检查给定形式的非常大数是否为 3 的倍数。

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/check-what-大数-给定-形式-倍数-3/

考虑一个很长的 K 位数 N,数字 d 0 ,d 1 ,…,d K-1 (以十进制表示;d 0 为最高有效位,d K-1 为最低有效位。这个数字太大了,不能明确给出或写下来;取而代之的是,只给出它的起始数字和构造剩余数字的方法。 具体给你 d 0 和 d1;对于每个 i ≥ 2,d i 是所有前面(更有效)数字的和,模 10,更正式– 确定 N 是否为 3 的倍数。

约束: 2≤K≤1012T5】1≤d0≤9 0≤d1≤9


Input : K = 13, d0 = 8, d1 = 1
Output : YES

说明:整数 N 是 8198624862486 ,可被 3 整除, 所以答案是肯定的。

Input :  K = 5, d0 = 3, d1 = 4
Output : NO

说明:整数 N 是 34748 ,不能被 3 整除, 所以答案是否定的。

方法 1(蛮力)

我们可以应用蛮力方法,利用迭代构造数时给出的条件(前面数的和以 10 为模)计算整数 N,并检查该数是否能被 3 整除。但是由于位数(K)可以大到 10 12 ,我们不能将其存储为整数,因为它将非常大于“long long int”的最大范围。因此,下面是确定 N 是否是 3 的倍数的有效方法。

方法 2(高效)

解决方案背后的关键思想是,在长度为 4 的周期中,数字在一段时间后开始重复。首先,我们将找到所有数字的和,然后确定它是否能被 3 整除。

我们知道 d0和 d 1 。 d2=(d【0】+d)% 10 =(d】 (d0+d1)% 10 类似, d4=(d3+d+2+1+d+0)% 10 =(4 % 10 =8 (d0+d1)% 10 d6=(d5+++d % 10* 【d】【7】=(d【6】++【d】+【1】+d【0】)% 10 = 12 (d【0】

如果我们继续在 d i 上寻找,我们会看到结果只是围绕相同的值(2,4,8,6)循环。 此处循环长度为 4,d 2 不在循环中。因此,在 d 2 之后,周期开始形成,长度为 4,从(2,4,8,6)中的任何值开始,但是以相同的顺序给出连续四个数字的总和 S = 2 + 4 + 8 + 6 = 20。因此,整数的位数总和为= d0+d1+d2+S *(k–3)/4+x,其中前三个术语将由 d 0 、d 1 、d 2 涵盖,之后的 4 组将由 S 涵盖。但由于(k–3)可能不是 4 的倍数, 剩下的一些数字将被 x 覆盖,x 可以通过运行一个循环来计算,因为这些项的数量将小于 4。

例如当 K = 13 时, 位数之和= d0+d1+d2+S *(13–3)/4+x = d0+d1+d2+S * 2+x, 其中第一个 S 将有 d 3 【T19 d 6 秒 S 将有 d 7 ,d 8 ,d 9 ,d 10 和 x = d11+d12

  • d11= 2 *(d0+d1)% 10
  • d12= 4 *(d0+d1)% 10



// CPP Program to determine if
// number N of given form is
// divisible by 3 or not
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// function returns true if number N is
// divisible by 3 otherwise false,
// dig0 - most significant digit
// dig1 - 2nd most significant digit
// K - number of digits
bool multipleOfThree(int K, int dig0, int dig1)
    // sum of digits
    long long int sum = 0;

    // store the sum of first two digits
    // modulo 10 in a temporary variable
    int temp = (dig0 + dig1) % 10;

    sum = dig0 + dig1;

    // if the number N is a two digit number
    if (K == 2) {
        if (sum % 3 == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    // add temp to sum to get the sum
    // of first three digits which are
    // not a part of cycle
    sum += temp;

    // get the number of groups in cycle
    long long int numberofGroups = (K - 3) / 4;

    // get the remaining number of digits
    int remNumberofDigits = (K - 3) % 4;

    // if temp = 5 or temp = 0 then sum of each group will
    // be 0
    if (temp == 5 || temp == 0)
        sum += (numberofGroups * 0);

        // add sum of 20 for each group (2, 4, 8, 6)
        sum += (numberofGroups * 20);

