Java 中作为最终变量的实例变量


实例变量:众所周知,当变量的值因对象而异时,这种类型的变量称为实例变量。实例变量在类中声明,但不在任何方法、构造函数、块等中声明。如果我们不初始化一个实例变量,那么 JVM 会根据该实例变量的数据类型自动提供默认值。 但是如果我们将一个实例变量声明为 final ,那么我们必须注意实例变量的行为。


  1. Initialization of variable Mandatory : If the instance variable declared as final, then we have to perform initialization explicitly whether we are using it or not and JVM won’t provide any default value for the final instance variable.

    java // Java program to illustrate the behavior  // of final instance variable class Test {     final int x;     public static void main(String[] args)     {         Test t = new Test();         System.out.println(t.x);     } }


    ```java error: variable x not initialized in the default constructor


  2. Initialization before constructor completion : For final instance variable we have to perform initialization before constructor completion. We can initialize a final instance variable at the time of declaration.

    java // Java program to illustrate that  // final instance variable // should be declared at the  // time of declaration class Test {     final int x = 10;     public static void main(String[] args)     {         Test t = new Test();         System.out.println(t.x);     } }


    ```java 10


  3. Initialize inside a non-static or instance block : We can also initialize a final instance variable inside a non-static or instance block also.

    java // Java program to illustrate  // that final instance variable // can be initialize within instance block class Test {     final int x;     {         x = 10;     }     public static void main(String[] args)     {         Test t = new Test();         System.out.println(t.x);     } }


    ```java 10


  4. Initialization in default constructor : Inside default constructor we can also initialize a final instance variable.

    java // Java program to illustrate that  // final instance variable // can be initialized  // in the default constructor class Test {     final int x;     Test()     {         x = 10;     }     public static void main(String[] args)     {         Test t = new Test();         System.out.println(t.x);     } }


    ```java 10



// Java program to illustrate 
// that we cant declare
// final instance variable 
// within any static blocks
class Test {
    final int x;
    public static void main(String[] args)
        x = 10;
        Test t = new Test();


error: non-static variable x cannot be referenced from a static context
// Java program to illustrate that we
//  cant declare or initialize
// final instance variable within any methods
class Test {
    final int x;
    public void m()
        x = 10;


error: cannot assign a value to final variable x

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