Java.lang.Integer 类及其方法

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/Java-lang-integer-class-methods/

整数将整数数据类型包装到一个对象中,该对象包含一个具有数据类型为 int 的字段。 施工人员:

  • 整数:构造一个表示整数值的整数对象。
  • 整数(字符串参数) :构造表示字符串值的字符串对象。


  1. toBinaryString():Java . lang . integer . toBinaryString()方法将参数的整数值转换为字符串形式的 Binary 表示形式。 语法
public static String toBinaryString(int arg)
arg : integer argument whose Binary representation we want
Binary representation of the argument.
  1. bitcount():Java . lang . integer . bitcount() 方法将参数的整数值转换为 Binary 字符串,然后返回其中出现的 1 的个数。 语法
public static int bitCount(int arg)
arg : integer argument whose no. of 1's bit we want
no. of 1's bit present in the argument.
  1. to exstring():Java . lang . integer . to exstring()方法将参数的整数值转换为字符串的十六进制表示形式。 语法
public static String toHexString(int arg)
arg : integer argument whose Hexadecimal representation we want
Hexadecimal representation of the argument.
  1. toOctalString():Java . lang . integer . to exstring()方法将参数的整数值转换为字符串的十六进制表示形式。 语法
public static String toHexString(int arg)
arg : integer argument whose Hexadecimal representation we want
Hexadecimal representation of the argument.
  1. parse datatype():Java . lang . integer . parse _ _()方法返回 argumented String 值的原始数据类型。 基数(r)表示使用的编号格式位于字符串的基数“r”处。 语法
public static int parseInt(String arg)
public static int parseInt(String arg, int r)
arg : argument passed
r : radix
primitive data type of the argumented String value.

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java code explaining the Integer Class methods
// bitcount(), toBinaryString(), toHexString(), toOctalString(), parse__()
import java.lang.*;
public class NewClass
    public static void main(String args[])
        int x = 15, count1, y = 128, count2;

        // Use of toBinaryString() method
        System.out.println("Binary string of 16 : "
                           + Integer.toBinaryString(x));
        System.out.println("Binary string of 100 : "
                           + Integer.toBinaryString(y));

        // Use of bitCount() method
        count1 = Integer.bitCount(x);
        System.out.println("\n 1's bit present in 16 : "+count1);

        count2 = Integer.bitCount(y);
        System.out.println(" 1's bit present in 100 : "+count2);

        // Use of toHexString() method
        System.out.println("\nHexadecimal string of 16 : "
                           + Integer.toHexString(x));
        System.out.println("Hexadecimal string of 100 : "
                           + Integer.toHexString(y));

        // Use of toOctalString() method
        System.out.println("Octal string of 16 : "
                           + Integer.toOctalString(x));
        System.out.println("Octal string of 100 : "
                           + Integer.toOctalString(y) + "\n");

        // Use of parseInt() method
        int i1 =Integer.parseInt("34");
        int i2 = Integer.parseInt("15",8);
        double d = Double.parseDouble("54");

  1. 输出:
Binary string of 16   : 1111
Binary string of 100  : 10000000

 1's bit present in 16   : 4
 1's bit present in 100  : 1

Hexadecimal string of 16   : f
Hexadecimal string of 100  : 80

Octal string of 16   : 17
Octal string of 100  : 200

  1. hashCode():Java . lang . integer . hashCode()方法返回传递的参数的 hashCode 值。 语法:
public int hashCode(arg)
arg - the argument whose hashCode value we need
hashCode value of arg
  1. lowerstonebit():Java . lang . integer . lowerstonebit()方法首先将 int 转换为 Binary,然后查找位于最低位置的 set(1)位,然后重置其余位 例如 arg = 36 它,s Binary presentation = 0010 0100 它考虑最低位(位于 3),现在重置其余位,即 0000 0100 因此结果= 0100 即 4
public static int lowestOneBit(int arg)
arg - argument passed
integer value by only considering lowest 1 bit in the argument.
  1. *highestOneBit():Java . lang . integer . highestOneBit()*方法首先将 int 转换为 Binary,然后查找最低位置出现的 set(1)位,然后重置其余位 例如 arg = 36 它,s Binary presentation = 0010 0100 它考虑最高位(位于 6),现在重置其余位即 0001 0000 因此结果= 10000 即 32
public static int highestOneBit(int arg)
arg - argument passed
integer value by only considering highest 1 bit in the argument.

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program explaining Integer class methods
// hashcode(), lowestOneBit(), highestOneBit()
import java.lang.*;
public class NewClass
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Use of incrementExact() method
        int f1 = 30, f2 = -56;
        f1 = Integer.hashCode(f1);
        System.out.println("HashCode value of f1 : "+f1);

        f2 = Integer.hashCode(f2);
        System.out.println("HashCode value of f2 : "+f2);

        System.out.println("\nBinary representation of 30 : "
                           + Integer.toBinaryString(f1));

        // Use of lowestOneBit() method
        // Here it considers 00010 i.e. 2
        System.out.println("lowestOneBit of 30 : "
                           + Integer.lowestOneBit(f1));

        // Use of highestOneBit() method
        // Here it considers 10000 i.e. 16
        System.out.println("highestOneBit of 30 : "
                           + Integer.highestOneBit(f1));

  1. 输出:
HashCode value of f1 : 30
HashCode value of f2 : -56

Binary representation of 30 : 11110
lowestOneBit of 30 : 2
highestOneBit of 30 : 16
  1. *numberoftrainingzeros():Java . lang . integer . numberoftrainingzeros()*方法将 int 值转换为 Binary,然后考虑最低的一位,并返回其后的零位数。 例如 arg = 36 It,s 二进制表示= 0010 0100 它认为最高位(在 6)即 0001 0000 所以结果= 4 语法:****
public static int numberOfTrailingZeros(int arg)
arg - the argument
Number of zero bits following the 1 bit at lowest position
  1. *numberOfLeadingZeros():Java . lang . integer . numberOfLeadingZeros()*方法将 int 值转换为 Binary,然后考虑最高的一位并返回其前面的零位数。 例如 arg = 36 It,s 二进制表示= 0010 0100 它认为最高位(在 6)即 0010 0000 所以结果= 32–6 即 26 语法:****
public static int numberOfLeadingZeros(int arg)
arg - the argument
Number of zero bits preceding the 1 bit at highest position
  1. *reverse():Java . lang . integer . reverse()*方法首先查找传递的参数的 2 的补语,并反转 2 的补语中的比特顺序。 语法:****
public static int reverse(int arg)
arg - the argument 
int with reverse order of bits in 2's compliment of the passed argument

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program explaining Integer class methods
// numberOfTrailingZeros(), numberOfLeadingZeros(), reverse()
import java.lang.*;
public class NewClass
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int f1 = 30;

        // Binary representation of int arg for your understanding
        System.out.println("Binary representation of 30 : "
                           + Integer.toBinaryString(f1));

        // Use of numberOfTrailingZeros() method
        // No. of zeros following 1 in 00010 = 1
        System.out.println("\nNo. Of Trailing Zeros : "
                           + Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(f1));

        // Use of highestOneBit() method
        // No. of zeros following 1 in 10000 i.e. 32 - 5 = 27
        System.out.println("\nNo. Of Leading Zeros : "
                           + Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(f1));

        // Use of Reverse() method
        System.out.println("\nReverse : " + Integer.reverse(f1));
  1. 输出:
Binary representation of 30 : 11110

No. Of Trailing Zeros : 1

No. Of Leading Zeros  : 27

Reverse : 2013265920

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