C# | Uri。make relative euri(Uri)方法

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/c-sharp-uri-maker relativeeuriuri-method/

乌利。maker relative euri(Uri)方法用于确定两个 Uri 实例之间的差异。

语法:public Uri maker relative Uri(Uri); 在这里,要把 URI 比作现在的 URI。

返回值:如果这个 Uri 实例和 uri 的主机名和方案相同,那么这个方法返回一个相对 uri,当追加到当前 URI 实例时,产生 uri 。如果主机名或方案不同,那么这个方法返回一个代表 uri 参数的 Uri。


  • ArgumentNullException: 如果 uri 为空。
  • UriFormatException: 如果此实例表示相对 URI,并且此属性仅对绝对 URIs 有效。

下面的程序说明了 Uri 的使用。make relative euri(Uri)方法:

例 1:

// C# program to demonstrate the
// Uri.MakeRelativeUri() Method
using System;
using System.Globalization;

class GFG {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main()
        // Create a base Uri.
        Uri address1 = new Uri("http://www.contoso.com/");

        // Create a new Uri from a string.
        Uri address2 = new Uri("http://www.contoso.com/index.htm?date=today");

        // Determining the difference 
        // between address1 and address2.
        // using MakeRelativeUri() method

        Uri uri = address1.MakeRelativeUri(address2);

        // Displaying the result
        Console.WriteLine("relative uri is : {0}", uri);


relative uri is : index.htm?date=today

示例 2: 适用于参数异常

// C# program to demonstrate the
// Uri.MakeRelativeUri() Method
using System;
using System.Globalization;

class GFG {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main()
        try {

            // Create a base Uri.
            Uri address1 = new Uri("http://www.contoso.com/");

            // Create a new Uri from a string.
            Uri address2 = null;

            // Determining the difference 
            // between address1 and address2.
            // using MakeRelativeUri() method
            Uri uri = address1.MakeRelativeUri(address2);

            // Displaying the result
            Console.WriteLine("relative uri is : {0}", uri);

        catch (ArgumentNullException e) 
            Console.WriteLine("uri should not be null");
            Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
            Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);


uri should not be null
Exception Thrown: System.ArgumentNullException

例 3:尿酸异常

// C# program to demonstrate the
// Uri.MakeRelativeUri() Method
using System;
using System.Globalization;

class GFG {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main()
        try {

            // Create a base Uri.
            Uri address1 = new Uri("http://www.contoso.com/");

            // Determining the difference
            // between address1 and address2.
            // using MakeRelativeUri() method

            Uri uri = address1.MakeRelativeUri(new Uri("http:://www.contoso.com/??index.htm?date=today"));

            // Displaying the result
            Console.WriteLine("relative uri is : {0}", uri);
        catch (ArgumentNullException e) {
            Console.WriteLine("uri should not be null");
            Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
            Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);
        catch (UriFormatException e) {
            Console.WriteLine("uri should be in correct format");
            Console.Write("Exception Thrown: ");
            Console.Write("{0}", e.GetType(), e.Message);


uri should be in correct format
Exception Thrown: System.UriFormatException
