Java 中的 Java.lang.String 类|集合 2

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/Java-lang-string-class-Java-set-2/

Java 中的 Java.lang.String 类| Set 1 在本文中,我们将讨论 Java 中的 java.lang.String 提供的不同构造函数和方法。字符串是不可变的。 现在让我们讨论一下 String 类提供的一些方法。 方法:

  1. public int codePointAt(int index)–它将一个索引作为参数,该索引必须从 0 到 length()–1。ad 返回一个索引的字符 unicode 点
  2. public int codepoint before(int index)–它将一个索引作为参数,该索引必须从 0 到 length()–1。并返回索引前一个字符的 unicode 点
  3. public int codePointCount(int start_index, int end_index) – It takes as parameter start_index and end_index and returns the count of Unicode code points between the range.

    让我们看一个上述方法的例子: 例子:

    ```java // Java Program to demonstrate codePointAt // codePointBefore and codePointCount public class GFG_1 { public static void main(String[] args)     {

    String s = "GeeksforGeeks";

    // codePointAt()         System.out.print("Character (unicode point) at index 1 : "                          + s.codePointAt(1) + "  ");         System.out.println(s.codePointAt(5));

    // codePointBefore()         System.out.print("Character (unicode point) before index 1 : "                          + s.codePointBefore(1) + "  ");         System.out.println(s.codePointBefore(7));

    // codePointCount()         s = "G eek123 G**k";         System.out.println("Character code point count : "                            + s.codePointCount(0, 5));     } } ```


    ```java Character (unicode point) at index 1 : 101 102 Character (unicode point) before index 1 : 71 111 Character code point count : 5


  4. public CharSequence subSequence(int start_index, int end_index) – This method returns CharSequence which is a subsequence of the String on which this method is invoked.

    注意:它的行为类似于 subString(int start_index,int end_index) ,但是 subString() 返回 String ,而 subSequence 返回 CharSequence。

  5. 公共布尔包含(CharSequence char _ seq)–如果调用它的字符串中存在给定的 CharSquence ,它将返回 true

  6. public boolean contentEquals(CharSequence char_seq) – It returns true only if the given CharSequence exactly matches the String on which its invoked

    让我们看一个上述方法的例子: 例子:

    ```java // Java Program to demonstrate subSequence // and contains and contentEquals public class GFG_2 { public static void main(String[] args)     {         String s = "geeksforgeeks";

    // subSequence()         // contains "for"         CharSequence cs = s.subSequence(5, 8);

    // contains "geeks"         CharSequence cs1 = s.subSequence(0, 5);

    String s_1 = "geekforgeek";

    // contains()         System.out.println("Reult of contains on s_1 "                            + "with charSequence cs " + s_1.contains(cs));         System.out.println("Reult of contains on s_1 "                            + "with charSequence cs1 " + s_1.contains(cs1));

    // contentEqual()

    System.out.print("Result of contentEqual ");         System.out.println("geeks".contentEquals(cs1));

    System.out.print("Result of contentEqual ");         System.out.println("geeksfor".contentEquals(cs1));     } } ```


    ```java Reult of contains on s_1 with charSequence cs true Reult of contains on s_1 with charSequence cs1 false Result of contentEqual true Result of contentEqual false


  7. 公共布尔 endsWith(String suf)–它接受参数字符串后缀,如果字符串具有相同的后缀,则返回 true

  8. public boolean startsWith(String pre) – It takes in parameter a String prefix and returns true if the String has a same prefix

    让我们看一个上述方法的例子: 例子:

    ```java // Java Program to demonstrate endsWith // and startWith public class GFG_3 { public static void main(String[] args)     {

    String s = "geeksforgeeks";

    // endsWith         String ends_1 = "geeks";         String ends_2 = "eks";         String ends_3 = "for";

    System.out.println(s + "end with " + ends_1 + " " + s.endsWith(ends_1));         System.out.println(s + "end with " + ends_2 + " " + s.endsWith(ends_2));         System.out.println(s + "end with " + ends_3 + " " + s.endsWith(ends_3));

    // startWith         String start_1 = "geeks";         String start_2 = "for";

    System.out.println(s + " starts with " + start_1                            + "  " + s.startsWith(start_1));         System.out.println(s + " starts with " + start_2                            + "  " + s.startsWith(start_2));     } } ```


    ```java geeksforgeeksend with geeks true geeksforgeeksend with eks true geeksforgeeksend with for false geeksforgeeks starts with geeks true geeksforgeeks starts with for false


  9. public void getChars(int start,int end,char[] destination,int destination_start) :取四个参数, start 和 end 指的是要复制到字符数组的范围, destination 是要复制到的字符数组, destination_start 是目标数组的起始位置。

  10. public char[] toCharArray() – It converts the entire String to the character array.

