java 中的 java.lang.reflect .修饰符类

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/Java-lang-reflect-modifier-class-in-Java/

java.lang.reflect.Modifier 类包含用于获取类、成员和方法访问修饰符信息的方法。修饰符被表示为 int 值,设置位位于不同的位置。int 值代表不同的修饰符。这些值取自 JVM 规范第 4.1、4.4、4.5 和 4.7 节中的表格。



| **field** | **Description** | | --- | --- | | Abstract | represents the integer value of the abstract modifier. | | Final | represents the integer value of the final modifier. | | Interface | represents the integer value of the interface modifier. | | NATIVE | represents the integer value of the native modifier. | | PRIVATE | represents the integer value of the private modifier. | | [Protected] | represents the integer value of the protected modifier. | | PUBLIC | stands for the integer value of the public modifier. | | Static | stands for the integer value of the static modifier. | | Strict | represents the integer value of the strictfp modifier. | | SYNCHRONIZED | stands for the integer value of the synchronized modifier. | | Transient | represents the integer value of transient modifier. | | VOLATILE | represents the integer value of volatile modifier. |


public Modifier(): Default constructor


| **Method** | **Description** | | --- | --- | | Class modifier () | This method returns an int value OR-ing, which combines the source language modifiers that can be applied to the class. | | Constructor Modifiers () | This method returns an int value, which combines the source language modifiers that can be applied to constructors. | | Field modifiers () | This method returns an int value, which combines the source language modifiers that can be applied to fields. | | Interface modifiers () | This method returns an int value OR- combines the source language modifiers that can be applied to the interface. | | isabstract (int mod) | This method returns true if the integer parameter contains abstract modifiers, otherwise it returns false. | | Isfinal (int mod) | This method returns true if the integer parameter contains the final modifier, otherwise it returns false. | | IsInterface (int mod) | This method returns true if the integer parameter contains interface modifiers, otherwise it returns false. | | is null (int mod) | This method returns true if the integer parameter contains native modifiers, otherwise it returns false. | | Isprivate (int mod) | This method returns true if the integer parameter contains private modifiers, otherwise it returns false. | | is Protected(int mod) | This method returns true if the integer parameter contains a protected modifier, otherwise it returns false. | | IsPublic (int mod) | This method returns true if the integer parameter contains the public modifier, otherwise it returns false. | | is static (int mod) | This method returns true if the integer parameter contains the staticfp modifier, otherwise it returns false. | | is synchronized (int mod) | This method returns true if the integer parameter contains the synchronized modifier, otherwise it returns false. | | Istransient (int mod) | This method returns true if the integer parameter contains transient modifiers, otherwise it returns false. | | IsVolatile (int mod) | This method returns true if the integer parameter contains volatile modifier, otherwise it returns false. | | Method modifiers () | This method returns an int value OR-ing, which is used together with the source language modifiers that can be applied to the method. | | Parameter modifiers () | This method returns an int value OR-ing, which is used together with the source language modifiers that can be applied to parameters. | | Tostring (int mod) | This method returns a string describing the access modifier flag in the specified modifier. |

1。静态 int classModifiers():


Return type: Integer


// Implementation of classModifiers() Method
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;

public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)


public protected private abstract static final strictfp

2。static int constructor modifiers();对可应用于构造函数的访问修饰符执行“或”操作后,返回一个整数值。

Return type: Integer


// Implementation of constructorModifiers() Method
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;

public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)


public protected private

3。static int fieldModifiers(): 对可应用于字段的访问修饰符执行 OR 操作后返回一个 int 值。

Return type: Integer


// Implementation of fieldModifiers() Method
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;

public class GFG {
    public static void main(String[] args)


public protected private static final transient volatile