检查指定类型是否嵌套的 C# 程序

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/c-sharp-program-to-check-a-specified-type-is-nested-or-not/

在编程语言中,嵌套意味着类、方法、循环或结构存在于另一个类、方法、循环或结构中。在 C# 中,我们可以使用 type 类的 IsNested 属性来检查指定的类型是否嵌套。此属性返回一个值,该值表示指定的类型(即类、结构等)定义是否嵌套在另一个类型定义中。如果指定的类型是嵌套的,则返回真,否则返回假。


public bool IsNested { get; }

例 1:


// C# program to check a specified 
// type is nested or not
using System;
using System.Reflection;

// Create a structure
struct Geeks

    // Create a nested structure named Gfg2
    // with hello() method
    public struct Gfg2
        void hello() 
            Console.WriteLine("hello geeks!"); 

class GFG{

// Driver code
static void Main()

    // Check the type is nested or not



例 2:


// C# program to check a specified
// type is nested or not
using System;
using System.Reflection;

// Create a class
public class Geeks

    // Create a nested class
    // with hello() method
    public class Gfg2
        void myfun() 
            Console.WriteLine("hello geeks!")

class GFG{

// Driver code
static void Main()

    // Check the type is nested or not
    if (typeof(Geeks.Gfg2).IsNested == true)
        Console.WriteLine("Gfg2 class is nested class");
        Console.WriteLine("Gfg2 class is not nested class");



Gfg2 class is nested class