
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/check-直角-可能-给定面积-斜边/



Input  : 6 5
Output : 3 4 5

Input  : 10 6
Output : -1 

我们已经在下面的帖子中讨论了这个问题的解决方案。 从给定的斜边和面积中找出直角三角形的所有边|集合 1 在这篇文章中,讨论了一个具有以下逻辑的新解法。 假设两个未知边为 a 和 b 面积:A = 0.5 * a * b 斜边正方形:H^2 = a^2 + b^2 代入 b,重新排列得到 h2= a2+(4 * a2)/a2t16】, 我们得到方程 A4–(H2)(A2)+4 (A2) 这个方程的判别式 D 将是 D = H4–16 (A2) 如果 D = 0,那么根由线性方程公式给出,根=(-b+-sqrt(D))/2 *


// C++ program to check existence of
// right triangle.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Prints three sides of a right triangle
// from given area and hypotenuse if triangle
// is possible, else prints -1.
void findRightAngle(int A, int H)
    // Descriminant of the equation
    long D = pow(H, 4) - 16 * A * A;

    if (D >= 0)
        // applying the linear equation
        // formula to find both the roots
        long root1 = (H * H + sqrt(D)) / 2;
        long root2 = (H * H - sqrt(D)) / 2;

        long a = sqrt(root1);
        long b = sqrt(root2);

        if (b >= a)
        cout << a << " " << b << " " << H;
        cout << b << " " << a << " " << H;
        cout << "-1";

// Driver code
int main()
    findRightAngle(6, 5);


// This code is contributed By Anant Agarwal.

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to check existence of
// right triangle.

class GFG {

    // Prints three sides of a right triangle
    // from given area and hypotenuse if triangle
    // is possible, else prints -1.
    static void findRightAngle(double A, double H)
        // Descriminant of the equation
        double D = Math.pow(H, 4) - 16 * A * A;

        if (D >= 0)
            // applying the linear equation
            // formula to find both the roots
            double root1 = (H * H + Math.sqrt(D)) / 2;
            double root2 = (H * H - Math.sqrt(D)) / 2;

            double a = Math.sqrt(root1);
            double b = Math.sqrt(root2);
            if (b >= a)
                System.out.print(a + " " + b + " " + H);
                System.out.print(b + " " + a + " " + H);

    // Driver code
    public static void main(String arg[])
        findRightAngle(6, 5);

// This code is contributed by Anant Agarwal.


# Python program to check existence of
# right triangle.
from math import sqrt

# Prints three sides of a right triangle
# from given area and hypotenuse if triangle
# is possible, else prints -1.
def findRightAngle(A, H):

    # Descriminant of the equation
    D = pow(H,4) - 16 * A * A
    if D >= 0:

        # applying the linear equation
        # formula to find both the roots
        root1 = (H * H + sqrt(D))/2
        root2 = (H * H - sqrt(D))/2

        a = sqrt(root1)
        b = sqrt(root2)
        if b >= a:
            print a, b, H
            print b, a, H
        print "-1"

# Driver code
# Area is 6 and hypotenuse is 5.
findRightAngle(6, 5)


// C# program to check existence of
// right triangle.
using System;

class GFG {

    // Prints three sides of a right triangle
    // from given area and hypotenuse if triangle
    // is possible, else prints -1.
    static void findRightAngle(double A, double H)

        // Descriminant of the equation
        double D = Math.Pow(H, 4) - 16 * A * A;

        if (D >= 0) {

            // applying the linear equation
            // formula to find both the roots
            double root1 = (H * H + Math.Sqrt(D)) / 2;
            double root2 = (H * H - Math.Sqrt(D)) / 2;

            double a = Math.Sqrt(root1);
            double b = Math.Sqrt(root2);

            if (b >= a)
                Console.WriteLine(a + " " + b + " " + H);
                Console.WriteLine(b + " " + a + " " + H);

    // Driver code
    public static void Main()
        findRightAngle(6, 5);

// This code is contributed by vt_m.

服务器端编程语言(Professional Hypertext Preprocessor 的缩写)

// PHP program to check existence of
// right triangle.

// Prints three sides of a right triangle
// from given area and hypotenuse if
// triangle is possible, else prints -1.
function findRightAngle($A, $H)

    // Descriminant of the equation
    $D = pow($H, 4) - 16 * $A * $A;

    if ($D >= 0)

        // applying the linear equation
        // formula to find both the roots
        $root1 = ($H * $H + sqrt($D)) / 2;
        $root2 = ($H * $H - sqrt($D)) / 2;

        $a = sqrt($root1);
        $b = sqrt($root2);

        if ($b >= $a)
            echo $a , " ", $b , " " , $H;
        echo $b , " " , $a , " " , $H;
        echo "-1";

    // Driver code
    findRightAngle(6, 5);

// This code is contributed By Anuj_67

java 描述语言


// Javascript program to check existence of
// right triangle.

// Prints three sides of a right triangle
// from given area and hypotenuse if triangle
// is possible, else prints -1.
function findRightAngle(A,H)
    // Descriminant of the equation
    let D = Math.pow(H, 4) - 16 * A * A;

    if (D >= 0)
        // applying the linear equation
        // formula to find both the roots
        let root1 = (H * H + Math.sqrt(D)) / 2;
        let root2 = (H * H - Math.sqrt(D)) / 2;

        let a = Math.sqrt(root1);
        let b = Math.sqrt(root2);

        if (b >= a)
       document.write(a + " " + b + " " + H+"<br/>");
       document.write(b + " " + a + " " + H+"<br/>");

// Driver code

    findRightAngle(6, 5);

// This code contributed by Rajput-Ji



3 4 5

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