Java AWT | MouseInfo 和 PointerInfo

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/Java-awt-mouse info-and-pointerinfo/

MouseInfo 和 PointerInfo 是 Java AWT 的一部分。MouseInfo 提供了有关指针位置和鼠标上按钮数量的信息。指针信息提供信息返回指针和图形设备的位置信息。


方法 说明
get numerofbuttons() 返回鼠标上的按钮数量。
get point info() 返回一个指针信息对象,该对象表示指针的当前位置和图形设备。


方法 说明
获取设备() 返回创建对象时鼠标所在的图形设备。
getLocation() 返回给出鼠标指针位置的 point 对象。
  • Example Program to find the number of buttons on the Mouse

    ```java // Java Program to find the number of // buttons on the mouse import java.awt.; import javax.swing.;

    class numberofbuttons {

    // Main Method     public static void main(String args[])     {         int numberofbuttons;

    // number of buttons in the mouse         numberofbuttons = MouseInfo.getNumberOfButtons();

    // print the number of buttons         System.out.println("Number of buttons on the mouse ="                                             + numberofbuttons);     } } ```


    ```java Number of buttons on the mouse = 5


  • Example Program to show the Position of Mouse

    ```java // Java Program to show the // position of mouse import java.awt.; import java.awt.event.; import javax.swing.*;

    class mouse extends JFrame {

    boolean b;

    // label     JLabel l, l1;

    // Main Method     public static void main(String args[])     {

    // create object         mouse m = new mouse();     }

    // default constructor     mouse()     {         super("mouse");

    // create labels         l = new JLabel("");         l1 = new JLabel("");

    // create a panel         JPanel p = new JPanel();

    // add labels to panel         p.add(l);         p.add(l1);

    add(p);         show();         setSize(300, 300);

    b = true;         execute();     }

    public void execute()     {         while (b) {             // get the pointer info object from the mouseInfo             PointerInfo pi = MouseInfo.getPointerInfo();

    // get the location of mouse             Point p = pi.getLocation();

    // set the text of labels             l.setText("x position =" + p.getX());             l1.setText("y position =" + p.getY());         }     } } ```