    // find the remaining sum of remaining digits
    for (int i = 0; i < remNumberofDigits; i++) {
        temp = (2 * temp) % 10;
        sum += temp;

    // check if it is divisible by 3 or not
    if (sum % 3 == 0)
        return true;
        return false;

// Driver Code
int main()
    int K = 5, dig0 = 3, dig1 = 4;
    if (multipleOfThree(K, dig0, dig1))
        cout << "YES" << endl;
        cout << "NO" << endl;

    K = 10;
    dig0 = 3;
    dig1 = 2;
    if (multipleOfThree(K, dig0, dig1))
        cout << "YES" << endl;
        cout << "NO" << endl;
    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java Program to determine if
// number N of given form is
// divisible by 3 or not
import java.io.*;

public class GFG {

    // function returns true if number N is
    // divisible by 3 otherwise false,
    // dig0 - most significant digit
    // dig1 - 2nd most significant digit
    // K - number of digits
    static boolean multipleOfThree(int K, int dig0,
                                   int dig1)

        // sum of digits
        long sum = 0;

        // store the sum of first two digits
        // modulo 10 in a temporary variable
        int temp = (dig0 + dig1) % 10;

        sum = dig0 + dig1;

        // if the number N is a two digit number
        if (K == 2) {
            if (sum % 3 == 0)
                return true;
                return false;

        // add temp to sum to get the sum
        // of first three digits which are
        // not a part of cycle
        sum += temp;

        // get the number of groups in cycle
        long numberofGroups = (K - 3) / 4;

        // get the remaining number of digits
        int remNumberofDigits = (K - 3) % 4;

        // add sum of 20 for each group (2, 4, 8, 6)
        sum += (numberofGroups * 20);

        // find the remaining sum of
        // remaining digits
        for (int i = 0; i < remNumberofDigits; i++) {
            temp = (2 * temp) % 10;
            sum += temp;

        // check if it is divisible by 3 or not
        if (sum % 3 == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    // Driver Code
    static public void main(String[] args)
        int K = 5, dig0 = 3, dig1 = 4;
        if (multipleOfThree(K, dig0, dig1))

// This code is contributed by vt_m.

Python 3

# Python 3 Program to determine if
# number N of given form is
# divisible by 3 or not

# function returns true if number N
# is divisible by 3 otherwise false,
# dig0 - most significant digit
# dig1 - 2nd most significant digit
# K - number of digits

def multipleOfThree(K, dig0, dig1):

    # sum of digits
    sum = 0

    # store the sum of first two digits
    # modulo 10 in a temporary variable
    temp = (dig0 + dig1) % 10

    sum = dig0 + dig1

    # if the number N is a
    # two digit number
    if (K == 2):
        if (sum % 3 == 0):
            return True
            return False

    # add temp to sum to get the sum
    # of first three digits which are
    # not a part of cycle
    sum += temp

    # get the number of groups in cycle
    numberofGroups = (K - 3) // 4

    # get the remaining number of digits
    remNumberofDigits = (K - 3) % 4

    # add sum of 20 for each
    # group (2, 4, 8, 6)
    sum += (numberofGroups * 20)

    # find the remaining sum of
    # remaining digits
    for i in range(remNumberofDigits):
        temp = (2 * temp) % 10
        sum += temp

    # check if it is divisible
    # by 3 or not
    if (sum % 3 == 0):
        return True
        return False

# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    K = 5
    dig0 = 3
    dig1 = 4
    if (multipleOfThree(K, dig0, dig1)):

# This code is contributed by ChitraNayal


// C# Program to determine if
// number N of given form is
// divisible by 3 or not
using System;

class GFG {

    // function returns true if number N is
    // divisible by 3 otherwise false,
    // dig0 - most significant digit
    // dig1 - 2nd most significant digit
    // K - number of digits
    static bool multipleOfThree(int K, int dig0, int dig1)
        // sum of digits
        long sum = 0;

        // store the sum of first two digits
        // modulo 10 in a temporary variable
        int temp = (dig0 + dig1) % 10;

        sum = dig0 + dig1;

