Java 番石榴| IntMath log10(int x,RoundingMode 模式)方法带示例

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/Java-guava-int math-log 10 int-x-rounding mode-method-with-examples/

番石榴 IntMath Classlog10(int x,rounding mode)方法接受两个参数,并根据第二个参数指定的舍入方式计算第一个参数舍入后的基数-10 对数值。


public static int log10(int x, RoundingMode mode)

参数:该方法取 2 个参数:

  • x is the int value log to be searched.
  • mode is the specified rounding mode.

返回值:该方法返回 x 的以 10 为底的对数,根据指定的舍入方式进行舍入。


  • 非法辩解例外:x < 0′I′I′I′I′I′I。
  • Arithmetic exception: If the mode is circular mode. No need, x is not a power of ten.


枚举常数 描述
【天花板】 舍入模式向正无穷大舍入。
DOWN 舍入模式为向零舍入。
FLOOR 舍入模式为向负无穷大舍入。
HALF _ DOWN 舍入模式为向“最近邻居”舍入,除非两个邻居等距,在这种情况下舍入为 DOWN。
HALF _ EVEN 舍入模式为向“最近邻居”舍入,除非两个邻居等距,在这种情况下,向偶数邻居舍入。
【HALF _ UP】 取整模式为向“最近邻居”取整,除非两个邻居等距,在这种情况下取整。
【不必要的】 舍入模式断言请求的操作有确切的结果,因此没有舍入的必要。
UP 取整模式为远离零取整。


例 1 :

// Java code to show implementation of
// log10(int x, RoundingMode mode) method
// of Guava's IntMath class
import java.math.RoundingMode;

class GFG {

    // Driver code
    public static void main(String args[])
        int a1 = 10000;

        // Using log10(int x, RoundingMode mode)
        // method of Guava's IntMath class
        // The RoundingMode HALF_EVEN rounds towards
        // the "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors
        // are equidistant, in which case, round towards
        // the even neighbor.

        int a2 = 15;

        // Using log10(int x, RoundingMode mode)
        // method of Guava's IntMath class
        // The RoundingMode HALF_DOWN rounds towards
        // "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors
        // are equidistant, in which case round down.



例 2 :

// Java code to show implementation of
// log10(int x, RoundingMode mode) method
// of Guava's IntMath class
import java.math.RoundingMode;

class GFG {

    static int findlog10(int x, RoundingMode mode)
        try {
            // Using log10(int x, RoundingMode mode)
            // method of Guava's IntMath class
            // The RoundingMode HALF_EVEN rounds towards
            // the "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors
            // are equidistant, in which case, round towards
            // the even neighbor.
            // This should throw "IllegalArgumentException"
            // as x <= 0
            int ans = IntMath.log10(x, mode);

            // Return the answer
            return ans;
        catch (Exception e) {
            return -1;

    // Driver code
    public static void main(String args[])
        int x = -152;

        try {

            // Function calling
            findlog10(x, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN);
        catch (Exception e) {


java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: x (-152) must be > 0

参考:https://Google . github . io/guava/releases/20.0/API/docs/com/Google/common/math/intmath . html # log10-int-Java . math . round ingmode-