    注意:- 获取字符提供更大的灵活性,当一个字符范围被复制到一个现有的数组或一个新的数组,而获取字符串将整个字符串转换成一个新的字符数组。

    让我们看一个上述方法的例子: 例子:

    ```java // Java Program to demonstrate getChars // and toCharArray public class GFG_4 { public static void main(String args[])     {         String s = "geeksforgeeks";

    // toCharArray         char[] arr;         arr = s.toCharArray();         System.out.println("String toCharArray: ");         for (char i : arr)             System.out.print(i + " ");

    // getChars         s.getChars(5, 8, arr, 0);         System.out.println("\nSubString to existing "                            + "char array");         for (char i : arr)             System.out.print(i + " ");     } } ```


    ```java String toCharArray: g e e k s f o r g e e k s SubString to existing char array f o r k s f o r g e e k s


  11. public int hashCode()–返回给定字符串的 hashCode。有一个预定义的公式来计算字符串的哈希码:

    ```java s[0]31^(n-1) + s[1]31^(n-2) + ... + s[n-1] where, n - is the length of the String i - is the ith character of the string


  12. public String intern() – It returns the canonical form of the String object on which it is invoked. ” When the intern method is invoked, if the pool already contains a string equal to this String object as determined by the equals(Object) method, then the string from the pool is returned. Otherwise, this String object is added to the pool and a reference to this String object is returned. ” – Java String Documentation.

    让我们看一个上述方法的例子:- 为了更好地理解这个例子,请参考初始化和比较字符串 例子:

    ```java // Java program to demonstrate // hashCode and intern class GFG_5 { public static void main(String[] args)     {

    // hashCode         String s = "geeks";         System.out.println("Hashcode of String s is "                            + s.hashCode());

    // intern()         String s_1 = "geeks";         String s_2 = new String("geeks");         String s_3 = s_2.intern();

    // returns true         System.out.println(s_1 == s_2);

    // returns false         System.out.println(s_1 == s_3);     } } ```


    ```java Hashcode of String s is 98232047 false true


  13. public boolean isEmpty()–如果字符串的长度0 ,则返回 true。

  14. public static String format(String f, Object… arguments) – Returns the formatted String according to the format specifier f, the arguments should exactly equal to the number of format specifier used . Variation: public static String format(Locale l, String f, Object… arguments)– Returns the formatted String as per Locale used.

    让我们看一个上述方法的例子: 例子:

    ```java import java.util.Locale; // Java program to demonstrate // isEmpty and format class GFG_6 { public static void main(String[] args)     {

    String s = "geeksforgeeks";

    // format()         String s1 = String.format("%s : %d", s, 10);         System.out.println(s1);

    String s2 = String.format("%s = %f ",                                   "Value of PI is", Math.PI);         System.out.println(s2);

    // format() with locale         // we are using the default locale here

    String s3 = String.format(Locale.getDefault(),                                   "%s : %d", s, 10);         System.out.println(s3);

    // isEmpty         String s4 = "";         System.out.println("is String s empty "                            + s.isEmpty());

    System.out.println("is String s4 empty? "                            + s4.isEmpty());     } } ```


    ```java geeksforgeeks : 10 Value of PI is = 3.141593 geeksforgeeks : 10 is String s empty false is String s4 empty? true


  15. 公共布尔匹配(字符串 reg _ exp)–如果字符串匹配正则表达式 ( reg_exp),则返回 true。

  16. public boolean regionMatches(int start_OString, String another, int start_AString, int no_of_char) – It returns true if the region of original string staring with index start_OString matches with the region of another string starting with string_AString, and no_of_char refers to the number of character to be compared.

    变体: 公共布尔 regionMatches(布尔 ignore_case,int start _ 奥斯特林,String another,int start _ 涩味,int no _ of _ char)–当我们想要在比较子字符串时忽略大小写时,方法的这种变体提供了灵活性。如果第一个参数,即 ignore_casetrue 则忽略该案例并进行比较,但是如果为 false 则与第一个版本的方法行为类似,不使用 ignore_case

    让我们看一个上述方法的例子: 例子:

    ```java // Java Program to demonstrate // matches and regionMatches class GFG_7 { public static void main(String[] args)     {         String s = "geeksforGeeks";

    // matches         System.out.println("Matches 1 :"                            + s.matches("(.)Geeks"));         System.out.println("Matches 2 :"                            + s.matches("(.)for(.*)"));         System.out.println("Matches 3 :"                            + s.matches("geeksfor"));

    // regionMatches(int, String, int, int)

    String s2 = "Geeksforgeeks";

