Java 程序根据身高对高个子、矮子和普通人进行分类

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/Java-程序分类-更高的侏儒和平均身高/

在这个程序中,根据一个人的身高来划分高个子、矮子和平均身高。为了进行比较,参考的标准高度被认为是 151 厘米到 175 厘米。身高从 151 厘米到 175 厘米的范围属于平均身高。身高大于 175 厘米属于较高的身高类别,150 厘米以下属于矮子类别。


Input:    164
Output: This person has Average height

Input:    180
Output: This person is taller



// Java Program to Categorize Taller,
// Dwarf and Average by Height of a Person

class Height_classifier {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int height = 180;

        if (height > 175) {
            // prints that person is taller
            System.out.println("This person is Taller");
        else if (height > 150 && height <= 175) {
            // prints that person has average height
                " This person has Average height");
        else {
            // prints that person is a graph
            System.out.println(" This person is Dwarf");


This person is Taller