C# |是运算符关键字


在软件开发中,类型转换是一件不可避免的事情。在许多情况下,需要将一个对象(类型)转换成另一个对象(类型),有时会得到 InvalidCastException 。所以,要克服这类异常 C# 提供的就是运算符。 是运算符,用于检查对象的运行时类型是否与给定类型兼容。如果给定对象是同一类型,则返回,否则返回。对于对象,也返回语法:

expression is type

这里,表达式将被评估为某种类型的实例。而类型是类型的名称,表示表达式的结果将被转换。如果表达式不为空,并且通过评估表达式得到的对象可以转换为指定的类型,则 is 运算符将返回 true ,否则将返回 false示例 1: 在下面的代码中,我们有三个类,即作者、作品和 GFG。 GFG 是包含 Main 方法的驱动类。类“作者”和“作品”有数据成员和方法。在 Main 方法中,创建类作者工作的对象,并使用类的实例调用这些类的方法。之后,一个 bool 值 bool 结果;用来存储的返回值是运算符。代码行即结果= a 是作者;用于检查一个(类作者的对象)是否为作者类型。它将返回真,因为 a 是作者类的实例。但是实例 w 不是作者类型,这就是它返回 false 的原因。之后,我们将空值赋给对象 a ,与作者的实例相比,这将给出错误的结果。

c sharp . c sharp . c sharp . c sharp

// C# program to illustrate the
// use of 'is' operator keyword
using System;

class Author {

    // data members
    public string name;
    public int rank;

    // method of Author class
    public void details(string n, int r)
        name = n;
        rank = r;

class Work {

    // data members
    public int articl_no;
    public int improv_no;

    // method of Work class
    public void totalno(int a, int i)
        articl_no = a;
        improv_no = i;

// Driver Class
public class GFG {

    // Main method
    static public void Main()

        // Creating objects of
        // Author and Work class
        Author a = new Author();

        a.details("Ankita", 5);

        Work w = new Work();

        w.totalno(80, 50);

        bool result;

        // Check 'a' is of Author
        // type or not
        // Using is operator
        result = a is Author;
        Console.WriteLine("Is a is Author? : {0}", result);

        // Check w is of Author type
        // using is operator
        result = w is Author;
        Console.WriteLine("Is w is Author? : {0}", result);

        // Take the value of a is null
        a = null;

        // Check null object
        // Using is operator
        result = a is Author;
        Console.WriteLine("Is a is Author? : {0}", result);


Is a is Author? : True
Is w is Author? : False
Is a is Author? : False

例 2: 在下面的程序中,我们正在检查派生类型是否是左侧的表达式类型是运算符。如果是派生的,那么它将返回 true,否则返回 false。

c sharp . c sharp . c sharp . c sharp

// C# program to illustrate the
// use of is operator keyword
using System;

// taking a class
public class G1 {


// taking a class
// derived from G1
public class G2 : G1 {


// taking a class
public class G3 {


// Driver Class
public class GFG {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main()
        // creating an instance
        // of class G1
        G1 obj1 = new G1();

        // creating an instance
        // of class G2
        G2 obj2 = new G2();

        // checking whether 'obj1'
        // is of type 'G1'
        Console.WriteLine(obj1 is G1);

        // checking whether 'obj1' is
        // of type Object class
        // (Base class for all classes)
        Console.WriteLine(obj1 is Object);

        // checking whether 'obj2'
        // is of type 'G2'
        Console.WriteLine(obj2 is G2);

        // checking whether 'obj2' is
        // of type Object class
        // (Base class for all classes)
        Console.WriteLine(obj2 is Object);

        // checking whether 'obj2'
        // is of type 'G1'
        // it will return true as G2
        // is derived from G1
        Console.WriteLine(obj2 is G1);

        // checking whether obj1
        // is of type G3
        // it will return false
        Console.WriteLine(obj1 is G3);

         // checking whether obj2
        // is of type G3
        // it will return false
        Console.WriteLine(obj2 is G3);





  • 只考虑引用、装箱和取消装箱转换,是运算符关键字。
  • 用户定义的转换或使用隐式显式定义的转换不被视为运算符。对于编译时已知的或由隐式运算符处理的转换, is 运算符将对此发出警告。