C# | Tuple


单词 Tuple 的意思是“由多个部分组成的数据结构”。因此,元组是一种数据结构,它为您提供了最简单的方式来表示具有多个值的数据集,这些值可能彼此相关,也可能彼此不相关。它 引入于。NET Framework 4.0 。在元组中,您可以添加 1 到 8 个元素。如果您试图添加大于 8 的元素,那么编译器将抛出一个错误。当您想要创建一个包含对象及其属性的数据结构,并且不想为其创建单独的类型时,通常使用元组。


  • 它允许我们将多个数据表示成一个数据集。
  • 它允许我们创建、操作和访问数据集。
  • 它从一个方法返回多个值,而不使用输出参数。
  • 它还可以存储重复的元素。
  • 它允许我们在单个参数的帮助下将多个值传递给一个方法。

C# 元组的需求是什么?

在元组之前,我们有三种方法从 C# 中的方法返回多个值,它们是使用类或结构类型、输出参数匿名类型,它们通过动态返回类型返回。但是在元组之后,表示一组数据变得很容易。

出于另一个原因,想象一下这样一种情况,您希望将某个员工的详细信息存储在一个实体中,如姓名、EmpID、血型、联系号码。现在想到的最常见的方法是创建一个包含所需字段的数据结构。这就是元组发挥作用的地方。使用元组,不需要创建任何单独的数据结构。相反,对于这种情况,您可以使用元组< T1、T2、T3、T4 >

最常见的数据结构如数组、列表等。只属于特定类型,可以存储无限个元素。但是元组能够存储有限数量的元素,即 8 ,并且可以是任何类型。


在 C# 中,创建元组的方式主要有以下两种:

  • Using Constructor of Tuple Class: You can create a tuple by using the constructor which is provided by Tuple class. Where you can store elements starting from one to eight with their type. But you are not allowed to store elements greater than eight in a tuple. If you try to do so then the compiler will throw an error.


    ```cs // Constructor for single elements Tuple (T1)

    // Constructor for two elements Tuple (T1, T2) . . . // Constructor for eight elements Tuple (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, TRest) ```


    ```cs // C# program to create tuple using tuple constructor. using System;

    public class GFG{

    // Main method     static public void Main (){

    // Tuple with one element     TupleMy_Tuple1 = new Tuple("GeeksforGeeks");

    // Tuple with three elements     TupleMy_Tuple2 = new Tuple("Romil", "Python", 29);

    // Tuple with eight elements     Tuple>My_Tuple3 = new Tuple>(1,2,3,4,5,6,7, new Tuple(8));     } } ```

  • Using Create Method: When we use the tuple constructor to create a tuple we need to provide the type of each element stored in the tuple which makes your code cumbersome. So, C# provides another class that is Tuple class which contains the static methods for creating tuple object without providing the type of each element.


    ```cs // Method for 1-tuple Create(T1)

    // Method for 2-tuple Create(T1, T2) . . . // Method for 8-tuple Create(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8)



    ```cs // C# program to create tuple  // using Create Method using System;

    public class GFG {

    // Main method     static public void Main()     {

    // Creating 1-tuple         // Using Create Method         var My_Tuple1 = Tuple.Create("GeeksforGeeks");

    // Creating 4-tuple         // Using Create Method         var My_Tuple2 = Tuple.Create(12, 30, 40, 50);

    // Creating 8-tuple         // Using Create Method         var My_Tuple3 = Tuple.Create(13, "Geeks", 67,                        89.90, 'g', 39939, "geek", 10);     } } ```


    您可以通过使用项<元素号>属性来访问元组的元素,这里的元素号是从 1 到 7,如项目 1、项目 2、项目 3、项目 4、项目 5、项目 6、项目 7 等。使用 Rest 属性可以访问 8 元组的最后一个元素。如下例所示:


    ```cs // C# program to access the tuple  // using Item and Rest property using System;

    public class GFG {

    // Main method     static public void Main()     {

    // Creating 1-tuple         // Using Create Method         var My_Tuple1 = Tuple.Create("GeeksforGeeks");

    // Accessing the element of Tuple         // Using Item property         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple1: " + My_Tuple1.Item1);         Console.WriteLine();

    // Creating 4-tuple         // Using Create Method         var My_Tuple2 = Tuple.Create(12, 30, 40, 50);

    // Accessing the element of Tuple         // Using Item property         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple2: " + My_Tuple2.Item1);         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple2: " + My_Tuple2.Item2);         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple2: " + My_Tuple2.Item3);         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple2: " + My_Tuple2.Item4);         Console.WriteLine();

    // Creating 8-tuple         // Using Create Method         var My_Tuple3 = Tuple.Create(13, "Geeks",               67, 89.90, 'g', 39939, "geek", 10);

    // Accessing the element of Tuple         // Using Item property         // And print the 8th element of tuple         // using Rest property         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple3: " + My_Tuple3.Item1);         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple3: " + My_Tuple3.Item2);         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple3: " + My_Tuple3.Item3);         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple3: " + My_Tuple3.Item4);         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple3: " + My_Tuple3.Item5);         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple3: " + My_Tuple3.Item6);         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple3: " + My_Tuple3.Item7);         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple3: " + My_Tuple3.Rest);     } } ```


    ```cs Element of My_Tuple1: GeeksforGeeks

    Element of My_Tuple2: 12 Element of My_Tuple2: 30 Element of My_Tuple2: 40 Element of My_Tuple2: 50

    Element of My_Tuple3: 13 Element of My_Tuple3: Geeks Element of My_Tuple3: 67 Element of My_Tuple3: 89.9 Element of My_Tuple3: g Element of My_Tuple3: 39939 Element of My_Tuple3: geek Element of My_Tuple3: (10)



