日期时间。C# 中的 IsLeapYear()方法

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/datetime-islapyear-method-in-c-sharp/



public static bool IsLeapYear (int year);


异常:如果小于 1 大于 9999,此方法将给出argumentout of range Exception


例 1:


// C# code to demonstrate the
// IsLeapYear(Int32) Method
using System;

class GFG {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main()

        // Checking the leap year between 2000 to 2019
        for (int y = 2000; y <= 2019; y++)

            // using method
            if (DateTime.IsLeapYear(y))
                Console.WriteLine("{0} is a Leap Year.", y);

                Console.WriteLine("{0} is not a Leap Year.", y);


2000 is a Leap Year.
2001 is not a Leap Year.
2002 is not a Leap Year.
2003 is not a Leap Year.
2004 is a Leap Year.
2005 is not a Leap Year.
2006 is not a Leap Year.
2007 is not a Leap Year.
2008 is a Leap Year.
2009 is not a Leap Year.
2010 is not a Leap Year.
2011 is not a Leap Year.
2012 is a Leap Year.
2013 is not a Leap Year.
2014 is not a Leap Year.
2015 is not a Leap Year.
2016 is a Leap Year.
2017 is not a Leap Year.
2018 is not a Leap Year.
2019 is not a Leap Year.

例 2:


// C# code to demonstrate the
// IsLeapYear(Int32) Method
using System;

class GFG {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main()

        // using method
        if (DateTime.IsLeapYear(9999))
            Console.WriteLine("9999 is a Leap Year.");

            Console.WriteLine("9999 is not a Leap Year.");

        // using method will give an error
        // as year's value is greater than
        // 9999
        if (DateTime.IsLeapYear(10000))
            Console.WriteLine(" 10000 is a Leap Year.");

        else {
            Console.WriteLine("10000 is not a Leap Year.");


未处理异常: 系统。ArgumentOutOfRangeException:年份必须介于 1 和 9999 之间。 参数名称:年份
