume of dodecahedron = "
         << vol_of_dodecahedron(side);

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to calculate
// Volume of dodecahedron

import java.io.*;

class GFG
        // driver function
    public static void main (String[] args)
           int side = 4;
           System.out.print("Volume of dodecahedron = ");

     static double vol_of_dodecahedron(int side)
             return (((15 + (7 * (Math.sqrt(5)))) / 4)
                       * (Math.pow(side, 3)));

// This code is contributed
// by Azkia Anam.

Python 3

# Python3 program to calculate
# Volume of dodecahedron
import math

# utility Function
def vol_of_dodecahedron(side) :

    return (((15 + (7 * (math.sqrt(5)))) / 4)
                    * (math.pow(side, 3)))

# Driver Function
side = 4
print("Volume of dodecahedron =",
       round(vol_of_dodecahedron(side), 2))

# This code is contributed by Smitha Dinesh Semwal


// C# program to calculate
// Volume of dodecahedron
using System;

public class GFG

    // utility Function
    static float vol_of_dodecahedron(int side)
        return (float)(((15 + (7 * (Math.Sqrt(5)))) / 4)
                        * (Math.Pow(side, 3))) ;

    // Driver Function
    static public void Main ()
        int side = 4;

        Console.WriteLine("Volume of dodecahedron = "
            + vol_of_dodecahedron(side));

/* This code is contributed by vt_m.*/

服务器端编程语言(Professional Hypertext Preprocessor 的缩写)

// PHP program to calculate
// Volume of dodecahedron

// utility Function
function vol_of_dodecahedron($side)
    return (((15 + (7 * (sqrt(5)))) / 4)
                      * (pow($side, 3))) ;

    // Driver Function
    $side = 4;
    echo ("Volume of dodecahedron = ");

// This code is contributed by vt_m.

java 描述语言

// javascript program to calculate
// Volume of dodecahedron

// utility Function
function vol_of_dodecahedron( side)
    return (((15 + (7 * (Math.sqrt(5)))) / 4)
                       * (Math.pow(side, 3))) ;

// Driver Function
    let side = 4;
    document.write("Volume of dodecahedron = " +

    // This code contributed by gauravrajput1


Volume of dodecahedron = 490.44