    在 C# 中,您可以在另一个元组中创建一个元组。当您想要在同一个元组中添加八个以上的元素时,可以使用嵌套元组。嵌套元组可以通过使用 Rest 属性来访问,如示例 1 所示。您可以在序列的任何地方添加嵌套元组,但是建议您可以将嵌套元组放在序列的末尾,以便它们可以从 Rest 属性轻松访问。如果将嵌套元组放置在最后一个位置之外,则可以根据 Item 属性访问元组,如示例 2 所示。

    例 1:

    ```cs // C# program to illustrate nested tuple using System;

    public class GFG{

    // Main method     static public void Main ()         {

    // Nested Tuple         var My_Tuple = Tuple.Create(13, "Geeks", 67, 89.90,                  'g', 39939, "geek", Tuple.Create(12, 30, 40, 50));

    // Accessing the element of Tuple         // Using Item property         // And accessing the elements of nested tuple         // Using Rest property         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple: "+My_Tuple.Item1);         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple: "+My_Tuple.Item2);         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple: "+My_Tuple.Item3);         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple: "+My_Tuple.Item4);         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple: "+My_Tuple.Item5);         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple: "+My_Tuple.Item6);         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple: "+My_Tuple.Item7);         Console.WriteLine("Element of Nested tuple: "+My_Tuple.Rest);         Console.WriteLine("Element of Nested tuple: "+My_Tuple.Rest.Item1.Item1);         Console.WriteLine("Element of Nested tuple: "+My_Tuple.Rest.Item1.Item2);         Console.WriteLine("Element of Nested tuple: "+My_Tuple.Rest.Item1.Item3);         Console.WriteLine("Element of Nested tuple: "+My_Tuple.Rest.Item1.Item4);     } } ```


    ```cs Element of My_Tuple: 13 Element of My_Tuple: Geeks Element of My_Tuple: 67 Element of My_Tuple: 89.9 Element of My_Tuple: g Element of My_Tuple: 39939 Element of My_Tuple: geek Element of Nested tuple: ((12, 30, 40, 50)) Element of Nested tuple: 12 Element of Nested tuple: 30 Element of Nested tuple: 40 Element of Nested tuple: 50


    例 2:

    ```cs // C# program to illustrate nested tuple using System;

    public class GFG{

    // Main method     static public void Main ()         {

    // Nested Tuple            // Here nested tuple is present                 // at the place of 2nd element         var My_Tuple = Tuple.Create(13, Tuple.Create(12, 30, 40,                                50),67, 89.90, 'g', 39939, 123, "geeks");

    // Accessing the element of Tuple         // Using Item property         // And accessing the elements of          // nested tuple Using Rest property         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple: "+My_Tuple.Item1);         Console.WriteLine("Element of Nested Tuple: "+My_Tuple.Item2.Item1);         Console.WriteLine("Element of Nested Tuple: "+My_Tuple.Item2.Item2);         Console.WriteLine("Element of Nested Tuple: "+My_Tuple.Item2.Item3);         Console.WriteLine("Element of Nested Tuple: "+My_Tuple.Item2.Item4);         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple: "+My_Tuple.Item3);         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple: "+My_Tuple.Item4);         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple: "+My_Tuple.Item5);         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple: "+My_Tuple.Item6);         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple: "+My_Tuple.Item7);         Console.WriteLine("Element of My_Tuple: "+My_Tuple.Rest);

    } } ```


    cs Element of My_Tuple: 13 Element of Nested Tuple: 12 Element of Nested Tuple: 30 Element of Nested Tuple: 40 Element of Nested Tuple: 50 Element of My_Tuple: 67 Element of My_Tuple: 89.9 Element of My_Tuple: g Element of My_Tuple: 39939 Element of My_Tuple: 123 Element of My_Tuple: (geeks)


    在 C# 中,您可以将元组作为方法参数传递,如下例所示。在这里,我们在print tuple()方法中传递一个名为 mytuple 的元组,并使用 Item < elementNumber >属性访问该元组的元素。


    ```cs // C# program to illustrate the  // tuple as a method parameter. using System;

    public class GFG{

    // Main method     static public void Main ()         {

    // Creating a tuple          var mytuple = Tuple.Create("GeeksforGeeks", 123, 90.8);

    // Pass the tuple in the                 // PrintTheTuple method         PrintTheTuple(mytuple);     }

    static void PrintTheTuple(Tuplemytuple)         {         Console.WriteLine("Element: "+mytuple.Item1);         Console.WriteLine("Element: "+mytuple.Item2);         Console.WriteLine("Element: "+mytuple.Item3);     } } ```


    ```cs Element: GeeksforGeeks Element: 123 Element: 90.8



    在 C# 中,允许方法使用元组作为返回类型。或者换句话说,方法可以返回元组,如下例所示:


    ```cs // C# program to illustrate  // how a method return tuple using System;

    public class GFG{

    // Main Method     static public void Main ()         {             // Return tuple is stored in mytuple         var mytuple = PrintTuple();         Console.WriteLine(mytuple.Item1);         Console.WriteLine(mytuple.Item2);         Console.WriteLine(mytuple.Item3);     }

    // PrintTuple method return a tuple      static TuplePrintTuple()         {         return Tuple.Create("Geeks", "For", "Geeks");     } } ```


    ```cs Geeks For Geeks



    • 它属于引用类型,而不是值类型。
    • 它仅限于八个元素。意味着没有嵌套元组,您不能存储超过八个元素。
    • 这些只能通过使用项目<元素编号>属性来访问。