C# |返回对象的方法

原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/c-sharp-method-returning-a-object/

在 C# 中,方法可以返回任何类型的数据,包括对象。换句话说,允许方法返回对象而没有任何编译时错误。

例 1:

// C# program to illustrate the concept
// of the method returning an object
using System;

class Example {

    // Private data member
    private string str;

    // Method to set the value of str
    public void setdata(string s)
        str = s;

    // Method to display the value of str
    public void Display()
        Console.WriteLine("String is: " + str);

    // Method that return object
    public Example Astr(Example ex)

        // Creating object of Example
        Example obj = new Example();

        // Adding the value of passed 
        // an object in the current object
        // and adding the sum in another object
        obj.str = str + ex.str;

        // Returning the object
        return obj;

// Driver Class
class GFG {

    // Main method
    static void Main()

        // Declaring objects of Example
        Example o1 = new Example();
        Example o2 = new Example();

        // Initialize the values to the objects

        // Adding value of both objects
        // and the result will be
        // assigned into third object
        Example o3 = o1.Astr(o2);

        // Display the data


String is: Geeks
String is: forGeeks
String is: GeeksforGeeks

说明:在上例中,我们有一个类名为示例类包含 setdata() 方法,用于设置 str 的值, Display() 方法用于显示 str 的值, Astr() 用于将当前对象中传递的对象的值相加,并将另一个对象中的和相加。在 Main 方法中,创建了示例类的三个对象 o1o2o3 。在本陈述中,示例 o3 = o1。astr(O2);o1o2 对象的值相加,结果赋入 o3 对象。

例 2:

// C# program to illustrate the 
// concept that how method returns 
// an object
using System;

class Triangle {

    // Data member of class
    int Base;
    int Height;

    // Constructor of class
    public Triangle(int b, int h)
        Base = b;
        Height = h;

    // Method return area of triangle
    public int Area()
        return ((Base * Height) / 2);

    // Method display the dimension of triangle
    public void Display()
        Console.WriteLine("\nBase of the triangle is: 
              + Base + "\nHeight of the triangle is:  
                                             + Height);

    public Triangle newdimension(int d)
        return new Triangle(Base * d, Height * d);

class GFG {

    // Main method
    public static void Main()

        // Creating and initializing object
        Triangle t1 = new Triangle(2, 8);

        // Display the dimensions and area of triangle
        Console.Write("Dimensions of Triangle is: ");
        Console.Write("Area of Triangle is: {0}", t1.Area());


        Triangle t2 = t1.newdimension(2);

        Console.Write("New Dimensions of Triangle is: ");
        Console.Write("New area of Triangle is: {0}", t2.Area());


Dimensions of Triangle is: 
Base of the triangle is: 2
Height of the triangle is:  8
Area of Triangle is: 8

New Dimensions of Triangle is: 
Base of the triangle is: 4
Height of the triangle is:  16
New area of Triangle is: 32

说明:在上例中,我们有一个类被命名为三角。三角形类包含构造函数三角形(),方法面积()求三角形面积,方法显示()显示三角形尺寸,方法 newdimension() 提供三角形新尺寸。维度的值由对象返回。现在在 Main 方法中有两个对象名为 t1t2 。在本陈述中三角形 T2 = t1 . new dimension(2);,将上一个维度,即三角形的 2 和 8 放大 2,结果赋给 t2 对象。