java 中的 java.lang.reflect.Parameter 类

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/Java-lang-reflect-parameter-class-in-Java/

java.lang.reflect.Parameter 类提供了关于方法参数的信息,包括它们的名称和修饰符。它还提供了获取参数属性的替代方法。

parameter 类的一些有用的方法有:

  1. Public GetModifiers (): It returns the modifier flag of the Parameter represented by this parameter object.
  2. Public string getName (): Returns the name of the method parameter.
  3. Public getParameterizedType (): Returns the type of the parameter.

java.lang.reflect.Parameter 类的所有方法如下:

| way | describe | | --- | --- | | 等于(对象对象) | Compare based on executable file and index. | | [获取注释类型()]( | Returns an AnnotatedType object, which represents that a type is used to specify the type of formal parameter represented by the parameter. | | getAnnotation(类注释类) | Returns the comment of this element of the specified type, or null if such comment exists. | | [getAnnotations()]( | Returns the comments that exist on this element. | | getAnnotationsByType(类)注释类) | Returns the comment associated with this element. | | getDeclaredAnnotations() | Returns the comment that appears directly on this element. | | getdeclaredannotation(类)annotation class) | Returns the comment of this element of the specified type, or null if such comment exists directly. | | getdeclaringxecutable() | Returns the executable file that declares this parameter. | | getdeclaredannotationbytype(类) annotationClass) | If the comment of the specified type exists directly or indirectly, the comment of the element is returned. | | [get coders()]( | Gets the modifier flag of this parameter represented by this parameter object. | | [获取名称()]( | Returns the name of the parameter. | | getparameterzedtype() | Returns a Type object that identifies the parameterized type of the parameter represented by the parameter object. | | [getType()]( | Returns a Class object that identifies the declaration type of the parameter represented by the parameter object. | | [hashCode()]( | Returns the hash code according to the hash code and index of the executable file. | | [Isimplicit]( | Returns true if the parameter is implicitly declared in the source code, otherwise returns false. | | [是名称÷]( | Returns true if the parameter has a name. | | issynamic() | If a parameter is neither implicitly nor explicitly declared else false | | [返回真T3】]( |



// Java program to illustrate Parameter class of
// java.lang.reflect package

// Importing  java.lang.reflect package to
// obtain reflective information about classes and objects
import java.lang.reflect.*;

// Class 1
// Helper class
class Calculate {

    // Function 1
    // To add to numbers
    int add(int a, int b)

        // Returning the sum
        return (a + b);

    // Function 2
    // To multiply two numbers
    int mul(int a, int b)

        // Returning the number obtained
        // after multiplying numbers
        return (b * a);

    // Function 3
    // Substracting two numbers
    long subtract(long a, long b)
        // Return the numbers after substracting
        // second number from the first number
        return (a - b);

// Class 2
// Main class
public class GFG {

    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating object of helper class
        // in the main method
        Class cls = Calculate.class;

        // Getting all the methods of
        // a particular class
        Method[] methods = cls.getDeclaredMethods();

        // Iterating over each method
        // using the for each loop
        for (Method method : methods) {

            // Print and display the method name
            // using getName() method
                "Method Name: " + method.getName() + " ");

            // Getting all the parameters of
            // a particular method
            Parameter parameters[] = method.getParameters();

            // Print and display
            System.out.println("\nparameters of "
                               + method.getName()
                               + "() methods: ");

            // Iterating over parameters
            // using for each loop
            for (Parameter parameter : parameters) {

                // Display the type of parameters
                    parameter.getParameterizedType() + " ");

                // Print the parameters of method
                System.out.print(parameter.getName() + " ");

            // New line


Method Name: subtract 
parameters of subtract() methods: 
long arg0 long arg1 

Method Name: add 
parameters of add() methods: 
int arg0 int arg1 

Method Name: mul 
parameters of mul() methods: 
int arg0 int arg1