Java 小程序|数字秒表

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/Java-applet-digital-秒表/

本文将提供一个用 Java Applet、AWT 和 Thread 创建一种秒表的实例。

我们将使用所有这些库来制作秒表的工作模型。图形用户界面应具有 3 个交互按钮,即开始(启动时间)、复位(将时间复位为默认值)和停止(停止计时器)。

借助 Java 中的 actionListener,我们可以了解在什么时候按下哪个按钮。

  1. 当按下启动按钮时,我们启动计时器。当未按下复位或停止按钮时,我们将保持计时器运行,即我们将每 1 毫秒更改一次计时器的值(hh:mm:ss:ms),并更新屏幕。
  2. 当按下复位按钮时,我们将停止计时器,并将其设置为默认值(00:00:00:000)。
  3. 当按下停止按钮时,我们用它的值停止计时器。


// Java program to illustrate
// digital stop watch
// using Applets

// importing required packages
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

public class GeeksforGeeks extends Applet implements Runnable, ActionListener {

// Panel to keep all the buttons and labels
    Panel p;
    Label display;

    // Button
    Button start, stop, reset;

    // Time
    int hour, minute, second, millisecond;

    // string to be displayed on the label
    String disp;

    // State of stopwatch on/off
    boolean on;

    // initialization
    public void init()
        // initially off
        on = false;

        p = new Panel();
        // Setting layout of the panel
        p.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 1, 6, 10));

        // initial time 00 : 00 : 00 : 000
        hour = minute = second = millisecond = 0;

        // Label
        display = new Label();
        disp = "00 : 00 : 00 : 000";

        // Start button
        start = new Button("Start");
        start.addActionListener((ActionListener) this);

        // Reset button
        reset = new Button("Reset");
        reset.addActionListener((ActionListener) this);

        // Stop button
        stop = new Button("Stop");
        stop.addActionListener((ActionListener) this);


        // starting thread
        new Thread(this, "StopWatch").start();

    // Reset Function
    // reset to default value
    public void reset()
        try {
        catch (Exception e) {
        hour = minute = second = millisecond = 0;

    // update function
    // update the timer
    public void update()
        if (millisecond == 1000) {
            millisecond = 0;
            if (second == 60) {
                second = 0;
                if (minute == 60) {
                    minute = 0;

    // changing label
    public void changeLabel()

        // Properly formatting the display of the timer
        if (hour < 10)
            disp = "0" + hour + " : ";
            disp = hour + " : ";

        if (minute < 10)
            disp += "0" + minute + " : ";
            disp += minute + " : ";

        if (second < 10)
            disp += "0" + second + " : ";
            disp += second + " : ";

        if (millisecond < 10)
            disp += "00" + millisecond;
        else if (millisecond < 100)
            disp += "0" + millisecond;
            disp += millisecond;


    // function
    public void run()

        // while the stopwatch is on
        while (on) {
            try {
                // pause 1 millisecond
                // update the time
                // changeLabel
            catch (InterruptedException e) {

    // actionPerformed
    // To listen to the actions on the buttons
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

        // start a thread when start button is clicked
        if (e.getSource() == start) {
            // stopwatch is on
            on = true;
            new Thread(this, "StopWatch").start();

        // reset
        if (e.getSource() == reset) {
            // stopwatch off
            on = false;

        if (e.getSource() == stop) {
            // stopwatch off
            on = false;

