检查列表集合中存在指定城市的 C# 程序

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/c-sharp-program-to-check-a-specified-city-exists-in-list-collection-use-linq/

给定一个列表,我们需要使用 LINQ 检查给定列表中是否存在指定的城市。所以我们可以使用 contains()方法来完成这个任务。此方法用于检查序列是否包含指定的元素。该方法以下列方式重载:

  • Contains < source > (ienumerable < source >, tSource): is used to check whether the specified sequence or list contains the given element by using the default equality comparator.
  • Contains < resources > (ienumerable < resources >, resources, IEqualitycomparer < resources >): Check whether the specified sequence or list contains the given element by using the specified IEqualitycomparer < t >.


公共静态 bool 包含< TSource >(本系统。collections . generic . ienumerablemy list,t source 元素);

返回类型:返回类型为布尔型。如果列表中存在给定的元素,它将返回 true。否则,它将返回 false。


Input  : ["Mumbai", "Pune", "Bangalore", "Hyderabad"]
search_city : "Mumbai"
Output : True

Input  : ["Chennai", "Vizag", "Delhi"]
search_city : "Hyderabad"
Output : False


  • Create an isPresent () method with the list of cities and the name of the city to be searched as parameters.
  • In the isPresent () method, use contains () to check whether the city exists in the list.

cs bool isExist = City_List.AsEnumerable().Contains(city);

如果这个城市存在,它将返回真,否则它将返回假。通过使用 if 条件检查它是真还是假并打印结果。

  • In the main method, use arrayList to create a list of city names.
  • Call the isPresent () method with two parameters, one is list, and the other is whether the city name we want to check exists.

cs isPresent(City_List, "Mumbai");


// C# program to check if the given city 
// is available in the list or not
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

class GFG{

// Method to check the given city is present in the list or not
static void isPresent(List<string> City_List, string city)
    bool isExist = City_List.AsEnumerable().Contains(city);

    if (isExist)
        Console.WriteLine(city + " is present in list");
        Console.WriteLine(city + " is not present in list");

// Driver code
static void Main(string[] args)

    // Creating a list
    List<string> City_List = new List<string>(){ "Mumbai", "Pune", 
                                                 "Bangalore", "Hyderabad" };

    // Calling method
    isPresent(City_List, "Mumbai");
    isPresent(City_List, "Chennai");


Mumbai is present in list
Chennai is not present in list

说明:在上面的例子中,首先我们创建了一个 isPresent()方法。在这个方法中,我们使用 contains()方法来检查城市是否出现在列表中,并将结果存储在 isExist 变量中。现在,当 if 语句为真时,它将返回“城市名称存在于列表中”,否则返回“城市名称不存在于列表中”。现在在主方法中,我们创建一个包含城市名称的列表,然后用城市列表和城市名称调用 isPresent()方法,即 isPresent(City_List,“孟买”);和 isPresent(City_List,“Chennai”);。由于第一个指定的城市名是孟买,并且它出现在列表中,所以它返回真,第二个指定的城市名是钦奈,它不在列表中,所以它返回假。