C# |属性限制

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/c-sharp-对属性的限制/

先决条件:c# 中的属性



<access_modifier> <return_type> <property_name>
        get { // body }
        set { // body }


  • 属性不能通过 ref 或 out 参数传递给方法:属性不能通过 out 或 ref 传递,因为属性实际上是方法。在编译时,参考输出都不被认为是方法签名的一部分。因此,它会给出一个编译时错误。除了从程序中完全删除 ref 或 out 之外,没有解决这个限制的办法。
  • You cannot overload a property: A property cannot be overloaded. It means that one can only put a single get and set accessor and mutator in a class respectively. The program given below shows what happens when we give more than one get accessor in the same class.

    ```cs // C# program to show what happens when // we try to overload a property using System;

    class Myprop {

    int _number;

    public int Number     {         get         {             return this._number;         }         set         {             this._number = value;         }         get         {

    // Causes a compile time error             // which tells get accessor             return this._number; 

    } // has already been called.     } }

    // Driver Class class GFG {

    // Main Method     static void Main()     {         Myprop ex = new Myprop();

    // set { }         ex.Number = 5;         console.WriteLine("If there are only two properties"+                       " in class ex we will get the output");

    // get { }         Console.WriteLine(ex.Number);      } } ```


    prog.cs(19,3):错误 CS1007:属性访问器已经定义

    但是通过在同一个程序中使用不同类中的属性,可以多次使用 get 和 set。下面给出了一个说明这一点的例子。

    ```cs // C# program to demonstrate the use // of properties in different classes using System;

    class Myprop {

    int _number;

    public int Number     {         get         {             return this._number;         }         set         {             this._number = value;         }     } }

    class Myprops {

    int _number;     public int Number     {         get         {             return this._number;         }         set         {             this._number = value;         }     } }

    // Driver Class class GFG {

    // Main Method     static void Main()     {         Myprop ex = new Myprop();         Myprops exs = new Myprops();

    // Calls set mutator from the Myprops class         exs.Number = 7; 

    // Calls set mutator from the Myprop class         ex.Number = 5; 

    // Gets the get accessor form the Myprop class         Console.WriteLine("The value set in the class "+                              "Myprop is: " + ex.Number); 

    // Gets the get accessor form the Myprops class         Console.WriteLine("The value set in the class"+                          " Myprops is: " + exs.Number);      } } ```


    ```cs The value set in the class Myprop is: 5 The value set in the class Myprops is: 7


  • A property should not alter the state of the underlying variable when the get accessor is called: The get accessor of properties is preset to read-only mode while the set command is set to write-only mode. Due to this, if we try to enter values or modify in the scope of the get accessor we’ll get a warning which tells that the code we are trying to access is unreachable. The example given below illustrates that.

    ```cs // C# program to demonstrate the  // above-mentioned restriction using System;

    class Myprop {

    int _number;     public int Number     {         get         {             return this._number;

    // We get the warning saying that             // the code is unreachable.             this._number = 5;          }         set         {             this._number = value;         }     } }

    // Driver Class class GFG {

    static void Main()     {         Myprop ex = new Myprop();

    // set { }         ex.Number = 5; 

    // get { }         Console.WriteLine(ex.Number);     } } ```


    prog.cs(16,4):警告 CS0162:检测到无法访问的代码


    cs 5

    从程序的输出可以看出,代码运行成功,但是我们在 get 访问器中添加的值无法使用,因为它不可访问。这就是为什么在调用 get 访问器时没有必要更改基础变量的原因。