C# |界面


像类一样, 接口 可以有方法、属性、事件和索引器作为其成员。但是接口将只包含成员的声明。接口成员的实现将由隐式或显式实现接口的类给出。

  • 接口指定类必须做什么,而不是如何做。
  • 接口不能有私有成员。
  • 默认情况下,接口的所有成员都是公共的和抽象的。
  • 该界面将始终借助关键字“进行定义。
  • 接口不能包含字段,因为它们代表数据的特定实现。
  • 多重继承在接口的帮助下是可能的,但在类的帮助下是不可能的。


*interface  <interface_name >
    // declare Events
    // declare indexers
    // declare methods 
    // declare properties


*class class_name : interface_name* 


  • *例 1:

    ```cs // C# program to demonstrate working of  // interface using System;

    // A simple interface interface inter1 {     // method having only declaration      // not definition     void display(); }

    // A class that implements interface. class testClass : inter1 {

    // providing the body part of function     public void display()     {         Console.WriteLine("Sudo Placement GeeksforGeeks");     }

    // Main Method     public static void Main (String []args)     {

    // Creating object         testClass t = new testClass();

    // calling method         t.display();     } } ```


    ```cs Sudo Placement GeeksforGeeks

    ``` * 例 2:

    ```cs // C# program to illustrate the interface using System;

    // interface declaration interface Vehicle {

    // all are the abstract methods.     void changeGear(int a);     void speedUp(int a);     void applyBrakes(int a); }

    // class implements interface class Bicycle : Vehicle{

    int speed;     int gear;

    // to change gear     public void changeGear(int newGear)     {

    gear = newGear;     }

    // to increase speed     public void speedUp(int increment)     {

    speed = speed + increment;     }

    // to decrease speed     public void applyBrakes(int decrement)     {

    speed = speed - decrement;     }

    public void printStates()      {         Console.WriteLine("speed: " + speed +                            " gear: " + gear);     } }

    // class implements interface class Bike : Vehicle {

    int speed;     int gear;

    // to change gear     public void changeGear(int newGear)     {

    gear = newGear;     }

    // to increase speed     public void speedUp(int increment)     {

    speed = speed + increment;     }

    // to decrease speed     public void applyBrakes(int decrement){

    speed = speed - decrement;     }

    public void printStates()      {         Console.WriteLine("speed: " + speed +                            " gear: " + gear);     }


    class GFG {

    // Main Method     public static void Main(String []args)      {

    // creating an instance of Bicycle          // doing some operations          Bicycle bicycle = new Bicycle();         bicycle.changeGear(2);         bicycle.speedUp(3);         bicycle.applyBrakes(1);

    Console.WriteLine("Bicycle present state :");         bicycle.printStates();

    // creating instance of bike.         Bike bike = new Bike();         bike.changeGear(1);         bike.speedUp(4);         bike.applyBrakes(3);

    Console.WriteLine("Bike present state :");         bike.printStates();     } } ```


    ```cs Bicycle present state : speed: 2 gear: 2 Bike present state : speed: 1 gear: 1



  • 用于实现松耦合。 它用于实现完全抽象。 *为了实现基于组件的编程 实现多重继承和抽象。 接口将即插即用式架构添加到应用程序中。*