java.math 类及其方法|第 1 集

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/Java-math-class-methods-set-1/



public final class Math  extends Object

本集讲解以下方法: java.math class methods


  1. signum() : java.math.signum() method returns the signum value of the argument passed.

    ```java -1 if x < 0 signum fun(x) = 0 if x = 0 1 if x > 0




    ```java public static double signum(double x) or public static float signum(float x) Parameters: x - the argument whose signum value we need Returns: signum value of x


  2. round():Java . math . round()方法将传递的参数四舍五入到最接近的小数位数。 注:结果为 0,如果自变量为 NaN。 语法:

    ```java public static long round(long arg) or public static double round(double arg) Parameters: arg - argument needs to round off Returns: round off value of the argument


  3. max():Java . math . max(double v1,double v2) 方法返回两个传递的参数值中较大的值。 这种方法只是比较使用量级,不考虑任何符号。 语法:

    ```java public static double max(double v1, double v2) Parameters: v1 - first value v2 - second value Returns: v1 or v2 based on which number is greater. It can return either of the two if v1 = v2.


在 Math 类中解释 signum()、round()、max()方法的 Java 代码。

// Java code explaining the Math Class methods
// signum(), round(), max()
import java.lang.*;
public class NewClass
    public static void main(String args[])
        // Use of signum() method
        double x = 10.4556, y = -23.34789;
        double signm = Math.signum(x);
        System.out.println("Signum of 10.45  = " + signm);

        signm = Math.signum(y);
        System.out.println("Signum of -23.34 = " + signm);

        // Use of round() method
        double r1 = Math.round(x);
        System.out.println("Round off 10.4556  = " + r1);

        double r2 = Math.round(y);
        System.out.println("Round off 23.34789 = " + r2);

        // Use of max() method on r1 and r2
        double m = Math.max(r1, r2);
        System.out.println("Max b/w r1 and r2 = " + r2);


Signum of 10.45  = 1.0
Signum of -23.34 = -1.0

Round off 10.4556  = 10.0
Round off 23.34789 = -23.0

Max b/w r1 and r2 = -23.0
  1. log1p():Java . math . log1p()方法返回(传递的参数+ 1)的自然对数。 语法:

    ```java public static double log1p(double arg) Parameters: arg - the argument Returns: log of (argument + 1). This result is within 1 unit in the last place of exact result.


  2. ulp():Java . math . ulp()方法返回最小精度单位(ulp) ie。两个浮点数之间的最小距离。 这里,它是最小距离 b/w 参数和下一个较大的值。 语法:

    ```java public static double ulp(double arg) or public static float ulp(float arg) Parameters: arg - argument passed. Returns: least distance b/w the argument and next larger value.


在 Math 类中解释 ulp(),log1p()方法的 Java 代码。

// Java code explaining the Math Class methods
// ulp(), log1p()
import java.lang.*;
public class NewClass
    public static void main(String args[])
        // Use of ulp() method
        double x = 34.652, y = -23.34789;
        double u = Math.ulp(x);
        System.out.println("ulp of 34.652    : " + u);

        u = Math.ulp(y);
        System.out.println("ulp of -23.34789 : " + u);

        // Use of log() method
        double l = 99;
        double l1 = Math.log1p(l);
        System.out.println("Log of (1 + 99)  : " + l1);

        l1 = Math.log(100);
        System.out.println("Log of 100       : " + l1);


ulp of 34.652    : 7.105427357601002E-15
ulp of -23.34789 : 3.552713678800501E-15

Log of (1 + 99)  : 4.605170185988092
Log of 100       : 4.605170185988092

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