在 Java 中实现 roleundsolvedlist API

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/impering-rolenresolvedlist-API-in-Java/



(A) Packages: 在 java 的 RoleUnresolvedList API 程序中,为了检索程序中使用的对象的含义和用途,使用了各种 Packages。下图显示了程序中导入的包:

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.management.MalformedObjectNameException;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.management.relation.RoleUnresolved;
import javax.management.relation.RoleUnresolvedList;



  • roleundresolvedlist():用于构造空的 roleundresolvedlist。
  • 角色未解决列表(int initialCapacity): 用于构建指定了初始容量的空角色未解决列表。
  • 角色未解决列表(列表<角色未解决列表>):用于构建包含指定列表元素的角色未解决列表。它是按照列表迭代器返回的顺序构造的。


  • add(int index,Object element):此方法用于将特定元素插入特定位置。
  • add(int index,role Unresolved role):此方法在指定位置插入指定为元素的 Unresolved role。
  • 添加(Object o) :在列表末尾追加指定元素。
  • 添加(角色未解析角色) : 将添加列表最后一个元素指定的角色未解析。
  • addAll(收藏<?> c) : 它会在末尾追加指定列表中的元素。
  • addAll(int index,Collection <?>c):它会在指定位置插入元素。
  • addAll(int index,roleundsolvedlist roleList):从指定位置开始,按照指定 roleundsolvedlist 的迭代器返回的顺序,将指定 roleundsolvedlist 中的所有元素插入此列表。

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java Program to Implement RoleUnresolvedList API

// Packages are imported whose methods
// will be used withinProgram
// Importing classes drom java.util package
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
// Importing javax.management package
import javax.management.MalformedObjectNameException;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.management.relation.RoleUnresolved;
import javax.management.relation.RoleUnresolvedList;

// Class
public class GFG

    private RoleUnresolvedList roleUnresolvedList;

    // Constructor 1
    // It Constructs an empty RoleUnresolvedList
    public GFG()
        roleUnresolvedList = new RoleUnresolvedList();

    // Constructor 2
    // Constructs an empty RoleUnresolvedList
    // with the initial capacity specified
    public GFG(int initialCapacity)

            = new RoleUnresolvedList(initialCapacity);

    // Constructor 3
    // It Constructs a RoleUnresolvedList containing
    // the elements of the List specified
    public GFG(List<RoleUnresolved> list)

        roleUnresolvedList = new RoleUnresolvedList(list);

    // Method 1
    // Inserts the specified element at the specified
    // position in this list
    public void add(int index, Object element)

        roleUnresolvedList.add(index, element);

    // Method 2
    // Inserts the unresolved role specified as an element
    // at the position specified.
    public void add(int index, RoleUnresolved role)
        roleUnresolvedList.add(index, role);

    // Method 3
    // Appends the specified element to the end of this list
    public boolean add(Object o)
        return roleUnresolvedList.add(o);

    // Method 4
    // Adds the RoleUnresolved specified as the last element
    // of the list
    public void add(RoleUnresolved role)

    // Method 5
    // Appends all of the elements in the specified
    // collection to the end of list, in the order that they
    // are returned by the specified collection's Iterator.
    public boolean addAll(Collection<?> c)
        return roleUnresolvedList.addAll(c);

    // Method 6
    // Inserts all of the elements in the specified
    // collection into this list, starting at the specified
    // position
    public boolean addAll(int index, Collection<?> c)
        return roleUnresolvedList.addAll(index, c);

    // Method 7
    // Inserts all of the elements in the RoleUnresolvedList
    // specified into list, starting at the specified
    // position, in the order in which they are returned by
    // the Iterator of the RoleUnresolvedList specified.
    public boolean addAll(int index,
                          RoleUnresolvedList roleList)
        return this.roleUnresolvedList.addAll(index,

    // Method 8
    // Appends all the elements in the RoleUnresolvedList
    // specified to the end of the list, in the order in
    // which they are returned by the Iterator o the
    // RoleUnresolvedList specified.
    public boolean addAll(RoleUnresolvedList roleList)
        return roleList.addAll(roleList);

    // Method 9
    // Return a view of this list as a List<RoleUnresolved>
    public List<RoleUnresolved> asList()
        return roleUnresolvedList.asList();

    // Method 10
    // Replaces the element at the specified position in
    // this list with the specified element
    public Object set(int index, Object element)
        return roleUnresolvedList.set(index, element);

    // Method 11
    // Sets the element at the position
    // specified to be the unresolved role specified.
    public void set(int index, RoleUnresolved role)
        roleUnresolvedList.set(index, role);

    // Method 12
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] arg)
        throws MalformedObjectNameException
        // Creating object of GFG class
        GFG roleUnresolvedList = new GFG();

        // Creating a List object
        // Declaring List of type ObjectName
        List<ObjectName> rolelist1
            = new LinkedList<ObjectName>();

        // Adding elements to above object
        // Custom inputs
            new ObjectName("domain1", "key1", "value1"));
            new ObjectName("domain2", "key2", "value2"));
            new RoleUnresolved("rolename1", rolelist1, 1));

        // Creating another List object
        List<ObjectName> roleList2
            = new LinkedList<ObjectName>();

        // Adding elements to above object
        // Custom inputs
            new ObjectName("domain3", "key3", "value3"));
            new ObjectName("domain4", "key4", "value4"));
            new RoleUnresolved("rolename2", roleList2, 2));

        // Creating(declaring) object of type RoleUnresolved
        List<RoleUnresolved> list
            = roleUnresolvedList.asList();

        // Initialising variable count
        int index = 0;

        // Condition check using size() method in List
        while (index < list.size())

            // Print the elements
            System.out.println(list.get(index++) + "\t");

        // As the condition fails
        // jump to new line


role name: rolename1; value: domain1:key1=value1, domain2:key2=value2; problem type: 1    
role name: rolename2; value: domain3:key3=value3, domain4:key4=value4; problem type: 2