
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/width-first-search-not-use-queue/

广度优先搜索是一种逐层遍历图或树的图遍历算法。在本文中, BFS 对于一个图是使用邻接表实现的,而不使用队列举例:


输出: BFS 遍历= 2,0,3,1 说明: 在下图中,我们从顶点 2 开始遍历。当我们到达顶点 0 时,我们寻找它的所有相邻顶点。2 也是 0 的相邻顶点。如果我们不标记访问过的顶点,那么 2 将被再次处理,并且它将成为一个不终止的过程。因此,下图的广度优先遍历是 2,0,3,1。

方法:这个问题可以通过使用来自给定源的简单广度优先遍历来解决。该实现使用 邻接表表示图形 。 此处:

  • STL Vector 容器用于存储 BFS 遍历所需的相邻节点列表和节点队列。

  • 一个 DP 数组 用来存储节点离源的距离。每次我们从一个节点移动到另一个节点,距离增加 1。如果到达节点的距离变得小于先前的距离,我们将更新存储在 DP[节点]中的值。


卡片打印处理机(Card Print Processor 的缩写)

// C++ implementation to demonstrate
// the above mentioned approach

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function to find the distance
// from the source to other nodes
void BFS(int curr, int N, vector<bool>& vis,
         vector<int>& dp, vector<int>& v,
         vector<vector<int> >& adj)

    while (curr <= N) {

        // Current node
        int node = v[curr - 1];
        cout << node << ", ";

        for (int i = 0; i < adj[node].size(); i++) {

            // Adjacent node
            int next = adj[node][i];

            if ((!vis[next])
                && (dp[next] < dp[node] + 1)) {

                // Stores the adjacent node

                // Increases the distance
                dp[next] = dp[node] + 1;

                // Mark it as visited
                vis[next] = true;
        curr += 1;

// Function to print the distance
// from source to other nodes
void bfsTraversal(
    vector<vector<int> >& adj,
    int N, int source)
    // Initially mark all nodes as false
    vector<bool> vis(N + 1, false);

    // Initialize distance array with 0
    vector<int> dp(N + 1, 0), v;


    // Initially mark the starting
    // source as 0 and visited as true
    dp = 0;
    vis = true;

    // Call the BFS function
    BFS(1, N, vis, dp, v, adj);

// Driver code
int main()
    // No. of nodes in graph
    int N = 4;

    // Creating adjacency list
    // for representing graph
    vector<vector<int> > adj(N + 1);

    // Following is BFS Traversal
    // starting from vertex 2
    bfsTraversal(adj, N, 2);

    return 0;

Python 3

# C++ implementation to demonstrate
# the above mentioned approach
from queue import Queue

# Function to find the distance
# from the source to other nodes
def BFS(curr, N, vis,          dp,  v, adj):

    while (curr <= N) :

        # Current node
        node = v[curr - 1]
        print(node,end=  ", ")

        for i in range(len(adj[node])) :

            # Adjacent node
            next = adj[node][i]

            if ((not vis[next]) and (dp[next] < dp[node] + 1)) :

                # Stores the adjacent node

                # Increases the distance
                dp[next] = dp[node] + 1

                # Mark it as visited
                vis[next] = True

        curr += 1

# Function to prthe distance
# from source to other nodes
def bfsTraversal(adj,    N, source):
    # Initially mark all nodes as false
    vis=[False]*(N + 1)

    # Initialize distance array with 0
    dp=[0]*(N + 1); v=[]


    # Initially mark the starting
    # source as 0 and visited as true
    dp = 0
    vis = True

    # Call the BFS function
    BFS(1, N, vis, dp, v, adj)

# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # No. of nodes in graph
    N = 4

    # Creating adjacency list
    # for representing graph
    adj=[[] for _ in range(N+1)]

    # Following is BFS Traversal
    # starting from vertex 2
    bfsTraversal(adj, N, 2)


2, 0, 3, 1,

时间复杂度: O(V + E),其中 V 为顶点数,E 为边数。 辅助空间: O(V)