        // if the number N is
        // a two digit number
        if (K == 2) {
            if (sum % 3 == 0)
                return true;
                return false;

        // add temp to sum to get the sum
        // of first three digits which are
        // not a part of cycle
        sum += temp;

        // get the number of groups in cycle
        long numberofGroups = (K - 3) / 4;

        // get the remaining number of digits
        int remNumberofDigits = (K - 3) % 4;

        // add sum of 20 for each group (2, 4, 8, 6)
        sum += (numberofGroups * 20);

        // find the remaining sum of
        // remaining digits
        for (int i = 0; i < remNumberofDigits; i++) {
            temp = (2 * temp) % 10;
            sum += temp;

        // check if it is divisible by 3 or not
        if (sum % 3 == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    // Driver Code
    static public void Main(String[] args)
        int K = 5, dig0 = 3, dig1 = 4;
        if (multipleOfThree(K, dig0, dig1))

// This code is contributed by vt_m.

服务器端编程语言(Professional Hypertext Preprocessor 的缩写)

// PHP Program to determine if number N
// of given form is divisible by 3 or not

// function returns true if number N
// is divisible by 3 otherwise false,
// dig0 - most significant digit
// dig1 - 2nd most significant digit
// K - number of digits
function multipleOfThree($K, $dig0, $dig1)
    // sum of digits
    $sum = 0;

    // store the sum of first two digits
    // modulo 10 in a temporary variable
    $temp = ($dig0 + $dig1) % 10;

    $sum = $dig0 + $dig1;

    // if the number N is a
    // two digit number
    if ($K == 2)
        if ($sum % 3 == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    // add temp to sum to get the sum
    // of first three digits which are
    // not a part of cycle
    $sum += $temp;

    // get the number of groups in cycle
    $numberofGroups = (int)(($K - 3) / 4);

    // get the remaining number of digits
    $remNumberofDigits = ($K - 3) % 4;

    // add sum of 20 for each
    // group (2, 4, 8, 6)
    $sum += ($numberofGroups * 20);

    // find the remaining sum of
    // remaining digits
    for ($i = 0; $i < $remNumberofDigits; $i++)
        $temp = (2 * $temp) % 10;
        $sum += $temp;

    // check if it is divisible
    // by 3 or not
    if ($sum % 3 == 0)
        return true;
        return false;

// Driver Code
$K = 5;
$dig0 = 3;
$dig1 = 4;
if (multipleOfThree($K, $dig0, $dig1))

// This code is contributed by mits

java 描述语言


// JavaScript Program to determine if
// number N of given form is
// divisible by 3 or not

// function returns true if number N is
// divisible by 3 otherwise false,
// dig0 - most significant digit
// dig1 - 2nd most significant digit
// K - number of digits
function multipleOfThree(K, dig0, dig1)
    // sum of digits
    let sum = 0;

    // store the sum of first two digits
    // modulo 10 in a temporary variable
    let temp = (dig0 + dig1) % 10;

    sum = dig0 + dig1;

    // if the number N is a two digit number
    if (K == 2) {
        if (sum % 3 == 0)
            return true;
            return false;

    // add temp to sum to get the sum
    // of first three digits which are
    // not a part of cycle
    sum += temp;

    // get the number of groups in cycle
    let numberofGroups = parseInt((K - 3) / 4);

    // get the remaining number of digits
    let remNumberofDigits = (K - 3) % 4;

    // if temp = 5 or temp = 0 then sum of each group will
    // be 0
    if (temp == 5 || temp == 0)
        sum += (numberofGroups * 0);

        // add sum of 20 for each group (2, 4, 8, 6)
        sum += (numberofGroups * 20);

    // find the remaining sum of remaining digits
    for (let i = 0; i < remNumberofDigits; i++) {
        temp = (2 * temp) % 10;
        sum += temp;

    // check if it is divisible by 3 or not
    if (sum % 3 == 0)
        return true;
        return false;

// Driver Code
    let K = 5, dig0 = 3, dig1 = 4;
    if (multipleOfThree(K, dig0, dig1))

    K = 10;
    dig0 = 3;
    dig1 = 2;
    if (multipleOfThree(K, dig0, dig1))




时间复杂度:O(1) T3】辅助空间: O(1)