
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/check-如果两个给定的有理数相等或不相等/

给定两个代表非负数有理数字符串 ST ,任务是检查 ST 的值是否相等。如果发现为真,则打印“是”。否则,打印“否”


  • <整数部分> (例如 0、12、123)
  • <内部部分> <。> <非重复部分> (例如 0.5,1。, 2.12, 2.0001)
  • <内部部分> <。> <非重复部分> < ( > <重复部分> < ) > (例如 0.1(6)、0.9(9)、0.00(1212))


输入:S =“0”。(52)”、T =“0.5(25)” 输出: YES 解释: 有理数“0。(52)“可以表示为 0.52525252……” 有理数“0.5(25)”可以表示为 0.525252525……。 因此,要求的输出为“是”。

输入:S =“0.9(9)”,T =“1。” 输出: YES 说明: 有理数“0.9(9)”可以表示为 0.9999999999……,等于 1。 有理数“1”可以表示为数字 1。 因此,要求的输出为“是”。


十进制扩展的重复部分通常用一对圆括号表示。 例如:1 / 6 = 0.1666666…= 0.1(6)= 0.1666(6)= 0.166(66) 0.1(6)或 0.1666(6)或 0.166(66)都是 1/6 的正确表示。


设 x = 0.5(25) —> (1) 整数部分= 0,非重复部分= 5,重复部分= 25 将等式(1)的两边乘以 10 的非重复部分长度的幂,即 10 * x = 5。(25) — > (2) 将等式(1)的两边乘以 10 的幂(非重复部分的长度+重复部分的长度),1000 * x = 525。(25) — > (3) 从方程式(3) 中减去方程式(2)1000 * x–10 * x = 525。(25)-5.(25) 990 * x = 520 x = 520/990



Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program to implement
// the above approach
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

class GFG {

    // Function to check if the string S and T
    // are equal or not
    public static boolean isRationalEqual(String s,
                                          String t)

        // Stores the fractional part of s
        Fraction f1 = Rational.parse(s).toFraction();

        // Stores the fractional part of t
        Fraction f2 = Rational.parse(t).toFraction();

        // If the condition satisfies, returns true
        // otherwise return false
        return f1.p * f2.q == f2.p * f1.q;

    // Rational class having integer, non-repeating
    // and repeating part of the number
    public static class Rational {
        private final String integer, nonRepeating,

        // Constructor function to initialize
        // the object of the class
        private Rational(String integer,
                         String nonRepeating,
                         String repeating)

            // Stores integer part
            this.integer = integer;

            // Stores non repeating part
            this.nonRepeating = nonRepeating;

            // Stores repeating part
            this.repeating = repeating;

        // Function to split the string into
        // integer, repeating & non-repeating part
        public static Rational parse(String s)

            // Split s into parts
            String[] parts = s.split("[.()]");

            return new Rational(
                parts.length >= 1 ? parts[0] : "",
                parts.length >= 2 ? parts[1] : "",
                parts.length >= 3 ? parts[2] : "");

        // Function to convert the string
        // into fraction
        public Fraction toFraction()

            long a = tenpow(nonRepeating.length());
            long i = Long.parseLong(integer + nonRepeating);

            // If there is no repeating part, then
            // form a new fraction of the form i/a
            if (repeating.length() == 0) {
                return new Fraction(i, a);

            // Otherwise
            else {
                long b = tenpow(nonRepeating.length()
                                + repeating.length());

                long j = Long.parseLong(
                    integer + nonRepeating + repeating);

                // Form the new Fraction and return
                return new Fraction(j - i, b - a);

        public String toString()
            return String.format("%s.%s(%s)", integer,
                                 nonRepeating, repeating);

    // Fraction class having numerator as p
    // and denominator as q
    public static class Fraction {
        private final long p, q;

        // Constructor function to initialize
        // the object of the class
        private Fraction(long p, long q)
            this.p = p;
            this.q = q;

        public String toString()
            return String.format("%d/%d", p, q);

    // Function to find 10 raised
    // to power of x
    public static long tenpow(int x)
        assert x >= 0;
        long r = 1;
        while (--x >= 0) {
            r *= 10;
        return r;

    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)

        // Given S and T
        String S = "0.(52)", T = "0.5(25)";

        // Function Call
        if (isRationalEqual(S, T)) {
        else {


        // Print result



时间复杂度: O(N),其中 N 是 S 和 T 的最大长度 辅助空间: O(1)