C# |试捕块嵌套

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/c-sharp-试捕块嵌套/

在 C# 中,允许嵌套 try & catch 块。try 块的嵌套意味着一个 try 块可以嵌套到另一个 try 块中。不同的程序员使用外部 try 块处理严重的异常,而内部块处理正常的异常。


  • 如果在内部 try 块中引发异常,而该异常未被与 try 块关联的 catch 块捕获,则该异常将被提升到外部 try 块。通常,嵌套的 try 块用于允许以不同的方式处理不同的错误组。
  • 这是一个必要条件,即 try 块后面必须跟一个 catch 或 finally 块,因为如果使用不带 catch 或 finally 的 try 块,那么就会出现编译时错误。


// outer try block

   // inner try block
       // code...

   // inner catch block
       // code...

// outer catch block
    // code...


示例 1: 在该程序中, DivideByZeroException 在内部尝试块中生成,该内部尝试块被与内部尝试块相关联的 catch 块捕获,并继续程序的流程。当indexoutofrangerexception在内部尝试块内生成未被内部捕获块捕获的异常时,内部尝试块将该异常转移到外部尝试块。之后,与外部 try 块关联的 catch 块捕获导致程序终止的异常。这里对于 17/024/0 内部试块正在执行,但是对于编号 25 外部试块正在执行。

// C# program to illustrate how outer
// try block will handle the exception
// which is not handled by the inner 
// try catch block
using System;

class GFG {

    // Main Method
    static void Main()

        // Here, number is greater
        // than divisor.
        int[] number = {8, 17, 24, 5, 25};
        int[] divisor = {2, 0, 0, 5};

        // Outer try block

        // Here IndexOutOfRangeException occurs
        // due to which program may terminates
        try {

            for (int j = 0; j < number.Length; j++) {

                // Inner try block

                // Here DivideByZeroException caught
                // and allow the program to continue 
                // its execution

                try {

                    Console.WriteLine("Number: " + number[j] + 
                                      "\nDivisor: " + divisor[j] + 
                                      "\nQuotient: " + number[j] / divisor[j]);

                // Catch block for inner try block
                catch (DivideByZeroException) {

                    Console.WriteLine("Inner Try Catch Block");

        // Catch block for outer try block
        catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) {

            Console.WriteLine("Outer Try Catch Block");



Number: 8
Divisor: 2
Quotient: 4
Inner Try Catch Block
Inner Try Catch Block
Number: 5
Divisor: 5
Quotient: 1
Outer Try Catch Block

示例 2: 在下面的示例中,在内部尝试块内生成异常,该异常被与内部尝试块相关联的 catch 块捕获。

// C# program to illustrate
// nested try block
using System;

public class Geeks {

    public string Author_name

// Driver Class
public class GFG {

    // Main Method
    public static void Main()
        Geeks str1 = null;

        // outer try block
        try {

            // inner try block
            try {

                str1.Author_name = "";

            // catch block for the inner try block
            catch {

                Console.WriteLine("Inner try catch block");

        // catch block for the outer try block
        catch {

            Console.WriteLine("Outer try catch block");


Inner try catch block