检查给定整数是正还是负的 Java 程序

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/Java-程序检查给定整数是正数还是负数/


  • If the integer is greater than zero, it is a positive integer.
  • If the number is less than zero, it is a negative integer.
  • If the number is equal to zero, it is neither negative nor positive.
Input: X = 12
Output: Positive
Explanation: Value of X is greater than 0 so it is Positive.

Input: x = -5
Output: Negative
Explanation: Value of X less than 0 so it is negative.

方法 1:使用关系运算符,我们可以检查一个整数是正数还是负数。

  • If the number > is 0, the number is positive.
  • If the number < is 0, the number is negative.
  • If a number is neither positive nor negative, it is equal to 0.

下面是上述方法的 java 实现:


// Java Program to Check if a Given Integer
// is Positive or Negative

import java.io.*;

class GFG {

    // Function to check positive and negative
    static String checkPosNeg(int x)

        // checks the number is greater than 0 or not
        if (x > 0)
            return "Positive";

        else if (x < 0)
            return "Negative";

            return "zero";

    // Driver Function
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // number to be check
        int firstNumber = 912;
        System.out.println(firstNumber + " is "
                           + checkPosNeg(firstNumber));


912 is Positive