Java 中的 类

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/Java-net-inet 4 address-class-Java/

这个类扩展了 InetAddress 类,表示一个 IPv4 地址。它提供了解释和显示关于 IP 地址的有用信息的方法。

这个类的方法采用 4 种格式输入:

  1. D.D.D.D.: When this format is used as input, each given value is assigned to 4 bytes of the IP address from left to right.
  2. D.D.D.: When this format is used as input, the last part is interpreted as a 16-bit number and assigned to the rightmost 2 bytes as the host address. This is usually used to specify a class B address.
  3. D.D.: When this format is used as input, the last part is interpreted as a 24-digit number and assigned to the rightmost 3 bytes as the host address. This is usually used to specify a class A address.
  4. D: When this format is used as input, the given value is directly stored as the network address without any rearrangement.


| way | Description | | --- | --- | | equals (objectobj) | This method compares this object with the specified object. | | getaddress () | This method returns the original IP address of this InetAddress object. | | GetHostAddress () | This method returns the IP address string in the form of text presentation. | | hashCode () | This method returns the Hashcode of this IP address. | | isani local address () | This method utility routinely checks whether InetAddress is a wildcard address. | | Islinklocaladdress () | This method utility routinely checks whether InetAddress is a link local address. | | ISloopback address () | This method utility routinely checks whether InetAddress is a loopback address. | | ISMC Global () | This method utility routinely checks whether the multicast address has global scope. | | Ismaclenglocal () | This method utility routinely checks whether the multicast address has a link range. | | ismcnodellocal () | This method utility routine checks whether the multicast address has a node range. | | ismcorglobal () | This method utility routine checks whether the multicast address has an organization range. | | ismcsitelocal () | This method utility routinely checks whether the multicast address has a site range. | | IS Multicast Address () | This method utility routinely checks whether InetAddress is an IP multicast address. | | Issitelocaladdress () | This method utility routinely checks whether InetAddress is the local address of the site. |

Java 实现:

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to illustrate various
// Inet4Address class methods
import java.util.Arrays;

public class inet4add
    public static void main(String args[]) throws UnknownHostException
        String url = "";
        Inet4Address ip1 = (Inet4Address) Inet4Address.getByName(url);
        Inet4Address ip2 = (Inet4Address) InetAddress.getByName("");

        // Following methods checks the property of the thus created object.
        // getAddress() method
        System.out.println("Address : " + Arrays.toString(ip1.getAddress()));

        // getHostAddress() method
        System.out.println("Host Address : " + ip1.getHostAddress());

        // isAnyLocalAddress() method
        System.out.println("isAnyLocalAddress : " + ip1.isAnyLocalAddress());

        // isLinkLocalAddress() method
        System.out.println("isLinkLocalAddress : " + ip1.isLinkLocalAddress());

        // isLoopbackAddress() method
        System.out.println("isLoopbackAddress : " + ip1.isLoopbackAddress());

        // isMCGlobal() method
        System.out.println("isMCGlobal : " + ip1.isMCGlobal());

        // isMCLinkLocal() method
        System.out.println("isMCLinkLocal : " + ip1.isMCLinkLocal());

        // isMCNodeLocal() method
        System.out.println("isMCNodeLocal : " + ip1.isMCNodeLocal());

        // isMCOrgLocal() method
        System.out.println("isMCOrgLocal : " + ip1.isMCOrgLocal());

        // isMCSiteLocal() method
        System.out.println("isMCSiteLocal : " + ip1.isMCSiteLocal());

        // isMulticastAddress() method
        System.out.println("isMulticastAddress : " + ip1.isMulticastAddress());

        // isSiteLocalAddress() method
        System.out.println("isSiteLocalAddress : " + ip1.isSiteLocalAddress());

        // hashCode() method
        System.out.println("hashCode : " + ip1.hashCode());

        // equals() method
        System.out.println("ip1==ip2 : " + ip1.equals(ip2));


Address : [52, 84, 102, -116]
Host Address :
isAnyLocalAddress : false
isLinkLocalAddress : false
isLoopbackAddress : false
isMCGlobal : false
isMCLinkLocal : false
isMCNodeLocal : false
isMCOrgLocal : false
isMCSiteLocal : false
isMulticastAddress : false
isSiteLocalAddress : false
hashCode : 877946508
ip1==ip2 : false

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