C# |多线程中的线程优先级

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/c-sharp-thread-priority-in-多线程/

在多线程环境中,每个线程都有自己的优先级。一个线程的优先级显示了一个线程访问 CPU 资源的频率。每当我们在 C# 中创建一个线程时,它总是被赋予一些优先级。


  • 程序员可以显式地为线程分配优先级。
  • 线程的默认优先级是正常
  • 操作系统不分配线程的优先级。
  • 如果线程已经到达最终状态,例如中止,那么这将给出ThreadStateException
  • 如果为设置操作指定的值不是有效的线程优先级值,那么这将给出ArgumentException
  • 不能保证优先级高的线程先执行,优先级低的线程后执行。由于上下文切换,最高优先级线程可能在最低优先级线程之后执行。
  • 当你给一个线程分配优先级时,你需要小心,如果你做得不小心,你可能会让线程饥饿
  • 线程优先级将始终取决于进程优先级或父容器,因此将线程优先级设置为最高不会对应于实时执行。




public ThreadPriority Priority{ get; set; }


  • 最高:该优先级的值为 4。
  • 高于正常值:该优先级的值为 3。
  • 正常:该优先级的值为 2。
  • 低于正常值:该优先级的值为 1。
  • 最低:该优先级的值为 0。



  • 线程状态异常:如果线程已经达到最终状态,如中止。
  • 参数异常:如果为设置操作指定的值不是有效的线程优先级值。

例 1:

// C# program to illustrate how to
// set and get the priority of threads
using System;
using System.Threading;

class GFG {

    // Main Method
    static public void Main()

        // Creating and initializing threads
        Thread T1 = new Thread(work);
        Thread T2 = new Thread(work);
        Thread T3 = new Thread(work);

        // Set the priority of threads
        T2.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;
        T3.Priority = ThreadPriority.BelowNormal;

        // Display the priority of threads
        Console.WriteLine("The priority of T1 is: {0}",

        Console.WriteLine("The priority of T2 is: {0}",

        Console.WriteLine("The priority of T3 is: {0}",

    public static void work()

        // Sleep for 1 second


The priority of T1 is: Normal
The priority of T2 is: Highest
The priority of T3 is: BelowNormal

例 2:

// C# program to illustrate the
// Priority property of Thread class
using System;
using System.Threading;

class GFG {

    // Main Method
    static public void Main()

        // Creating and initializing threads
        Thread T1 = new Thread(work1);
        Thread T2 = new Thread(work2);

        // Set the priority of threads
        // Here T2 thread executes first 
        // because the Priority of T2 is
        // highest as compare to T1 thread
        T1.Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest;
        T2.Priority = ThreadPriority.Highest;
    public static void work1()

        Console.WriteLine("T1 thread is working..");
    public static void work2()

        Console.WriteLine("T2 thread is working..");


T2 thread is working..
T1 thread is working..
