用 Java 将一个字符串插入到另一个字符串中

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/insert-a-string-in-other-string-in-Java/

给定一个字符串,任务是在 Java 中特定的指定索引处的给定字符串之间插入另一个字符串。


Input: originalString = "GeeksGeeks", 
              stringToBeInserted = "For", 
              index = 4
Output: "GeeksForGeeks"

Input: originalString = "Computer Portal", 
              stringToBeInserted = "Science ", 
              index = 8
Output: "Computer Science Portal"


  1. Without using any pre-defined method


    1. 获取字符串和索引。
    2. 创建新字符串
    3. 遍历字符串直到指定的索引,并将其复制到新的字符串中。
    4. 复制要插入到新字符串中的字符串
    5. 将第一个字符串的剩余字符复制到新字符串中
    6. 返回/打印新字符串



    ```java // Java program to insert a string into another string // without using any pre-defined method

    import java.lang.*;

    class GFG {

    // Function to insert string     public static String insertString(         String originalString,         String stringToBeInserted,         int index)     {

    // Create a new string         String newString = new String();

    for (int i = 0; i < originalString.length(); i++) {

    // Insert the original string character             // into the new string             newString += originalString.charAt(i);

    if (i == index) {

    // Insert the string to be inserted                 // into the new string                 newString += stringToBeInserted;             }         }

    // return the modified String         return newString;     }

    // Driver code     public static void main(String[] args)     {

    // Get the Strings         String originalString = "GeeksGeeks";         String stringToBeInserted = "For";         int index = 4;

    System.out.println("Original String: "                            + originalString);         System.out.println("String to be inserted: "                            + stringToBeInserted);         System.out.println("String to be inserted at index: "                            + index);

    // Insert the String         System.out.println("Modified String: "                            + insertString(originalString,                                           stringToBeInserted,                                           index));     } } ```


    ```java Original String: GeeksGeeks String to be inserted: For String to be inserted at index: 4 Modified String: GeeksForGeeks


  2. Using String.substring() method


    1. 获取字符串和索引。
    2. 创建新字符串
    3. 使用 substring(0,index + 1)方法将子字符串从 0 插入到指定的(index+1)中。然后插入要插入到字符串中的字符串。然后使用 substring(index+1)方法将原始字符串的剩余部分插入到新字符串中。
    4. 返回/打印新字符串



    ```java // Java program to insert a string into another string // without using any pre-defined method

    import java.lang.*;

    class GFG {

    // Function to insert string     public static String insertString(         String originalString,         String stringToBeInserted,         int index)     {

    // Create a new string         String newString = originalString.substring(0, index + 1)                            + stringToBeInserted                            + originalString.substring(index + 1);

    // return the modified String         return newString;     }

    // Driver code     public static void main(String[] args)     {

    // Get the Strings         String originalString = "GeeksGeeks";         String stringToBeInserted = "For";         int index = 4;

    System.out.println("Original String: "                            + originalString);         System.out.println("String to be inserted: "                            + stringToBeInserted);         System.out.println("String to be inserted at index: "                            + index);

    // Insert the String         System.out.println("Modified String: "                            + insertString(originalString,                                           stringToBeInserted,                                           index));     } } ```


    ```java Original String: GeeksGeeks String to be inserted: For String to be inserted at index: 4 Modified String: GeeksForGeeks


  3. Using StringBuffer.insert() method


    1. 获取字符串和索引。
    2. 创建一个新的字符串缓冲区
    3. 使用 StringBuffer.insert()方法将字符串插入到原始字符串中。
    4. 使用 StringBuffer.toString() 方法从 StringBuffer 返回/打印字符串。



    ```java // Java program to insert a string into another string // without using any pre-defined method

    import java.lang.*;

    class GFG {

    // Function to insert string     public static String insertString(         String originalString,         String stringToBeInserted,         int index)     {

    // Create a new StringBuffer         StringBuffer newString             = new StringBuffer(originalString);

    // Insert the strings to be inserted         // using insert() method         newString.insert(index + 1, stringToBeInserted);

    // return the modified String         return newString.toString();     }

    // Driver code     public static void main(String[] args)     {

    // Get the Strings         String originalString = "GeeksGeeks";         String stringToBeInserted = "For";         int index = 4;

    System.out.println("Original String: "                            + originalString);         System.out.println("String to be inserted: "                            + stringToBeInserted);         System.out.println("String to be inserted at index: "                            + index);

    // Insert the String         System.out.println("Modified String: "                            + insertString(originalString,                                           stringToBeInserted,                                           index));     } } ```


    ```java Original String: GeeksGeeks String to be inserted: For String to be inserted at index: 4 Modified String: GeeksForGeeks
