
原文:https://www . geeksforgeeks . org/check-如果给定的字符串是线性或非线性/

给定字符串 str ,任务是检查给定字符串是否是线性的。如果是线性,则打印“是”否则打印“否”

让字符串为“abcdefghij”。可以分解为: 【a】 【BC】 【def】 【ghij】 如果字符 a、b、c 和相等,那么给定的字符串是线性的,否则不是。 因此,如果字符串的形式为“xxabxabcxabcdxabdexab……”那么它被称为线性字符串


输入:str = " aapaxayaziabcde " 输出:解释:T8】a AP axy ayzi abcde 所有断串的字符都与第一个字符相同。 输入: str = "bbobfycd" 输出:No T21【解释: b bo bfy CD 这里 b=b=b!=c

方法:要检查给定字符串的形式是否为“xxabxabcxabcdexaab……”那么我们必须检查索引 0、1、3、6、10、… 处的字符是否相等。 如果上述索引处的所有字符相等,则给定的字符串为线性字符串,否则不相等。



// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function to check if the given
// string is linear or not
int is_linear(string s)
    int tmp = 0;

    char first = s[0];

    // Iterate over string
    for (int pos = 0; pos < s.length();
        pos += tmp) {

        // If character is not same as
        // the first character then
        // return false
        if (s[pos] != first) {
            return false;

        // Increment the tmp

    return true;

// Driver Code
int main()
    // Given String str
    string str = "aapaxyayziabcde";

    // Function Call
    if (is_linear(str)) {
        cout << "Yes" << endl;
    else {
        cout << "No" << endl;

    return 0;

Java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.*;

class GFG{

// Function to check if the given
// string is linear or not
static boolean is_linear(String s)
    int tmp = 0;
    char first = s.charAt(0);

    // Iterate over string
    for(int pos = 0; pos < s.length();
            pos += tmp)

        // If character is not same as
        // the first character then
        // return false
        if (s.charAt(pos) != first)
            return false;

        // Increment the tmp
    return true;

// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)

    // Given String str
    String str = "aapaxyayziabcde";

    // Function call
    if (is_linear(str))

// This code is contributed by offbeat

Python 3

# Python3 program for the above approach

# Function to check if the given
# is linear or not
def is_linear(s):

    tmp = 0
    first = s[0]
    pos = 0

    # Iterate over string
    while pos < len(s):

        # If character is not same as
        # the first character then
        # return false
        if (s[pos] != first):
            return False

        # Increment the tmp
        tmp += 1
        pos += tmp

    return True

# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Given String str
    str = "aapaxyayziabcde"

    # Function call
    if (is_linear(str)):

# This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29


// C# program for the above approach
using System;

class GFG{

// Function to check if the given
// string is linear or not
static bool is_linear(String s)
    int tmp = 0;
    char first = s[0];

    // Iterate over string
    for(int pos = 0; pos < s.Length;
            pos += tmp)

        // If character is not same as
        // the first character then
        // return false
        if (s[pos] != first)
            return false;

        // Increment the tmp
    return true;

// Driver code
public static void Main(String[] args)

    // Given String str
    String str = "aapaxyayziabcde";

    // Function call
    if (is_linear(str))

// This code is contributed by grand_master

java 描述语言


// Javascript program for the above approach

// Function to check if the given
// string is linear or not
function is_linear(s)
    let tmp = 0;
    let first = s[0];

    // Iterate over string
    for(let pos = 0; pos < s.length;
            pos += tmp)

        // If character is not same as
        // the first character then
        // return false
        if (s[pos] != first)
            return false;

        // Increment the tmp
    return true;

// Driver Code

    // Given String str
    let str = "aapaxyayziabcde";

    // Function call
    if (is_linear(str))




时间复杂度:O(log N) T5】辅助空间: O(1)