
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/check-bishop-can-down-典当-or-not/

给定一个主教和一个棋子8 * 8 棋盘上的位置,任务是检查主教是否能一步拿下棋子。主教和棋子的位置用棋盘的行列号来表示。 举例:

输入: bishopX = 5,bishopY = 5,BoNx = 1,BoNy = 1 输出:输入: bishopX = 5,bishopY = 5,BoNx = 1,BoNy = 3 输出:

进场:在一局棋中,毕肖普只能对角移动,每次移动的距离没有限制。如果以毕肖普的位置为原点,可以得出毕肖普只能在 45 度、 135 度、 225 度、 315 度角度进行攻击。因此,主教只有在棋子所处的位置使得从其位置获得的斜率等于 45 度或 135 度或 225 度或 315 度角的切线时,才能攻击棋子。


Slope Equation


对于毕肖普的所有攻击角度(即 45°、135°、225°和 315°),斜率值将为 1 或-1。

tan(45)= 1 tan(135)=-1 tan(225)= 1 tan(315)=-1

因此,对于角度 45°和 225°,斜率方程为

x2–x1 = y2–y1T2】

对于角度 135 和 315,斜率方程为

-x2+x1 = y2–y1T2】

  1. 将毕肖普和典当的位置视为二维坐标上的点,检查两个等式中是否有任何一个为真
    • x2–x1 = y2–y1
    • -x2+x1 = y2–y1
  2. 否则打印



// C++ implementation of above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function that return true if
// the Bishop can take down the pawn
bool canTakeDown(int bishopX, int bishopY, int pawnX, int pawnY)

    // If pawn is at angle
    // 45 or 225 degree from
    // bishop's Position
    if (pawnX - bishopX == pawnY - bishopY)
        return true;

    // If pawn is at angle
    // 135 or 315 degree from
    // bishop's Position
    else if (-pawnX + bishopX == pawnY - bishopY)
        return true;

        return false;

// Driver code
int main()
    // Bishop's Position
    int bishopX = 5, bishopY = 5;

    // Pawn's Position
    int pawnX = 1, pawnY = 1;

    if (canTakeDown(bishopX, bishopY, pawnX, pawnY))
        cout << "Yes";
        cout << "No";

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java implementation of above approach
class GFG {

    // Function that return true if
    // the Bishop can take down the pawn
    static boolean canTakeDown(int bishopX, int bishopY, int pawnX, int pawnY)

        // If pawn is at angle
        // 45 or 225 degree from
        // bishop's Position
        if (pawnX - bishopX == pawnY - bishopY)
            return true;

        // If pawn is at angle
        // 135 or 315 degree from
        // bishop's Position
        else if (-pawnX + bishopX == pawnY - bishopY)
            return true;

            return false;

    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Bishop's Position
        int bishopX = 5, bishopY = 5;

        // Pawn's Position
        int pawnX = 1, pawnY = 1;

        if (canTakeDown(bishopX, bishopY, pawnX, pawnY))

Python 3

# Python3 implementation of above approach

# Function that return true if
# the Bishop can take down the pawn
def canTakeDown(bishopX, bishopY, pawnX, pawnY) :

    # If pawn is at angle
    # 45 or 225 degree from
    # bishop's Position
    if (pawnX - bishopX == pawnY - bishopY) :
        return True

    # If pawn is at angle
    # 135 or 315 degree from
    # bishop's Position
    elif (-pawnX + bishopX == pawnY - bishopY):
        return True

        return False

# Driver code

# Bishop's Position
bishopX = 5
bishopY = 5

# Pawn's Position
pawnX = 1
pawnY = 1

if (canTakeDown(bishopX, bishopY, pawnX, pawnY)) :
else :


// C# implementation of above approach
using System;
class GFG {

    // Function that return true if
    // the Bishop can take down the pawn
    static bool canTakeDown(int bishopX, int bishopY, int pawnX, int pawnY)

        // If pawn is at angle
        // 45 or 225 degree from
        // bishop's Position
        if (pawnX - bishopX == pawnY - bishopY)
            return true;

        // If pawn is at angle
        // 135 or 315 degree from
        // bishop's Position
        else if (-pawnX + bishopX == pawnY - bishopY)
            return true;

            return false;

    // Driver code
    public static void Main()
        // Bishop's Position
        int bishopX = 5, bishopY = 5;

        // Pawn's Position
        int pawnX = 1, pawnY = 1;

        if (canTakeDown(bishopX, bishopY, pawnX, pawnY))

服务器端编程语言(Professional Hypertext Preprocessor 的缩写)

// PHP implementation of above approach

// Function that return true if
// the Bishop can take down the pawn
function canTakeDown($bishopX, $bishopY,
                       $pawnX, $pawnY)

    // If pawn is at angle
    // 45 or 225 degree from
    // bishop's Position
    if ($pawnX -
        $bishopX == $pawnY - $bishopY)
        return true;

    // If pawn is at angle
    // 135 or 315 degree from
    // bishop's Position
    else if (-$pawnX +
              $bishopX == $pawnY -
        return true;

        return false;

// Driver code

// Bishop's Position
$bishopX = 5;
$bishopY = 5;

// Pawn's Position
$pawnX = 1;
$pawnY = 1;

if (canTakeDown($bishopX, $bishopY,
                $pawnX, $pawnY))
    echo "Yes";
    echo "No";

// This code is contributed by jit_t

java 描述语言


// Javascript implementation of above approach

// Function that return true if
// the Bishop can take down the pawn
function canTakeDown(bishopX, bishopY, pawnX, pawnY)

    // If pawn is at angle
    // 45 or 225 degree from
    // bishop's Position
    if (pawnX - bishopX == pawnY - bishopY)
        return true;

    // If pawn is at angle
    // 135 or 315 degree from
    // bishop's Position
    else if (-pawnX + bishopX == pawnY - bishopY)
        return true;

        return false;

// Driver code
// Bishop's Position
var bishopX = 5, bishopY = 5;
// Pawn's Position
var pawnX = 1, pawnY = 1;
if (canTakeDown(bishopX, bishopY, pawnX, pawnY))
    document.write( "Yes");
    document.write( "No");


