Java . lang . string . last indexof()方法

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/Java-lang-string-last indexof-method/

lastIndexOf()方法有四个变体。这篇文章大概描绘了他们所有人,如下: 1。lastIndexOf() : 此方法返回字符序列中最后一个出现字符的索引。****

**int lastIndexOf(int ch)**
**ch** : a character.
**Return Value:**
This method returns the index.** 
**// Java code to demonstrate the
// working of lastIndexOf()
public class L_index1 {

public static void main(String args[])

        // Initialising String
        String Str = new String("Welcome to geeksforgeeks");

        System.out.print("Found Last Index of g at : ");

        // Last index of 'g' will print
        // prints 19


**Found Last Index of g at : 19** 

**2。lastIndexOf(int ch,int beg) : 该方法返回该对象表示的字符序列中最后一次出现的小于或等于 beg 的字符的索引,如果该字符在该点之前没有出现,则返回-1。****

**public int lastIndexOf(int ch, int beg)**
**ch** : a character.
**beg** : the index to start the search from.
**Returned Value:**
This method returns the index.** 
**// Java code to demonstrate the
// working of lastIndexOf()
public class L_index2 {

public static void main(String args[])

        // Initialising String
        String Str = new String("Welcome to geeksforgeeks");

        System.out.print("Found Last Index of g at : ");

        // Last index of 'g' before 15 will print
        // prints 11
        System.out.println(Str.lastIndexOf('g', 15));


**Found Last Index of g at : 11** 

**3。lastIndexOf(String str) : 该方法接受一个 String 作为参数,如果字符串参数作为子串在该对象中出现一次或多次,则返回该子串最后一个的的第一个字符的索引。如果它不作为子字符串出现,则返回-1。**

**public int lastIndexOf(String str)**
**str** : a string.
**Returned Value:**
This method returns the index. 
// Java code to demonstrate the
// working of lastIndexOf(String str)
public class L_index3 {

public static void main(String args[])

        // Initialising String
        String Str = new String("Welcome to geeksforgeeks");

        System.out.print("Found substring geeks at : ");

        // start index of last occurrence of "geeks'
        // prints 19


Found substring geeks at : 19 

*4。lastIndexOf(String str,int beg)* :这个方法返回这个字符串中指定子字符串最后一次出现的索引,从指定的索引开始向后搜索。

**public int lastIndexOf(String str, int beg)**
**beg** : the index to start the search from.
**str** : a string.
**Return Value**
This method returns the index. 
// Java code to demonstrate the
// working of lastIndexOf(String str,  int beg)
public class L_index4 {

public static void main(String args[])

        // Initialising String
        String Str = new String("Welcome to geeksforgeeks");

        System.out.print("Found substring geeks at : ");

        // start index of last occurrence of "geeks'
        // before 15
        // prints 11
        System.out.println(Str.lastIndexOf("geeks", 15));


Found substring geeks at : 11 

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