    System.out.println("RegionMatches 1 :" + s.regionMatches(5, s2, 5, 3));         System.out.println("RegionMatches 2 :" + s.regionMatches(5, s2, 6, 3));

    // regionMatches(boolean, int, String, int, int)         // ignore the case while comparing         System.out.println("Region Matches 3 :" + s.regionMatches(true, 0, s2, 0, 3));

    // consider the case while comparing         System.out.println("Region Matches 3 :" + s.regionMatches(false, 0, s2, 0, 3));     } } ```


    ```java Matches 1 :true Matches 2 :true Matches 3 :false RegionMatches 1 :true RegionMatches 2 :false Region Matches 3 :true Region Matches 3 :false


  17. public String[] split(String reg_exp) – It splits the string around the regular expression and returns a String array.

    Variation: public String[]split(String reg_exp,int limit)–它在正则表达式周围拆分字符串, limit 指的是应用 reg_exp 的次数,它是结果数组的长度和 reg _ exp 为 n 只应用长度–1 次。

    让我们看一个上述方法的例子: 例子:

    ```java // Java Program to demonstrate // split class GFG_8 { public static void main(String[] args)     {         String s = "Geeks for Geeks";

    // split         System.out.println("Splitting the string a"                            + "round spaces");         String[] geek_arr = s.split("\s+");         for (String i : geek_arr)             System.out.println(i);

    System.out.println("\nSplitting the string around the spaces"                            + "\nbut controlling the length of resulting array :");         String s_1 = "Geeks for Geeks Geeks for Geeks";         String[] geek_arr1 = s_1.split("\s+", 2);         for (String i : geek_arr1)             System.out.println(i);

    System.out.println("\nSplitting the string around the spaces"                            + "\nbut controlling the length of resulting array :");         geek_arr1 = s_1.split("\s+", 4);         for (String i : geek_arr1)             System.out.println(i);     } } ```


    ```java Splitting the string around spaces Geeks for Geeks

    Splitting the string around the spaces but controlling the length of resulting array : Geeks for Geeks Geeks for Geeks

    Splitting the string around the spaces but controlling the length of resulting array : Geeks for Geeks Geeks for Geeks


  18. public static String join(CharSequence de_limiter, CharSequence… elements) – It returns a string which contains all the elements joins by the de_limiter.

    Variation: public static String join(CharSequence de _ limiter,Iterable elements)–它执行相同的功能,但第二个参数是 Iterable ,这使得它可以灵活地处理不同的集合类。

    让我们看一个上述方法的例子: 例子:

    ```java // Java Program to demonstrate // join import java.util.LinkedList; class GFG_9 { public static void main(String[] args)     {         // join()         System.out.print("Example of join 1 : ");         System.out.println(             String.join(", ", "Geeks", "for", "Geeks"));

    System.out.print("Example of join 2 : ");         LinkedList ll = new LinkedList();         ll.add("browsing");         ll.add("geeks");         ll.add("for");         ll.add("geeks");         ll.add("is");         ll.add("fun");         System.out.println(String.join("-a-", ll));     } } ```


    ```java Example of join 1 : Geeks, for, Geeks Example of join 2 : browsing-a-geeks-a-for-a-geeks-a-is-a-fun


  19. 公共字符串替换 All(String reg_exp,String replacement)–它用替换替换与 reg_exp 匹配的原始字符串的所有子字符串,并返回修改后的字符串。

  20. public String replaceFirst(String reg_exp, String replacement) – It replaces the first occurrence of the reg-exp in the original string with the replacement and returns the modified String. Note :- replaceAll and replaceFirst does’nt changes the original String rather it creates a new string with modification.

    让我们看一个上述方法的例子: 例子:

    ```java // Java Program to demonstrate // replaceAll and replaceFirst class GFG_10 { public static void main(String[] args)     {         String s = "GeeksforGeeks";         ;

    // replaceAll()         String s1 = s.replaceAll("Geeks", "Quiks");         System.out.println("Replace all Geeks "                            + "with Quiks :" + s1);

    System.out.print("Replace any UpperCase letter "                          + "with F :");         System.out.println(s.replaceAll("[A-Z]+", "F"));

    // replaceFirst()         String s2 = s.replaceFirst("Geeks", "Quiks");         System.out.println("Replace first Occurrence "                            + "of Geeks with Quiks :" + s2);     } } ```


    ```java Replace all Geeks with Quiks :QuiksforQuiks Replace any UpperCase letter with F :FeeksforFeeks Replace first Occurrence of Geeks with Quiks :QuiksforGeeks


关于 String 的更多方法参考 java 中的 String 类 参考: https://docs . Oracle . com/javase/8/docs/API/Java/lang/String . html

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